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the white drew carey

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Posts posted by the white drew carey

  1. It may seem that way, but the court's decision certainly doesn't indicate any seperation of story from the copyright of the show.

    Also, we have very little knowledge of how the story was changed (as happens in the development of every series or movie) in order to create the series. Much of the story was likely developed during the production. Given the differences between DYRL and SDF Macross it could be argued that Kawamori's vision of the original "rough story note of all 39 episodes" (as it is described by the court) differed from Noboru Ishiguro's final product.

    Personal opinion: I wouldn't read too much into the fact that Tatsunoko credited Studio Nue in such a way. It's probably not very Earth-shattering.

    But, to make note of Wrylac's statement, I was of the understanding that the additional episodes added after the series was trimmed down were culled from Kawamori's material.

    That's possibly why it specifically credits Studio Nue with the "Original Story."

    Now, that being the case, I'm curious whether or not it means anything that it credits "Original Story", and not something along the lines of "Based on an Original Story".

    But until we get Mr. Owl in here, the world may never know...

  2. VERY NICE!!!

    EDIT: never saw her in a black/red flight suit before though.

    It's the flightsuit design from the Macross M3 game.

    I took a couple of liberties with this, as well as the previous Max wallpaper. Mainly in making the metallic parts of the flightsuit a tad darker than they are portrayed in the game.

  3. The problem is that the letter itself is varying and inconsistent.

    Wow, wrylkac. I'll admit it: you've really got me with the "varying and inconsistent" fiasco.


    I'll agree with you that BigWest's statement that they took Tatsunoko to court affirm (BigWest's) copyright to SDF:Macross isn't correct, but the statement, as a whole, isn't inconsistent or varying.

    This letter being, to my knowledge, the only offical statement from BigWest regarding this matter, it cannot, by it's singular nature, contradict anything else. There is nothing else to vary from or set a basis of consistency, you see.

    So, what you're trying to tell us is that BigWest is lying.

    But since HG never seems to lie*, I guess you've got us all stumped.

    *Except for the plethora of facts and information that proves that HG has lied and distorted base facts into a PR campaign on a regular basis. But it's pointless to argue that point because you, in general, believe they're statements, while I, in general, don't.

    But you know, at least we agree on something...


  4. Remember this: Max Jenius M3 wallpaper?

    Well, now there's a Millia one. Same theme as before.

    First off, I must apologize to Dangard Ace. I said I would draw a Kakazaki for him, but I'm having a big brainfart on that one and needed to whip something out to placate myself that I've still got it... :rolleyes:

    Secondly, I think Lightning 06 should be quite happy here, since he suggested something along these lines in the Max Jenius M3 thread.

    As always, this picture is also posted up at Yellowlightman's Macross Fan Creations site at normal wallpaper size (for those who'd like to partake).

    Simply follow this link: Millia Jenius M3 wallpaper, click on the picture itself to load up the full-sized version and then download to disk. It's as simple as that!!!

    Anyhow, here's the MW-sized version... enjoy:

  5. I got into BGC via a friend who had a copy of the music videos. That was it. But damn was it good enough for me!!!

    Certain scenes of the animation failed to work at all, which kind of stinks.

    But I agree that one of the best animated mecha sequences was DD... the whole juxtaposition of that things walking worked so damned well.

  6. Right. I forgot about Z Gundam. Well, I remember buying a model kit that transformed into a jet, but at the time wasn't aware of their being more than one Gundam series. That was a long time ago and the model has since vanished, but I will check into Z Gundam. Thanks.

    I did watch Bubblegum Crisis 2099 (?, some year) but the transformation aspect of the bike was nearly non-existent =(

    I've also seen Escaflowne...should have included that in my list. I liked it ok. I thought the dragon robot transformation was very cool.


    Scratch that... I think they were called Motoslaves.

    You might be thinking of Bubblegum Crisis 2040. You should check out the first series. Much better, in my opinion.

    Here's a pic from the first series of the motoslave transformed around Priss.


  7. It's one of the Guges models from Appleseed. The pilot is the main character of Appleseed, Deunan Knute.

    If you haven't read Appleseed, you're missing out. I highly recoommend it. I just wish Masamune Shirow would start it up again... :(

  8. So, I thought to myself: "Hey, self... Wouldn't it be a nifty little diversion to color other Macross VF's in the Transformer's Jetfire scheme?"

    And then I respond to myself: "Yes, self... That would. You know what might be niftier? Coloring any transformable plane into a jetfire paintscheme."

    This thread is dedicated to that end. This is the place to take any transformable mecha and color it like Jetfire (Autobot or Decepticon).

    The one rule: It has to be a flying transformable mecha. No land or water-based vehicles.

    I'll start with a picture of the VF-2ss-SAP from Macross II:


  9. OK, guys.

    Take this to PM from now on out.

    LePoseur- I've come to the conclusion that arguing with people who not only enjoy the benefits of, but also promote piracy, is a lost cause. While I do think you've exhibited a better grasp of how the whole business model works, to point it out to someone else who already has their own idea about it simply won't work... especially after the argument has waged back and forth several times.

    Big 'O'- Great. You stole the game and chances are you'll never actually pay for a copy (why should you, you've played through it all, haven't you?). Some of us are willing to pay for it, so how about we leave it at that. The simple fact of the matter is that even if the game were only $50 or even $30 to import, you probably still would've downloaded a copy instead of paying for it.

    From here on out, let's leave your argument to PM and return this thread to discussion of the game itself.

    p.s.- Big 'O'... "REPTILE FARM"?!? I'd hate to see the combine harvester you gotta use for that place!!! :huh:


  10. Forgot to reply to this:

    I'm just basing my comments off of what BW said in the open letter to Macross fans after the Feb02 ruling and then applying the same logic being used here against HG. That's all. Are you saying that the comments BW made in that letter are perhaps not entirely true, even misleading?

    I'm not saying anything of the sort.

    If you seem to find BigWest's letter misleading, then that's your problem.

    The letter never asserts that Tatsunoko does not have the right to distribute the SDF: Macross TV show internationally.

    The letter clearly states the facts: BigWest owns the design rights.

  11. I think Radd;s got you there, Wrylac.

    The letter isn't misleading because it explicitly states that BigWest will be using the design rights that they own to develop more Macross products.

    In fact, unlike Alen Letz's letter quoted earlier, which is very vague, this letter quickly and clearly sums up the facts using no uncertain terms.

  12. Effect, I think the point is that Tatsunoko Productions supposedly gave Harmony Gold worldwide distribution rights (i.e., everywhere but Japan). So the question is, why is TP or anyone other than HG releasing SDF Macross in Korea? Wrylac's answer is that Korea is outside the area granted to HG by TP, but I don't know where he gets that from.

    I don't get it from anywhere except that we know that TP and HG have a close relationship and that TP wouldn't be releasing something like that with out some sort of understanding from HG.

    Dude, you keep saying how you know so much about the entertainment industry, and yet seem to think it's perfectly acceptable that a company would willingly let someone else profit off of their product.

    If HG owns (or co-owns with Tatsunoko) the int'l rights to SDF: Macross, they wouldn't just say "OK, Tatsunoko, go ahead and release our product all by yourself and make the money off of it."

    If they did have any int'l stake in releasing SDF: Macross, HG's name would be on the box.

    Considering that after the ruling on the Memorandum which solidified the fact Tatsunoko has the right to distribute SDF: Macross outside of Japan, I don't think they'd really give a damn if HG cared or not.

    This strikes me as a nonsequitur:
    Makes me wonder why BW never did anything about it since this release was done just before the ruling on the designs' copyright.

    Why should BW do anything about it? BW should no more care about TP releasing SDF Macross in Korea than they should about HG granting Animeigo rights to release it in the US.

    When you consider the timing of the release compared to the timing of BW's lawsuits and their claims in that lawsuit, making the leap that some here make, you would think that they would have done something about the release at the time, unless they knew they couldn't do anything about it at a time when they were claiming that they could.

    Seriously, don't play stupid.

    You know as well as any of us that BigWest has never contended Tatsunoko's right to distribute the SDF: Macross program overseas.

    So is there a reason you are suddenly asking why BigWest didn't do anything to stop Tatsunoko from distributing SDF: Macross outside of Japan?

    Tatsunoko's ability to distribute the program overseas is one of the things no one here has ever questioned. It's HG's empty claims of ownership that are the problem.

    The fact that Tatsunoko has released SDF: Macross somewhere without HG, AND the fact that AnimeIgo was only granted a license to release Macross in North America (Region 1) lends credibility to the theory that HG does only possess a license for SDF: Macross in North America.

    I don't doubt that HG slipped by the Macross footage as Robotech into the international market because it was re-copyrighted as Robotech. I bet that if HG tried to release something as Macross outside of R1 without obtaining a license for it, they'd fetch some kind of trouble for it.

  13. Since Harmony Gold’s worldwide rights to Macross exclude Japan

    Well those rights must exclude Korea as well



    these were released on 10/13/03

    These are legal region 3 DVDs. Japanese/Korean with Korean subs

    The single disc version have been released throug out the last year. And those are Region 2 Bandai Visual covers.


    edit added link

    I think this is simply a case of Tatsunoko exercising their rights to distribute the SDF: Macross TV series internationally wherever, and to whomever they want.

    It is interesting, though, that HG is not listed ad therefore (presumably), not involved with this release.

    One would think that if HG had bought into the worldwide rights, that they would also be part of all international Macross releases.

  14. Wrylac-

    One could take this statement into account (pertinent section highlighted):

    To all Robotech and Macross fans:

    A number of rumors have arisen during the past week as a result of legal proceedings in Japan.

    The original Macross television series was the result of a monumental collaborative effort involving several companies of creative individuals. We at Harmony Gold appreciate all the hard work these combined talents put forth to make Macross possible. We are proud to have worked closely with AnimEigo to provide fans with a faithful subtitled release of Macross in its original format.

    The litigation in Japan involving Tatsunoko, Big West and Studio Nue does not affect Harmony Gold or its licensees. Harmony Gold is not a party to any legal proceedings. Furthermore, the lawsuit, which was tried in front of a Japanese court, only relates to rights in Japan. Since Harmony Gold’s worldwide rights to Macross exclude Japan, a Japanese judgment does not apply to us.

    We continue to be very excited about our Macross projects with Toynami and AnimEigo and look forward to a bright future for Robotech and Macross.


    Alan Letz

    Executive Vice President

    Business Development

    No matter how you look at it, you cannot deny that this is a statement which, at the very least, is calculated to imply that all of Macross is HG's (once again, outside of Japan).

    There have been other examples which were posted on the old boards, but since they are down at the time, I cannot access them. For that I do apologize.

  15. I've heard that the unrated CA Full Throttle is just a few secs longer of Drew Barrymore getting beat up...dissapointing.

    In other words, it's bait to get more cash out of the target audience(horny teenagers going "D00d, it has boobies!1111").


    Which is pretty much what I suspected when they slapped hte unrated label on it.


    In reality, the Unrated version probably just shows more violence, if anything.

    I, too, hate Drew Barrymore. I mean, where in the heck did she suddenly get enough clout to start producing movies (albeit, BAD movies)?

    I was "lucky" enough to see Full Throttle for free here at Penn State and my reservations about the film were confirmed right in the beginning with A- Diaz's extremely lame mechanical bull-riding sequence, and B- The fact that it took them about 45 seconds to fall from a dam that would only take about 10 seconds to fall from.

    I think McG went a little too far in the suspension of disbelief department trying to set up that whole helicopter sequence.

  16. It's most likely that HG can't lay claim to regions and products that they have let slip by.

    Then North America would be one of those regions, wouldn't it?

    When I speak with HG people at conventions other places we always talk about DYRL? like TP being involved is a given.

    Well, considering that I take much of what HG says concerning with a grain of salt, I'm still waiting for something more concrete. But that's just me.

    I lean towards B, I mean this is Macross we're talking about. It seems to be plagued as an "also ran" to Gundam. Everyone keeps underestimating it's appeal to the int'l markets. That is something that I hold HG responsible for.

    Regardless, Macross II and Macross Plus were considered very big releases here in NA, and they were widely publicized within the industry here. For HG to be ignorant of those releases would be a testament to the company's stupidity. But you chose B, and I'm going to give up my $1200 to see what's behind door #3...


    Just because they may be varying doesn't mean that they're contradictory. I'd like to see some examples.

    Without finding the specific interview, although it has been quoted either here or on the old forums, around 1996 Carl Macek stated in an interview that Sentinels looked different because neither Tatsunoko, nor HG, had the rights to use any of the designs from Macross.

    From 2000 on, HG starts claiming that it owns all things Macross.

    That's contradictory right there. And don't try to say that HG was just "making a general statement". They were trying to convince everyone that everything Macross (outside of Japan*) was theirs to do with as they wish.

    *do I really need to keep saying "outside of Japan", or do we kind of assume that's part of the statement? :D

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