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Retracting Head Ter Ter

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Posts posted by Retracting Head Ter Ter

  1. Probably because the energy requriements of such a shield would drian the ship's reactor rather quickly. That, and the heat it would most likely throw off would make placement of such a system in a starship rahter problematic.

    There was never any mention of heat and shields in the SW universe that I knew of*. And would the Hoth base have a reactor bigger and more powerful than the honking huge Executor?

    *Don't see the shield causing heat problems in Endor either and the DS2 was like a gazillion times bigger than an SSD.

    OK ok, this is a non-debate in the sense that SW tech doesn't make sense. As I said, I gave up trying to rationalise it from the start.

    LeChuck : Galaxy is nice but I think in many angles, the Sovereign Class looks better. More of a sleek aggressive muscle look.

  2. Nobody thought a small one man fighter was a threat - or else they would have a tighter defense.

    Real tanks have been built with big honking exhaust ports on the side (WW2 French) and lots of other design flaws no need to worry about that one on the Death Star, if Luke had not been there (last Jedi, yada yada) then no one would have hit the thing. I'd like to know who placed the tractor beam controls though.

    I know I know. Too small to hit, no one will get thru yadda yadda. Look its still dumb! Real world designs had to trade off weight and performance. A 99 gajillion ton Death Star doesn't have to worry about 100 tons more armour.

    BTW, did you know that for the Battleship Yamato, they were paranoid enough to have an armoured grate inside the funnel? They didn't want a 'Star Wars' type lucky bomb/shell flying into the machinery spaces thru the exhaust gap so they put an 8 inch+++ thick grate over the opening.

  3. true,but most SW fighter craft are only equipped with deflector shields,not Energy shields,with deflectors it doesnt protect against direct hits,when the rebel craft get wacked from TIE's they are usually dead on the engines. The 2nd Death Star had a energy shield hence they had to pull up or they would have all slammed into an invisible wall and there was one on the Hoth base too that prevented orbital bombardment,in other words the energy shields that really protect are bloody huge.

    I just ignore the SW 'canon' when it comes to Imperial military tech and capabilities. Was the Hoth base that much bigger than an Executor? Why can't the Executor have an 'energy shield' too that can stop all bombardments?

    Why can't they 'energy shield' that small vent on the 1st Death Star? Or have multiple grates with openings smaller than the smallest missile in the exhaust vent (or even a bit more kinks and angles)?

  4. :edit:

    didn't really want to make a second post to bring this up; as someone who doesn't know anything about star wars besides whats on screen in the films (which I haven't seen in years) could someone explain to me why the executor class needs to be 19 kilometers long?

    Part of the Empire wanting to visually impress and scare everyone into submission as part of the "Tarkin Doctrine'.

    But after that bit of reasoning, Lucas was too busy selling Ewok dolls to worry about why such a big ship should not have pounded the puny rebel cruisers into scrap within 1 minute and why they don't have redundant bridge controls and shield generators. The original stats on the Executor was pitifully laughable too. 144 fighters and something like 150 Turbolasers!!!!! WTF!??! (I mean, even the regular mile long ISD was credited with only 72 fighters... bah!)


  5. Yes, this thread does not have enough Executor love. I am still hoping for Fine Molds to make one.

    For the Starcraft Terran Battlecruiser, the SC2 ones are better rendered but I prefer the slightly more vanilla design from SC1.

    Nobody mentioned LOGH/Heldensagan von Komsnosinsal (sp?) yet? Some of their ship designs were pretty cool (not Brunhilde, I prefer the more blocky ones). I paid through my butt for a few boxes of those completed and painted ships from Wave.

    And anyone remembered FASA's Renegade Legion? I had the starship technical readout for it. Some of the ships designs were pretty nice. TOG battleship Shiva class, Commonwealth Battlecruiser Repulse and some of the Heavy Cruisers and stuff. The 'Fluttering Petal' heavy fighter was quite cool too. I can't find a good site on the net for Renegade Legion artwork.

    Did I mention the Executor yet?


  6. So true, plasma conduits and consoles exploding, bulkheads and panels crashing down but somehow in all the destruction the gravity generators always kept working on the good old enterprise.

    Not just the Enterprise, I think there were a couple of episodes where they beamed aboard some old derelict and the artificial gravity on space junk still works 100%.They need to get the person/contractor who worked on the artificial gravity to also work on the exploding consoles and 'frequent ejection' warp core.

  7. it's not the speed, it's the acceleration or deceleration that's dangerous. :D

    Its one of the Golden Rules of Sci-Fi (SW/ST esp). All systems, shields, weapons, lights etc etc can fail, shipboard computers can go rogue and try to kill the crew, but the inertial dampers and artificial gravity NEVER fails, get switched off by the rogue computer or falls below 100% efficiency.

  8. For me, the #1 Starship design has always been the Executor class from TSEB. It has got such a unique sleekness to it.

    I guess its partly because it was shot with a honking big real life scale model with 5000+ lights so it had that extra ommph which CGI only models can't yet replicate.

    Don't like all the Expanded Universe ships from SW though (in fact, I hate most of the SW ship designs).

  9. Still haven't seen any of these yet and wasn't even aware they had made a '3'.


    Nuh? You have not watched Ong Bak (1)? Its worth a watch. Forget everything else, all crap.

    Just looking at the pic of the movie poster (1st post) makes me decide that its crap.

  10. Modifying a YF-23 model into an F-23A based on the drawings on the previous page might make for an interesting project. Though I imagine you'd have to do a lot of sanding on the engine nacelles to get them to the right size. It might be easier to chop that section off and re-build it from scratch.

    As least for the Italeri kit, I don't think the plastic is thick enough for you to sand away the nacelles. You are going to sand thru it (although I am not sure just how much slimmer the theoretical F-23A would have been.)

  11. Same with guns. I've been a firearms enthusiast and shooting since the mid-90s' and when I see actors that have been trained how to handle firearms correctly and use realistic and proper tactics and skills in a movie gun fight,


    Ditti. I am no firearms expert but supposed 'professionals' in a firefight standing outside cover and shooting from the chest (you know, that fave movie position where its not hip level but definitely low enough that you know he aint using the sights unless he got eyes on his nipples or neck) and bunching together etc etc. It really irks me.

    And after all these years, directors still love the '600 round SMG magazine' and the 24 round revolver..

    Twin pistols flying through the air doesn't irk me half as much as the Standard Round HK restaurant table being able to stop bullets once it is overturned!

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