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Doctor Reggae

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Posts posted by Doctor Reggae

  1. They should really change the name of that convention. Sounds like it's a gathering for......ahem, how can I saw it politely, those with a fetish for the backdoor exploration. :p


    Lol...I've never thought of it that way. <_<

    I haven't been to a BotCon in years...whenever I tell my girlfriend about it and she gets that horrified look in her eyes, I tell her that I'm actually the closest thing to normal at the convention. :)

  2. I was wondering when we'd get the fourth incarnation of this thread. :)

    Just picked up the 6 inch Titanium series Megatron--the tank version. Now that I've opened him, I'm kind of torn about the figure. On one hand, he looks pretty cool, and the die-cast construction is pretty solid. On the other hand, it took as long to get him out of the twist ties as it took me Armada Unicron...and he's floppy as hell. Really weak hip and shoulder joints.

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