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Posts posted by Boxer

  1. So the compendium seems to suggest that the Meltran 'weapons' seen in DYRL are 'made' by the real meltran?


    I suppose hereditary Bionics and external leathering armor could point to a truely biological creature, but the Meltran have built-in holographics and laser optic eyes? Sounds like any synthetic components would have to be bio-organic in nature to permit micronization...

    And before you say the Meltran in DYRL don't Micronize (don't know if they do or not) then how can you explain Max's macronization if the Meltran don't have the technology? (And I have to wonder how Lap felt about Max borrowing a Q-rau...)


    On second thought, could these descriptions be referring to the ships instead of the soldiers? Perhaps the ships are also called Meltrans...

  2. I didn't know about the Bionoids part, but I did know both races were genetically engineered. What I'm asking is that are they Cyborgs, i.e. are they artificially enhanced with robotic comoponents and the like? From those descriptions Nanashi, it seems that the Meltran are from the description of Lap.

    Depending on how "realistic" you want Macross to be, it would stand to reason that the Zentradi (and Meltrandi in DYRL) should have some kind of artificial skeleton and/or an internal structure which isn't just a scaled-up version of humanity. Otherwise, they'd probably have difficulty moving and they'd be extremely vulnerable to injury when running or falling, etc.

    You mean artificial bones that can shrink with the rest of the body during Micronization? I'd hope so, it would be a nighmare to have most of you shrink while your bones don't.

    Unless they take out their bones first, then shrink them :D

    So even though Zentreadi ships have organic armor does this mean they have limited healing abilities or is this indeed a Robotech fabrication?

  3. We all know of the imfamous term "Clash of the Bionoids". Its not really a made up thing that was magically pulled out of the air. Not too many people know this, but according to the Macross the Movie "Gold Book" text, the Zjentohlauedy and Meltohlaeundy are Bionoids. The genitically engineered warriors created by the Protoculture to fight their proxy wars against each other (factions of the Stellar/Galactic Republic). The Meltohlauens are synthedic bio organisms.

    I didn't know about the Bionoids part, but I did know both races were genetically engineered. What I'm asking is that are they Cyborgs, i.e. are they artificially enhanced with robotic comoponents and the like? From those descriptions Nanashi, it seems that the Meltran are from the description of Lap.

  4. The Zjentohlauedy relay on more organic materials while the Meltohlaeundy rely more mechanical materials/systems in their ship and mecha construction... (DYRL)

    :huh: Ah, forgot about the organic part. Maybe I filed that in my mind under Robotech-only ideas...

    Ug. And that was apparent too.... Oh, speaking of mechanics, are the Meltran soldiers mechanically inhanced? I gathered that from your site Nanashi, can you clarify it? (and might as well say what armor they are made of, if any :) )

  5. I had assumed that the Zentreadi ships had very thick outer hull armor plating, perhaps made of an advanced form of Titanium or an entirely new alloy or metal.

    Just because it isn't on earth doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    We probably had a good deal of knowledge into their type of constuction materials by the time they arrived.

    The Materials for the Supervision army yes, but I assume earth didn't have any knowledge on the Zentreadi or Protoculture manufacture methods or armor creation until the UN spacy captured and repaired the factory sattelite.

  6. Is Tech TV going to get the final episodes? I know they ran Dual all the way through, so why not Last Exile?

    And I gotta wonder how Vanships stack up against, say, a Sophwith snipe?

  7. Is it possible perhaps for Supervision army drives to act differently from Zentreadi counterparts? What if their fold engines were configured differently to allow for simultaneous transport of a number of ships?

    I don't think the Zentreadi mention anywhere the surprise of seeing a spherical fold. Perhaps this is because all Supervision army fold clusters work this way and have been modified from Protoculture designs. This suggests that though the idea of space-folding is more or less universal to interstellar races, the implimentation is different.

    In the arguement of why this system isn't used in later series, I think the reason we never see a spherical fold deployment again is because the fold drives of the SDF-1 were never fully studied or had been deformed during the crash. Either that or study schematics of the rebuilt engines were discarded when the origional fold around earth was botched. Thus all subsequent Fold clusters were derived from (Reliable) Zentreadi fold engines.


    Another idea is that the engines were unknowngly deformed in some way unknown to the humans, so that their repair efforts did not correct the flaw in the fold cluster or the Omni-directional barrier (Connected to the fold system).

    An idea I just cooked up now is the possibility that the Fold system itself is a boobytrap set by the Supervision army. It would have displaced a large group of vessels surrounding the captured ASS-1 and put them on random fold co-ordinates in the hopes of perhaps jumping them into more of the fleet to cause a lot of damage.

    Meh, speculation is fun:)

    I interpreted it to mean the Macross' power grid was fluctuating.

    The main gun wasn't fired "properly", so various systems were not reconfigured for the massive energy discharge, and the subsequent sag and spike upset stuff.

    Either that or the blast of the cannon was too much for the unrestored/insufficient power connections that were weakened by the landing or were designed for a much, much lower power flow rate.

  8. Are you sure there weren't any on the Macross when it took off? Judging by the size of the destroids in some of the shots, I think 645 destroids is cramped to be in the Deadalus if you include helicopters and other vehicles meant for air-to-air warfare. And don't forget the two monsters.

    Besides, the Deadalus was just a landing ship, not a fortress-to-be. I'm sure the UN Spacy would be stupid not to put Destroids on the Macross when they're expected to fight Zentran giants.

  9. Well, the problem could be solved by either having them on deck (If you assume the barrier makes an impact high enough to allow the destroids to clear) Or open the inner doors in the underside of the bracket and let 'em have it. Or you could always use the beam cannons, turrets, and other assorted anti-armor goodies an ARMD has pointing forward.

  10. I actually heard about Last Exile from a Newtype Article. The Urbanus illustration there was enough to get me interested in the series.

    Fortunately, i DID hit record at 1 on Sunday, so now I have all available episodes on tape :) At the expense of some old Gundam tapes from CN....

    I like the airship designs, but I don't like the guild at all(Their starships don't really grab my attenion either. And that kid is weird...). And the fact that everyone has to buy thier engines is a little unsettling, after all who says they don't come with self-destruction devices?

    I'm debating weather I should actually dive into getting the complete series, or even the soundtrack for that matter. IMO the dub is good, better than some others...

  11. Wow. You just found the only image of the Sian Macross I've ever seen (Aside from another I haven't located...)

    Is that ship in DYRL? I heard it was supposedly in the Meltran fleet...

    Oh, and the ASS-1? Nanashi has a really big picture Here

    That's the TV series one, anyway.

  12. Looking at the Phalanxs... I think they are some kind of variant, they don't have the normal "search light" head.  that or somekind of animation error.

    who knows maybe the person who did these cells might been on a long Acid trip that week... or colorblind

    THere are supposedly 3-4 variants of the Phalanx with different heads out there. This is only one of them. I remember one of the variants has a machine gun head, another with the searchlights horizontal instead of vertical. I'm sure it's out on some RT site out there but I don't know if those were cannon or not...

    Although it appears the variants also made it into toy form somehow.

    do you mean like Nanashi's

    he has several depicted including the blue one

    Precisely, actually.

  13. Looking at the Phalanxs... I think they are some kind of variant, they don't have the normal "search light" head. that or somekind of animation error.

    who knows maybe the person who did these cells might been on a long Acid trip that week... or colorblind

    THere are supposedly 3-4 variants of the Phalanx with different heads out there. This is only one of them. I remember one of the variants has a machine gun head, another with the searchlights horizontal instead of vertical. I'm sure it's out on some RT site out there but I don't know if those were cannon or not...

    Although it appears the variants also made it into toy form somehow.

  14. BTW, I couldn't resist:

    The whole Robotech thing is known to be an error.

    You could also consider the entire thing of Robotech to be a glorified fan fiction.

    The regult seems...well...fat. Otherwise, I applaud your project and I look forward to capital ship scales!

  15. I didn't like them. IMO, the whole charm of Battletech was the big ugly "Walking Tank" syndrome.

    The Japanese versions of the Battlemechs I found way overdone for my taste. However, you can still do "Walking Tank" without being too clunky or anime-frilly:


    Lifted from http://tekki.jp

    interesting, that steel battalion mech looks an aweful lot like the Gundam: For the Barrel designs.

    They were done by the same mecha designer, that's why.

    There's a website out there but I don't remember the address.

    Silly Battletech. :p I havent played in a while, and even then I tried stuffing anime machines into it :D

    By the way, Fasa Died if anyone didn't notice.

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