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Posts posted by zeo-mare

  1. thats what i was just trying to figure out , were some of the stickers perhaps printed different, because there is no way on mine to peel off a top layer i was just looking at it.

  2. unfortunally in my area we did not get half the anime shows, stuff like Starblazers and Mazinger were unavailable, the only 2 that we did get were Robotech and Voltron, i used to love both shows when i was a kid but most of us around here watched transformers the most. but these 2 shows had the biggest impact on me when it came to japanese anime because these were the first 2 I saw for many years and I did like both , We got very few good anime at all over here i wish i got half the shows you guys got, it was not really untill the 1990's that i got a chance to see Macross in its real glory as well as Gundam and many others which really got me hooked.


  3. :lol: I to have also noticed this topic has strayed off course , i do not want to see this thread get closed down , so I will try to put it back on course. i have no problem spending my money and making a 1/48 jetfire, i just need to save up and get one. the money issue is not a problem i do not mind taking a expensive toy like that and haveing a little fun with it. i just need to save up and get it, but right now there are a few other things I need to buy right now. hopefully i will be the one to make it. i may not be the best painter around but i think i can do this one. Hopefully I can find a loose 1/48 out of package that might be cheaper.
  4. it looks like there is suppossed to be vents on the cheak area of the face you can see them in the drawing but not on the toy, the face does look alittle different from the drawing, it does suck alittle that it does not come with the full weapons set, I wonder which weapons it will come with, the F-91 did not have to much that i can see of, there will probally be a few things for the f-90.


  5. no Black Valkyrie there is no new Grandizer coming out :( just the ones that are already out, yea thats the one I was looking at, the one with the full set of vehicles, CID do you have any of the black versons? I think they look much nicer than the normal colors what do you think?

  6. yea the Grandizer looks nice the GX-04S is the Black version right? that is the one i want to get anyhow. i am looking forward to you posting some of you collection, it sounds like you have a pretty big set.

    yea I guess a few of these should look familiar :lol: the Dancouga is real nice thanks for selling it to me.


  7. i think the next is the Tetsujin 28 also known as Gigantor. they are also releasing the 3 girl mechs from Mazinger (I guess that is where they are from) Diana-a, and the other 2 with a new paint job ,they look real cool to. i am looking forward to getting the Grandizer next that one looks very promising.

  8. Bestprices.com has the set for 50.01 US but I don't think they ship internationally.

    thats the thing the movie is not out yet it looks like these are early prices that they guessed up. apearntly Lucasfilms has made the $110.00 price the official price, which means that these companies that are chargeing $60.00 may not in the end be able to complete their orders and may ask for additional payment. so i am not sure if these prices are going to hold up in the end, no store is going to charge $60.00 for DVDS that they are spending $100.00 on it would be a massive lost for them.

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