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Posts posted by Metal_Massacre_79

  1. Please tell me there are old skool metallica fans HERE.

    I am a fan of everything before Burton died. Jason Nutsweat can't play a bass to save his life. Burton was a major influence for me to start playing bass.

    Speaking of which, I've got a nice red Yamaha 5-string that isn't getting a lot of attention lately. I need to pick it up and play more often.

  2. Look who I bumped into last month.

    I don't know how these guys slipped under my metal radar, but I heard them on the radio a few days ago and was completely blown away! I immediately went out and got Inhuman Rampage and have been listening to it non-stop. I'm planning on getting the newest one as soon as I get paid this week.

  3. Good news:

    HI William,

    Thank you for contacting Hasbro, Inc. We appreciate your bringing this to our attention.

    If your figures did not have the stickers, you may send in the proof of purchase from each figure in place of the sticker.

    We appreciate having the opportunity to assist you.

  4. I know it's been said before in this thread, but this is really bad here. I went to both Target and Walmart tonight, and out of nearly 20 comic packs, every single one was opened and had the "Doc" sticker stolen. Be careful when choosing a comic pack and make sure that BOTH of the plastic tabs that wrap around the cardboard are nice and tight and that there aren't two layers of tape over them.

  5. Anyone else getting bowlegged figures from the comic packs? Out of the three that we've opened, Duke and Wild Weasel both have a leg deformity due to the plastic that they were in. Even though Beachhead was in a single pack, it looks like he's got one messed up leg too.

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