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Posts posted by Ruak

  1. still planing it. i was going to use jupiter. thats the lithtech engine. the one used on tron.

    well didnt do much last night. i finally took a picture of how much i did to though. here it is. the chest plate was rushed. ill redo the highlights tonight. and maybe the lower arms.

    oh and retouched the face for the 7th time.... im never satisifed... ever....


  2. yep maya. i worked for newtek when i was little. and learned lightwave there. used it for many years. then was converted to maya after working on the Matrix mmp. there was some soft and max use in there too. but mostly these models are maya binary format.

    ok just got in. quickly did the "skirt" i use that term carefully... thought i would share. also retouched his eye texture and made his ear a bit more pointy. on the dvd they seem elf like so if your curious almost all of my refrence comes from the DYRL dvd. tonight i plan on finishing the "skirt" use that term carefully... and the arms. i hate doing cloth. so ill get it out of the way first. then if i have time maybe do the face plate. the one on his head now was a stage 2 place holder. i need to paint in the metal veins you see in the dvd and add specularity to my painting. will ad a specular map later as im not sure what engine i will use anymore im not going to worry about the special effects untill i get to that point. (i should add it will most likely be jupiter or some version of unreal... i know them the most)


  3. did a size comparison shot. useing my low LOD 1J and low LOD pod. i didnt load the texture in as they are on another cd somewhere.

    thanks to lestat and windjammer for help getting the sizes right. i have to say. i would still date millia even with the size diffrence...

    *sigh* millia is too short im told. i fixed it. (cause she is) but im done posting for today.


  4. hmm they are looking kinda dark. oh well.

    models 2k in polies. a few of you knew i had it from way back. just doing the texture now. hes riged. eyes. eye lids fingers lips and face. well one side of the face. he really doesnt have a whole face per say.

    ps. this is the superman pic... should have left the back ground black. though i do think superman wouldnt stand a chance against britai.


  5. im still lurking. though i thought i would let you see it. i will maybe finish it tomorow. "maybe"

    colors off on the head. i was playing with a green blue. that pick looks too blue. makes me think i will go to gray again.


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