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Everything posted by HALI38

  1. I might do one later.. I already have it converting in the file but just straight pose to pose so I'd have to fix up the timing a bit.For now I've got another project to work on before I can return to more 3D work.. maybe this weekend i could have something,but I'll have to see.
  2. HALI38

    Regult Model

    Very nice texture work and details,good work!
  3. I figure the launchers might extend that far during flight to allow the missiles enough clearance.Maybe the missile rack only extends half way for loading).As for somehow fitting inside with everything else,well..it must be real compact in there.This was based on a concept sketch for the fz 109 fighter which has something similar.
  4. HALI38

    VF-9 Cutlass

    Oh,I see.. I misinterpretted the part about the hatch opening on arms,thinking of the arms themselves.So I'm guessing this works similar to the way they open on the fz 109a? In which case I'll probably will have to move the wheels to another location.
  5. HALI38

    VF-9 Cutlass

    I forgot to add missile bays for it.. the area where missiles are stored are in the arm portion of the engines?At least according to the link sketchley sent.
  6. HALI38

    VF-9 Cutlass

    Might be too late for that since I've already built it (there's a couple renderings already posted).I did make some small adjustments here and there and it still looks like it should from other reference materials I have.I'll have to see how well it transforms once I start linking parts together. As for the gun,I think I'll place it externally as it'll likely be too big to fit into the leg.
  7. HALI38

    VF-9 Cutlass

    I think I'll go ahead with texturing the model in the meantime and leave the gunpod for last,at least until I know for sure how it's supposed to look.At least the screenshots give me sort of an idea,but it would be nice to have a closer look.
  8. HALI38

    VF-9 Cutlass

    I was using top and side images from a low-poly model to ensure proper proportions.. guess it was Urashiman's from the sounds of it. Thanks for the image of the more proper gun design,I'll try using that one.. however I'm not sure that it's even going to fit in the leg without it ending up too small,especailly for the handle to fit properly into the hand, So I shouldn't try using that design either?I don't know how much I can use from fuzzy images in the video since specific details are blurred.
  9. HALI38

    VF-9 Cutlass

    EastCoastCanuck here.. I'm almost done building this model,but I will need decent reference for the right gun its supposed to use.The game snapshot is a start but only gives me its basic overall shape.I thought it might've had the same gun design I was given in the reference material Chthonic gave me.. but looks like I might not be able to use it.Might have to take a lot of liberties and make up my own details otherwise. As for the VF9 it came out pretty well,but its transformations are kinda tricky.The shoulder bar with the arms just clip through the model once I animated the transforms.So they end up either going through the leg/engines or the upper engines no matter how I try to twist those parts around.
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