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Posts posted by Greyryder

  1. Besides paint, the only change I made was to cut out a slit where the eyes were, and put in a piece of acrylic rod. I sanded and polished the ends of it, to have an angle to look more visor like. I painted the acrylic silver inside the head, and clear red on the outside. I also had to make new mirrors, since the facorty ones seem to be made of engineering plastic that won't hold paint.

    It's only had one transformation to vehicle mode and back, since I painted it. The only damage is to where the arms peg to the pelvis in vehicle mode (which I expected) and one small corner on each of the thighs. The leg paint damage is is tiny, and I might not bother fixing it. It's be easy enough to protect with a smear of superglue, if I do. The chipping on the arms is far less than I thought it would be. If there's any damage to the truck body panels, I doubt I'd notice, being black plastic under black paint. I added so much Future to the paint, it's dried rock hard. Hopefully, that'll help prevent chips and scratches.

    Trailbreaker was one of my first two non minibot TFs, when I was a kid, too. I think he was my very first.

  2. I just find it highly ironic that the title of this movie (about heavenly fighting angels) shares the same name with one of the Bible's more well-known DEMONS. :rolleyes:

    Only Hollywood.

    Wasn't that several demons collectively referring to themselves as legion, "for we are many?" And then, they got the Dan Ketch penance stare.... Oh wait, that last part was that Nicholas Cage movie....

    Anywho. Interesting as I think this movie looks, I do get the feeling that somebody saw the Prophesy movies, and thought "Yeah! We can do this even better! We'll make it bigger, and louder, and add CG. And, it needs guns, lots of guns."

    It looks like one of those mindless fun ride type of flicks. The ones that are far more entertaining than they have a right to be, if you're in the mood for them. All it seems to be missing is a semi, with the Green Goblin's face on the front.

  3. I really just want them to make some more figs using the best 25th Baroness mold, armored Scarlett, Helix, etc. A few new parts, variations, etc. Still really want a 25th-style Cover Girl. (they can call her whatever they want, put her in whatever line they want--but so long as she's got reddish/auburn hair and a leather jacket, it'll do)

    I made my own.


    I was gonna replace the arms, but I decided that I liked the rolled up sleeves. Kind of makes sense, for when she's turning wrenches. I gave her long hair, because I like it.

  4. I got back into riding bikes this year, so I'm after bike parts.

    180mm chrome Redline Monster (or Flight) cranks, and a chain (preferably with gold outer links, and black inners) would get my Redline back up and running.

    A red Tektro Talon brake lever, and a red Odyssey linear cable would finish dialing in the brakes.

    My Supercross (my main bike) needs a blue Talon lever, because I've found out the hard way, that this Gold Finger lever isn't meant to be used with this kind of brake. A new Odyssey Slic cable would give me a replacement inner cable since my curent one is probably too short for the new lever. And, it would be cheaper than buying a whole new linear cable.

    Also been looking at a blue THE Icon seat, because I'm sick of cleaning the red kevlar on my old Odyssey seat. And a Cane Creek S-1 headset, so I can have sealed bearings, and maintain the low stack height I need, with my cut down steerer tube. A titanium Spindle for my Primo cranks to replace the current old solid steel one would drop close to a pound off the weight of the bike. I'd absolutely love a black set of reproduction 90s style Flite pads. I had to retire my originals last year, do to wear and tear. The repops even have a longer stem pad, so I'd finally be able to run one, on this bike.

    But, I'm content with my relatives and myself being healthy, safe, and not on the verge of loosing our homes.

  5. I'm going to wait, until I've seen a few episodes. I suspect that this show isn't going to have the humor, and inter-character banter that I always liked on the Stargate series. There's too much talk of this being inspired by the new BSG, and I didn't find BSG's relentless overplayed drama entertaining.

  6. Don't get me wrong, taken on it's own, Aliens is a pretty decent sci-fi action flick. But, as an Alien movie, it fails on some fundamental levels. We went from a calulating ambush predator that used it's environment with alarming skill, to a bunch of brainless drones that would run headlong at machine gun nests. Plus, a lot of the tension and scariness go away when you move from a bunch of unarmed blue collar workers, to sending in the space marines.

    Doing something different is fine, but making an action movie sequel to a horror film? I think I'll go watch Jesse Ventura not have time to bleed.

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