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Posts posted by antibiotictab

  1. Why are those guys dancing like idiots? It should be embarrassing, no?

    I don't like them. They don't listen to the music, but just come to get hilarious and wild by themselves. They tend to be troublesome because are easy to bump into the other normal fans and sometimes scuffles occur.

    We call them "イベンター", "eventers". They appear every ani-son concert. *Sigh*

  2. Is Ken Wantanabe a big star in Japan?

    Well, of course he is a star and well-known, but as far as I'm concerned, he was once a big star about 25 years ago before he developed leukemia.

    After that, his health condition has got better, but he was not a so big star, IMO.

    He got famous again after "The Last Samurai". Now he is one of big stars.

    FYI, his daughter, Anne is also a star in Japan.

    The biggest star in Japan is Takuya Kimura AKA Kimutaku, I think. He acted Susumu Kodai in the live-action Space Battleship Yamato movie.

  3. I am curious to hear what the Japanese think of this film.

    Generally good. And it succeeded at the box office. :)
    Some people talk about that city's name. "Janjira" is apparently not suitable for a Japanese city's name.
    What interesting thing is that the translator didn't translate it into Japanese and no Janjira was subbed. Subbed only (somewhere) in Japan, IIRC.
    The only some Japanese and non-Japanese people who can hear and understand English are talking about Janjira.
    And the city is located near Mt. Fuji.
    We will never make a Nuclear Power plant such a place.
    Well, the place maybe Fuji-City, Shizuoka-City and Yaizu-City; those are situated in the leftside of Mt.Fuji.
    I think probably Yaizu may be Janjira. It was the city Kaneko's Godzlla landed and the Daigo Fukuryuu Maru's home port. The latter is a famous ship because of radiation exposure of the Operation Castle in 1954.
  4. On Facebook it was noted that the original voice of Shima may have died - but they don't have anyone who knows for sure (someone by the actors name is listed in a obituary). Anyone here able to confirm or deny it?

    No news sources yet.

    A member of a certain mixy community wrote about it, but the contribution itself has already deleted now, some twitter posts said.

  5. You may think it's funny...

    I first watched DYRL in 1989 or 1990 on the NHK BS TV channel. Not 1984. When the movie was screened in 1984 in

    Japan, of course I knew it, but I was so busy studying because I was a ronin student then. Moreover, I liked live action

    movies better at the time, so I didn't watch it. I only watched "Star Trek 3" and "Indiana Jones" in the year.

    I was not so enthusiastic about anime. I preferred some indoor and outdoor activities. And didn't have my VCR. When I

    had a time, I went out to Harajuku, enjoyed skateboarding, and did not watch TV in my apartment.

    In 1989, I bought a VCR and I could watch the NHK BS channels. In summer days, the TV stations aired some anime

    movies. DYRL was one of them.

    I liked it. I have sometimes watched it.

    I lived in Kanagawa Pref. and the apartment is not so far from Atsugi Air Base. In 1991, the USS Independence comes

    to Japan, and the Tomcats, too; VF-21 Freelancers and VFA-154 Black Knights. I have come to like to watch them in

    Yamato City when they were training and like to watch DYRL more and more. Now, It is my favorite anime movie.

  6. The EP also contains 4 Macross related songs and her first spanish langauge track, aswell as others.

    The pronunciation of both Japanese and Spanish resemble, especially vowels, so I think she sings well.

    それにしてもこの人いつも若作りだよな・・・*talk to myself*

  7. Chisuga's new promotional video.

    For the fans in the Kansai district. MBS Anime Fest will be held in October in Osaka.


    Nakamura, Endo, Nakajima, and May'n will show up. Nakajima-san will be just a VA, and won't sing.

    The VAs of Gundam Seed, Tiger & Bunny, and Attack on Titan appears, too; it means many female fans buy the tickets. You should buy it ASAP.

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