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Posts posted by Sam

  1. Thanks for the comments ppl, I really do appreciate them :) I love seeing mospeada as well Jung, it just doesn't get the same love for some reason heh

    Dyo, I just did the armour for that little 1J, shaded it up even without white ... I might try and put a pic here, but i am wanting to do a 'progress shots ' thread for it, but trust me mate, Im doing it now I found it LOL

    Sidearms, I used the base figure electra with custom hair made from two part putty. I gave her the Jim Lee outfit, or my best effort anyways, cuz I have always loved his art! I saw that statue I think you are talking bout and one i saw was chubby??? and the other had a strange face... dunno why they dont get it right..*sigh*

    n thanks Anubis, I only wish it was lifesize :lol::lol::lol:

    heres a pic of the fully painted helmet and Cannon, let me know what you ppl reckon on the transparent vs solid colour helmet.. Im undecided...

    Im not gluing the visor in place, so it can be posed, so I can see Fukes face detail, or just looks more anime with it closed ! kinda torn on the issue..


  2. :)

    They actually aren't that glossy, I just suck at photos and using flash :D

    I was totally stoked how Archangel turned out, I made my own design wings in a set of four. Came up nice i reckons =) This is the colour he should have been to represent a Horseman of the Apocolypse, Dark and evil! LOL

    Also I just painted the Cannon I made for Fuke/Rook, and it looks a lot better, pretty close to the reala thing. Gonna post a pic tomorrow if I have time. =) Also painted her helmet visor dark blue, the see through just wasn't working for me, now it it looks more anime



  3. Next... checkin out the ass... LOL

    I had fun using black paint and airbrushing 'exhaust' fumes onto both the rockets and the exhausts, I found it probably the funnest part of the whole painting!  :D

    Decals were a little bit of a paint though if its all glued together, but I reckon tweezers and those ear cleaner things help heaps! lets u move the decals around and the earbud things let you soak up the excess moisture without moving the decal too much.. =)


    Nice work.


    But don't they run on hydrogen? The only thing being exhausted should be water.


    LOL. Thanks mate .. :)

    dont say that about the exhaust.. hydrogen wont let me play with the blackpaint in the airbrush! :o

    I would give exhaust stains to a model of a kettle given half a chance ! Im telling ya, ppl are missing out if they aren't putting exhaust stains on ! heh


  4. Oh, and Dyo*if ur still out there :p * I have found the SD -1J, and have started bits and pieces to it, so heres a pic of its run down, but at the moment im only gluing and sanding *.. damn, I need some of that Mr Surfacer!! ugh. has to be better...*

    But I just got the SV in the mail, so Im kinda more excited bout making it, but with it Im gonna be doing a night assault colour scheme =) * cool way of saying black LOL*

    but will be in the next few weeks, will probably start up a new PROGRESS SHOTS thread then, if anyones interested that is...

    looking forward to the feedback ppl! lay ur insights on me! :D

    Ive still got a half made mospeada im gonna do in Rands config too.. might have to get onto it... heheh

    over and out.



  5. Now this is my hybrid cannon for her.. just not complete without one.. its a combination of a pen, Stereo adaptor, model sprues, a small led, and whatever else I can find. Couldnt' really find a good pic of her cannon, so this will just have to do, looks kinda the part, just need to bore out the gun tip more and paint it up!!



  6. Next... checkin out the ass... LOL

    I had fun using black paint and airbrushing 'exhaust' fumes onto both the rockets and the exhausts, I found it probably the funnest part of the whole painting! :D

    Decals were a little bit of a paint though if its all glued together, but I reckon tweezers and those ear cleaner things help heaps! lets u move the decals around and the earbud things let you soak up the excess moisture without moving the decal too much.. =)


  7. Well Im back, after finally putting the last touches on the Ride armour, I know its been a long time, so sue me ! :D I just been doing other stuff, * which Im gonna show off as well cuz its custom related!

    The ride armour is now fully painted, had a couple of clear coates, a black oil paint wash, and 99% decaled! :) Im even working on a Cannon for her, which i took a photo of as well..

    check out the pix and tell me what you reckon ppl!


  8. Hmm, I have seen the *small* pix of the ones ur talking bout Leposeur, and I kinda amused myself thinking ' they look really squat and short', but thats kinda how they are anyway in the manga ! LOL. I think those came out first actually! =)

    Those ones Myriad has pointed to are the ones I ordered, and I know they are at home*my other home* but have to wait to find out which ones came through.. damn, might have to do tradesies with someone to 'catch em all ' heheh

    Eriku, that has to be the BEST idea I have heard for a while! SOC Tach, or better, FUCHICOMA! oh that would be so cooll... and they could have an articulated motoko kinda like that little Evangelion comic figure Rei*that still hasn't come out yet ugh* that sits inside as a pilot, and can pose it with hatch open or close! What an awesome thought! Man, gotta stop this thinking bout things that wont happen *sigh*

    btw, I gots me on order a box set of the Japanese GITS SAC 1-16 with 2nd GIG, the second season, on DVD eps 1-4! I am so looking forward to this as I have only just like downloaded and watched up to ep 13.

    Now I better go do my gardening I had to do.... :)

    *wanders off...........


  9. I wonder if Bumblebee is feeling a tad nervous at the moment hmmm? Nuthin like an armed escort!! :D

    *i have that bumblebee too, red like cliffjumper, but defineatly the 'bee, he was my first transformer! ahh. the memories... sigh...*

    I ordered a box of those SAC figures from HLJ, Im hoping I got a tachi !! Is anyone else hardcore on this series as well?? I know I am at the moment! Can anyone tell me how good the face sculpts are ? Myriad? Le poseur>? Ihope they look alright..

    "Mellow Yellow Posted on Mar 27 2004, 01:28 AM

    They need a Saito figure. Saito owns with all his sniper rifles "

    Totally agree with you there mate! Saito Rules! But quite frankly I want one of all the team really! heheheheh.. :D


    edit spelling.

  10. Ahh, that site proved to be an interesting read! Thanks for that !

    Tell ya what though, now im confused whether to get or not. I love GITS, so Im leaning towards ' get and maybe be a little dissappointed but my fandom will overcome its inconsistencies!' :D

    I wish I had a fast net connection so I could download, see if i like, then import it!


  11. Hey thanks for the heads up. I must admit im saddened to hear it sux in those ways you pointed out, I was really looking forward to it. Might have to give it a miss on importing, maybe wait for a local relese to pick it up cheaper. =(

    I was really enjoying the series, hoped the game would be the same! The old PS1 game rocked in my opinion!

    Thanks again mate. :)


  12. hmmmmmmmmmm....



    ....awesome...........!! :blink:

    damn, thats gonna make me dust off my airbrush and bring it outta its short retirement......... thats just too cewl to ignore.... :)


  13. the scanlations done by the legends at www.thehawks.org are fantastic, they fill you in on whats going on from the Manga, the oh-glorious-darkness-that-is-berserk. Big download, but well worth it, until the graphic novels are brought out by Darkhorse, this is all you have access too to fill up ur berserk needs....=)

    You need bittorrent to download it, and dont ask how to do it from the online forum, you will be flamed badly and maybe banned.

    So Download bitorrent, go to the link above, click on downloads, it will show another version of the same page with a links page in a box at the top right .

    follow the links to do the downloads and add patience...

    *something else thats an interesting read from the same site, 20th century boys, its different, but im hangin out to see what happens*

    have fun .....

    now to go back into hiding............

  14. Strafe and banking done with L1 and R1 Shoulder buttons, makes you turn faster in plane mode doing so.

    Technically, the L1 & R1 buttons in Fighter mode are the Yaw control (I Think?).


    When in Gerwalk or battroid, shoulder buttons will strafe. But when i am banking around in the game and then use the shoulder buttons it seems to help turn tighter. Maybe its not the same as what you guys are wanting, just works for me is all.

    I wish there was a way to mod the game in english, cuz i would enjoy it that little bit more i reckon ....

    so is there any rumours of expansion games to this yet or still too early for Bandai to talk bout that i guess....

  15. Thanks Murphy, I'll try that out tonight.

    Also, anybody know a way to do the classic quick decelerate and reverse thrust Gerwalk move.



    When you transform into gerwalk hold down the transform button, and it kicks into reverse, its an awesome move to do when being tailed closely!

    All rolls are done by tapping quickly left/right, front to back, back to front, in all modes, even battroid. No need to use thrust.

    Also, in battroid, thrust moves you up, but to go down again quickly push the left joystick down into the controller, the 'hidden' button of the ps2. that makes you crouch a little and go down quicker.

    The missiles are actually bracketted in this game to I believe, just damn hard to see em! Usually targetting in battroid the offending missile carrying units, you will then see the little brackets being 'fired' especially fighting the Quadleauun Raus, zillions of brackets hitting ya!

    I really like this game, but I really really want to know from the programmers if there is any hope of unlocking other cool 'different' valks, or maybe an expansion pack or something cuz its way too short...

    hope this helps :)

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