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Posts posted by RichterX

  1. Well you have to remember that the island in DYRL was underwater and it raised after the attack of the Zentradi.

    I think that in Macross Zero it shows pretty much like linking that evolution of every creature on Earth was part of Protoculture experiments and that all of Earth's ancient cultures had some connection to the protocultures in their spiritual traditions, like the Pyramids in Egypt, Stonehenge in England, the Statues in Easter Island, the Aztecs Pyramids and the Inca ruins of Peru... pretty much every things that some people believes they were made by aliens...

    I think the ruins shown there they are just like those, temples made by the ancient habitants of the Island.

    What I would like to know is if they were destroyed in the battle at the end of episode 1 / beginning of episode 2 as in the Hasford/Sara flashback in episode 3 the area looks like a temple of some sort but when Sara is singing there it looks like a bunch of ruins.

  2. I hope Yamato has learned about materials after the hip fiasco of the VF-11B and also about articulations after the all of the VF series.

    It would be sad to have a monster that transforms but the pieces are not tight and fit nicely when transformed. It would be too sad if the monster drop dead after a while...

  3. That's what I was planning on for it... I dunno maybe a low vis VF-19... I'll think of something.

    I believe there is a couple of 1/65 customs in the toys section of the main site...

    I like the head of the VF-19S best than the Kai, just bought the VF-19Kai from Bandai because of Basara

  4. :unsure: If it was possible in space to make a fight between a Strike VF-1S fight against two pilots with equal abilities in a Armored VF-1S I bet the Strike VF-1S would win because the pilot would probably be able to evade or destroy all the missiles and use the equipment in the Strike FAST pack to disable the other one... of course it would need many skills to be able to avoid or destroy all missiles like in Macross Zero, D.D. avoided the missiles, Roy destroyed them.
  5. I guess you mean the the difference between Macross Plus Ova and movie versions,

    There are some extra scenes on the Movie edition, it is edited in a different way, like Isamu first start with the YF-19 and later in the movie he uses in a scene the VF-11B

    the OVA version has more fighting scenes between the YF-19 and YF-21

  6. I wonder if Libra will come with a mini figure of roshi.   :D

    It's the first time I heard this name, "Roshi". Is Roshi the american name ? Beacause the japan name is "Dohko" for the Libra Saint. In the french version, this is "vieux maître" (old master), a kind of Yoda. :rolleyes:

    There is a rumor in France launched by a french animation magazine, who has good contacts in Japan. With the liitle thumbs on the box like that : t4_18.jpg, we could win the armor Seiya has in a short sequence in the new movie Tenkai-Hen, whick look a little like the Odin suit.

    But I don't want to affirm this, cause maybe it's just a rumor and I'm not sure for the goods with these thumbs...


    That cloths is the Kamui of Pegasus, it is the divine ultimate armour similar to those of the gods, it is suppose to appear on the final episodes of the Hades saga if they continue to animate it, it has only been seen a short animated scene of them on an extra scene of the Hades DVDs... I surprise it is in the Tenkai Hen overture...

  7. I think they sell them for 20-25 bucks at ebay, I would go for the cheaper price, I can't tell you to go buy a bootleg, I bought a re-issue VF-19Kai from Bandai for 40 when I start collecting Macross toys and it was a big mistake to pay that much for it...

    My only recomendation is to buy it for some kind of customizing project...

  8. It would be nice us to see it as the way Kawamori San wanted it to be with with DYRL animation style of the original scenes and including in animation of the VF-4, Hikaru and Misa's wedding and the lauching of the Megaroad...

    ... of course no Star Wars Special Edition way... that suck big time...

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