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Doctor Reggae

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Posts posted by Doctor Reggae

  1. It's a possibility, but I am doubtful.

    I'm sure the idea of an alternate chronology threatens to push over some people's altars, but since mine was toppled by Mac 7, I'm open to anything these days. So long as it is plausible and well thought out, I'll give it a shot.

    The available information revealed thus far lends itself to the idea of an alternate timeline as a result of the time space event, but I'm sure we'll get confirmation either way before april...

    As it is, the series looks like it could very well resurrect Macross in pop culture. It's a human drama against enigmatic foes set in space with killer music, precisely what SDFM was... The 3D animation is akin to Mac Zero, but dialed back a bit to mesh much better with the 2D animation.

    It probably helps a lot to have a portion of the series already in the can before the show's premier to maintain high production levels per episode...

    LOL no doubt!

    Like what Hideaki Anno did with the Evangelion Finale... :p "I'll give you an ending, but you won't like it... :angry: "

    Zinjo and other have made mention of a time space event...I've been out of the Mac loop for a while, so I've been wondering what they're referring to.

  2. Cool enough...thank you for the possible heads-ups about the audio clip. Whatever the scenario, it does sound pretty good.

    As for the T-cracker repaint (maybe) of movie Starscream...if I have the money, I'll get him. I seem to be giving more preference to my jet-themed TF's right now.

  3. Actually, I was reading the Sentinels novels into my early 20's, and since RT was the end-all, be-all of anime storytelling for me at the time (except for Akira), I remember all of the plot elements pretty well, even from all of the Robotech novels.

    The trick for me will be to judge (initially, at least) TSC's animation in comparison to the original RT series. I've seen Mac Zero and Plus, but I'd like to look at TSC visually as its own entity compared to the original animation. Since I've become a Macross fan, though, this might be a bit tough, both in terms of animation and story.

    Story-wise, I'm curious to see how they address the gaping continuity holes (or how they don't), especially since I still remember all of End of the Circle.

    Lol...this sounds like Secret Confessions of a Former Robotech Junkie.

  4. Red Devil, mucho thanks for the pix of the SDF-3 and SDF-4. I'm hoping to pick up the DVD in the next couple of days...as a former Robotech fan who became a Macross convert, I'm curious to see what nostalgia factor will come into play for me.

    One last question, about the Ark Angel--what's the backstory behind it? On RT.com's mecha size comparison page, it's shown as being substantially larger than the SDF-3 and -4.

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