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Posts posted by VF5SS

  1. So its like Gundam and Macross and neither at the same time... and it's Korean? And... I'm confused.

    Let me break it down.

    Korean animated action movies like to use characters from popular animes without the consent of their creators. As far as I know, there are many Space Gandam movies each featuring a missmatch of different robots from different shows. This particular Space Gandam had a VF-1J as the main hero robot used to fight giant spider monsters. Another Space Gandam movie (IV or VI... I'm not quite sure) featured the Transformers design of Inferno as the main hero robot. These movies are generally just giant monster movie fare with familiar robots. They generally don't even try to incorporate any parts of the universe the robot was stolen from.

  2. Odd.  I think that about almost all of Mikamoto's designs for SDF: Macross.  Minus the needle, naturally.

    Dude, come on. You're better than that. =D

    Oh and Mikomoto only designed Eve for all three Megazones =p. The first main designer was Toshihiro Hirano, the second was Yasuomi Umetstu, and the third was Hroyuki Kirazume.

  3. And I do. I hold Robotech to the same standards I hold Macross to. I am just as critical of (believed) errors in both shows, since I feel that they're capable of being so much more than what they are. Is that so wrong?

    YES! It is wrong. You can speculate and rationalize anything you want, buddy boy, but you're wish for everything to make sense isn't going to magically re-animate a show or create vast official technical discussions out of thin-air. You can't change what has been done (no matter what you may think about prequels). If you really want things to make sense then create your own universe. You seem intelligent enough to do that.

  4. this is a travesty... completely contrary to the mecha design of macross

    That is the point. That entire BBS is devoted to making unique variants of popular mechanical designs, often drawing one machine in the style of another artist. In this case, Mamaru Nagano's style has been used to recreate seveal Macross designs and the mere fact that a fan could dream up and draw something like that is amazing. Nagano himself would be proud =D

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