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Doctor Reggae

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Posts posted by Doctor Reggae

  1. Part of the cool thing is that the WWI Jetfire that Don drew was actually based off of a fanfic character he made called Strikefire, back when he was doing his own fan series called Macromasters. Between the WWI toys and Cybertron Starscream, it's pretty cool to see his designs being given toy forms.

  2. In terms of the toys, Beast Machines was considered (from what I've heard) to not have been as successful as Hasbro would have wanted. This was largely due to most of the toys being inaccurate representations of the characters on TV. Stuff like the Beast Riders toys, which were non-transformable chariots that basic-sized figures could ride in, are probably a good example of this.

    As for the show, there never seems to be any middle ground; people either love it or hate it. Personally, I thought the show was excellent, and I'm glad they finally released it on DVD (even though I can't afford it right now). They're probably hoping people will buy it because of nostalgia, because it wraps up the Beast Era, and because it's sort of the coda to the G1-based universe.

  3. The new comic is pretty good. It's very different in style and presentation from the Dreamwave stuff, but I'm enjoying it. EJ Su's art, while not the flashiest (Don Figueroa is my favorite TF artist), tells the story well, and Simon Furman's pacing and characterizations are solid so far.

  4. From what I've read/heard, the Titanium line is going to be split into two figure sizes--the 3-inch non-transformables, and the 6-inch transformables; War Within Prime is a six-incher, I think.


    Lol a transformer that doesn't transform...


    Oh yeah...remember Action Masters? :p

  5. hey nobody thanked the rasta man for posting pics..... ;)


    looks like the shadow will shmoke ! ! ! :D:D:D

    Hey. no prob. But do I detect a hidden jest in "shmoke"? :pB))

    Keeping my fingers crossed on my red Alpha...just got notification from BBTS that it's shipping today or tomorrow...

  6. Whoops...put the wrong text in the quote box.

    Lynx...Feyd is right about Toynami being the only game in town. Since they've literally cornered and defined the market, they've got a hellacious advantage when it comes to pushing product. I was fortunate in that my Scott Bernard Alpha was solid throughout with no problems, but still...

  7. - jah live man! B))

    Lynx...Feyd is right about Toynami being the only game in town. Since they've literally cornered and defined the market, they've got a hellacious advantage when it comes to pushing product. I was fortunate in that my Scott Bernard Alpha was solid throughout with no problems, but still...


  8. Wow...I think I got lucky...I got my MPC Alpha in the mail today from Big Bad Toy Store, and after reading all the bad press, I was gritting my teeth. Thankfully, I seem to be one of the comparatively lucky few that have an Alpha that doesn't completely suck. Granted, one of the arms is a bit floppy, and I had a hell of a time transforming it back to fighter mode the first time, but that was it.

    The Alpha I have is # 03115.

  9. Terry, thank ya for the reply.

    Samurai, if you get the chance (and if you haven't already), I'd highly recommend that you read Bendis' "Powers" series; it's a great blend of crime fiction and super heroes. Bendis is always at his best when examining the motivation of the characters he's handling, which is why I'll probably always like him as a crime fiction writer first and foremost, and if they let him do that spin on Avengers, it should be good.

  10. Interesting looking team. I have to agree that I'm not keen on the idea of Wolvie being an Avenger, but if anyone can pull it off, it's Bendis. Glad to see Spidey back, though...I know he has about a million books of his own, but I was glad they made him a member way back.

    Who are the other two people in the picture? I can make out Cap, Wolvie, Iron Man, Spidey, and Spider-Woman.

  11. I actually kind of enjoy Grimlock as a Mustang, although I was originally thinking they'd make him into the Dodge Ram. And it's kind of cool that he has a different transformation scheme than the other Alts so far. Not sure if someone else posted this yet either, but apparently the Hasbro panel at OTFCC said that Sunstreaker would probably be an exclusive Alt, but no idea for which chain/store.

    Me, I'm still waiting for Alt Hound to show up around here.

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