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Posts posted by Boxer

  1. You could try putting the glow from the engine fire inside the exhaust housing...

    At the risk of sounding critical, the engine pod thrusters look as if they should go deeper than what they appear.

    Good model, But it just doesn't seem like it could pass for a 'real' VF-4 yet...but good nonetheless.

  2. I see Orguss toys here and there on Ebay, as well as a host of the VHS tapes, but nothing as big as some of the other anime out there. I might just get the orguss just to learn how it transforms properly.

    I've given up on 02 already, even though I saw the box cover art long before the origional Orguss.

    As for the art I don't really mind. I actually like Mikimoto's style. That might change after I watch Orguss and it's population of Misa/Minmei clones... but for the time being I'm willing to settle with it.

    So is there an official HK sub that has the names right? There's one I'm looking at over at AnimeToxic, and from what I've heard this set has it's sub errors. There is no way I'm going for the Dub, mostly because I can't find it.

  3. I heard somewhere that the name translations were laughably incorrect. (For example, Kei is called 'Jackie') I was debating weather it was worth suffering through the hindering diolauge just to understand it.

    I have no plans to get Orguss II, anyway. I'm rather dissapointed at the lack of attention the show gets though, it's a great idea with a great premise. What makes it so...well...unwantable? Because Macross beat it out?

    I'm starting to think if Orguss was butchered and added to 'Robotech' then it might have had some popularity.

  4. MAHQ is an awesome site, no doubt about that. They have complete reveiws for the entire Macross series so far (Including 7, Plus, and even three eps of Zero) Not to mention their entire mecha database...

    At the risk of being Non-Macross, why wasn't Orguss so popular? Now that I'm a fan almost overnight I'd like to know why it wasn't as popular (Or perhaps I should phrase my question like this: What made Macross so land-slidingly popular that other series at the time lacked?)

  5. Why would a ship designer go out of his way to make a carrier end 'look' like an ARMD?

    It would be pretty cool if no two ARMDs are alike, and from what I gathered that might be the case. After all, aren't ARMD01 and 02 different in the movie?

    But if these designs are smaller ARMDs then maybe they're a new kind of support/fleet carrier based off the ARMD?

    Or maybe an ARMD prototype...

  6. I think the bridge is seperated from the rest of the ship because the neck connections weren't finished. Either that or the three radio arrays on the left side of the head wouldn't allow solid contact to the hull...

    So, does Nanashi happen to have any information reguarding the mysterious ARMDs?

  7. That and the fact that it looks as if the entire nose section of the SDF-2 was not completed. So they simply finished the 'city frame' and started work on city construction. I can imagine the city was still under construction during takeoff.

    So is the Aglanix a cannon cruiser cira 2012? Or was it designed during DYRL?

  8. Or even a ship at all for that matter.

    I can't pull up the pic now, but on the 'back' of the mystery ship (Forward on the Megaroad) There's a large square-like opening that's capped off. I don't know if it's some sort of engine block or not, but I guess it could be anything...

  9. DO they show the Megaroad landing? Perhaps they brought the hulk of the SDF-2 to earth with the excuse of 'scrapping' to cover up the colony ship construction, then launched it from there. If the moon was completely abandoned I think it would take more man power to make that base fully operational just to launch the SDF-2's remains than to simply open the doors and fly the ship out with a minority.

    In landing on planets, I think the Megaroad class was designed to be able to land on terrestrial planets. What would happen to the ocean going vessel if the planet they land on was all terrestrial? Would they just simply be scrapped?

    And was the Megaroad launched from a water birth or was it on solid ground?

    And back on topic, does anyone have any more pics of ships from this time? (Other than the Haruna...)

  10. I don't think that's the case...but the idea of ships being detatched and used once the MEgaroad reaches it's destination is a good idea. If these are new ARMD platforms, perhaps they're supposed to remain in orbit as defense bases while the Megaroad finishes the descent and establishes a colony?

    No, I don't think that's a terrestrial navy vessel. How would they get it down unless they landed in water? If it IS a ship I would imagine it to be some sort of UNS frigate design.

    As for the dissapearence of the Megaroad-1, well, perhaps we can say Misa and Hikaru left the entire fiction of Macross and into Kawamori's head. Let him do whatever with his own characters, I'd do the same for mine. And now at least Minmei finally has a place to hide from her hordes of fans.

  11. I didn't think the Guantanamo stealth carriers were around at that time. I thought they were around the Plus era- long after 2012. I thought the next design of ARMD platforms were of the class now attatched to the Megaroad design.

    Was Stealth technology being developed in Space war One? I don't recall any stealthy ship designs in-use at the time. And if we are to assume M3 is cannon, does this mean the Haruna is a prototype to stealth design?

    I'm curious as to what the other 'structure' might be. As Lestat said it might be another ship, then again it might be an assembly part used to dock the ARMD to the rest of the ship.

    So if Steelfalcon's wrong then does anyone here have any 'real' Megaroad stats? It's one of the things I'd like to know.

  12. I think there's a ship in the way to block out the helicopter rings and runway. Either that or they're too small to be seen and are hidden under all the detail/flash animation that they have.

    Still, it would be a perfect candidate for an ARMD replacement (Should the UN spacy decide to adopt the strategy of bigger platforms in lesser numbers) and were probably phased out by the stealth design.

    Are there any more shots of the Megaroad out there? Maybe I need to get my hands on F2012...

  13. Hello

    After going through the Newbe Posts I came up with some questions about the Megaroad. One of them is the possibility that there are new ARMD class ships attatched to the arms.

    This site helps:


    It's RPG stats on the Megaroad ship. Look carefully on the side lineart near the back... I think I can make out the helicopter landing rings and the 'teeth' of the Movie Megaroads along the lower side of what is supposedly the new ARMDs.

    You also see a definate shot of the 'teeth' in the color photo of the side of the Megaroad. Look to the right of the engines and down near the bottom of the structure to see the four 'teeth' seen on the refitted ARMDs.

    I've been told that this isn't the case, but since the Megaroad class ships were designed in a new era of ship construction I'm wondering if it's an obscure class of new ARMD platforms or designs previously discarded but revived to be used for the Megaroad construction. It would fit with the notion that the fighters are in the 'rear' part of the ship.

    I also wanted to ask if there are any definate ship designs from this period? I think Plus is a litle too advanced for anything in this age (Hence the 'Stealth' ARMDs and Stealt frigates) were'nt around in this time. There's some pencil art floating around on Macrossworld section Showing a new kind of ship class above the Megaroad. I can't seem to find it, so hopefully someone knows what I'm talking about...

    Well anyway, any contributions would help. Thank you.

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