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Posts posted by DestroidDefender

  1. Hey Macross World gang. Long time no see. I thought I'd drop in because I'm lucky enough to be traveling to Tokyo and Osaka soon. I've been before but I wanted to check in and ask if there are any current Macross or other mecha events or displays I should see on my trip. I'm going to check the big model shops in Aikhabara and DenDen town, Gundam Base etc.
    Anyone have any other suggestions?

  2. I've always wanted to do Macross as a tabletop wargame. I'm not going to attempt the abortive Palladium game or the pricey Dogfights games. But I'm thinking a;most every wargamer knows Battletech. Surely in the last almost 40 years somebody has written up the Macross mecha for Battletech and shared them? Not as as far as I can tell. I thought I'd ask here before I go down the road of shoehorning the main mecha in the Battletech ruleset.
    And yes I'm well aware most of the Macross mecha were used in the original "Battledroids" game (as well as Fang of the Sun Dougram and Crusher Joe). But they were based only on their appearance not their in universe capabilities. 
    There are other mecha rulesets I could use, but as I said, most wargamers know how to play Battletech already. 



  3. OMG. I've been living this nightmare for 30 years now. I'm not sure I can believe HG are finally going to get the boot.

    I do have a tangential question about Macross/HG/Battletech. Why have the rights holders for Fang of the Sun Dougram never sued Battletech/FASA for using a bunch of their designs in Battletech? There were about as many FSD designs as Macross mecha (and one from Crusher Joe) in the first iteration of the game ("BattleDroids") and they never became "unseen" IIRC.

  4. In cased you missed the posts over the gaming forum, Robotech RPG Tactics has finally shipped (DEC 2014). It's called Robotech but it's only based on the good part - the 'Macross Saga'!

    The models have many pieces for such a small scale but build up quite nicely. Google "RRT" or Robotech RPG Tactics for pics.

    The first series of kits includes, the VF-1 fighter, gerwalk & battloid, Spartan, Phalanx, Tomahawk, Defender, Glaug, Regult, Missle Regult, Scout Regult, and Quel-Gulnau Recovery Pod (first time as a production model I believe).

  5. I've started building with a Phalanx. Mostly so I can line it up with my 1/00 Matchbox "Spartan", 1/44 Takatoku Phalanx, 1/200 Dark Horse RT:RPG "Spartan", 1/285 Battletech WTF ever they called it and have five versions in a row. Pics when it happens.

    Palladium will sell a few of these 1/285 "kits" to Battletech players. I think it was a poor business decision to invest in the tooling for these 1/285 "kits". Plastic kit building hasn't been a popular hobby since I dunno, the 80s? They would have been better emulating a modern success like the pre-painted X-WIng. I would have dropped 10x the $$ if they had sourced the 1/200 gashapon instead of doing all the tooling

  6. Enterprise doesn't fit the continuity of the JJverse unless you ignore their Mirror-Mirror 'Defiant' and Borg episodes.

    Next Generation fits the JJverse if you remove the episodes "Relics", "Yesterday's Enterprise" and the movie "Generations"....but you still have to ignore "All Good Things" for Next Generation the series to fit with Next Generation the movies.

    Or rather like Captain Harlock don't try to tie all the individual works together but enjoy them seperately.

    I'm merely saying Enterprise is the only TV series that takes place before the "Kelvin" incident that launches the alternate timeline. But you are correct, ST 2009 negates the most interesting part of Enterprise that ties it to TOS.

    I agree that, for the future, the only way to enjoy Star Trek is the Captain Harlock Method .

  7. A bit of thread necromancy -

    I opened my display case, picked up by garland and both arms fell off. It was not the swing arms that failed - it was the blocks in the wheel hubs where the arms attach. I'll post a picture when I can.
    I was wondering if anyone has done a 3d printed replacement for those.

    Clarification: Mine is the first version made by Yamato - the red one from the original MZ23 OVA. I thinks it's the same one as in VF5SS's pictures above. I'm not sure if later ones suffered from the same problems. The plastic in the should joints literally turned to powder when i picked it up. I don't know if the later versions had the same problem.

  8. I stuck with Battle Cry but I'm going to add on when the pledge manager comes out. I'm adding Armored Valks, Zentran Infantry and VF-4s for sure. And more Defenders!

    People who want these for Battletech are going to be surprised if they expect them to match BT scale. The BT (Battledroids at that early stage!) models based on VFs were only 20 tons while the ones based on Destroids were 3 times the mass at 60+ tons - but we know the Valks will be taller than the Destroids! I think the designers were using Macross models in different scales....

  9. Looks like it's headed for over $1 000 000.

    There will be close to 100 models in the "BattleCry" pledge too.

    Very cool. I've never been able to source more than nine 1/200 Bandai Regults - now I'll have plenty of the 1/285 Regults to wargame with!

    OK. It's "Robotech". And yes, Palladium and HG get a cut.

    At least Palladium is waving the flag and trying to raise Macross' profile.

    And I want those models, Dammit! I've wanted to wargame Macross for nigh on 25 years!

  10. Star Trek 2009 was... ridulous is the most polite term I can use. If you want to talk about it's place in canon then the Kelvin incident fits in before TOS and after Capt. Archer leaving (GASP) Enterprise and the only TV series that is part of the move timeline. I might go see Into Darkness out of curiousity but my expectations are low to say the least.

    I'm looking forward to Jar Jar Abrhams moving on to Star Wars so he can work his magic on somebody else's favorite SF franchise.

  11. I decided to make the leap and subscribe at the Battle-Cry Level.

    As off right now that means 75 Macross models for less than $2 each.

    I can't say if the rules will be any good but I'm in it for the models.

    Heck, half a dozen 1/200 Gnerls and NosJGs off Shapeways were going to cost over $100 with shipping. I call this a good deal.

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