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Posts posted by Nicaragua

  1. Yeah, but like Manfred Brando, Richard Bilra had ownership of a interplanetary megacorporation fattening up his wallet.

    Where they get their money from isnt relevant. The point is that within the scope of the Macross universe it seems more than feasible for the ultra rich to finance a reproduction of an SV-51/52.

  2. "Low-Cost" no, but given the proliferation of Variable fighters by the late 2050's and level of manufacturing technology in the Macross universe, I can imagine that building a reproduction SW1 vintage Variable fighter is going to be about as common as building reproduction WWII fighters today (i.e. common for people with considerable disposable income.)


    When you factor in that a civilian in Macross Frontier has enough cash to buy his own PMC and kit it out with all the latest military toys then the cost of rebuilding an SV-51 seems pretty small in comparison.

  3. It's difficult to set out to save someone when you don't even know they're in danger. But as soon as they knew Myung was in danger they decided to work together and go to her rescue. Isamu risked his life against the Macross, and Guld martyred himself to take out the X-9 so Isamu could fulfill his task without the Ghost interfering. Risking your life, (and sacrificing it in Guld's case), to save the lives of others are heroic traits.

    Guld wasn't sacrificing his life just to beat the X-9 and selfishly prove that human pilots were superior to machines. He was sacrificing his life because if he bugged out, Isamu would be the Ghost's next target, and Myung would have nobody left to save her.

    Isamu risks his life every few minutes throughout Macross Plus - thats who he is. Sharon Apple knows this (via Myung) and so is fighting him to give him what he wants. He is just doing what is in his nature, he wants to risk his life so its hardly some big noble effort for him.

    Guld is looking to repent for his past in that action. Granted him making that sacrifice is quite selfless but it dosnt give him a clean slate for all his past murderous douchebaggery or make him a nominee for hero of the year.

    Doing the right thing once after doing the wrong thing A LOT dosnt make you a hero.

    jeez, all this usage of the word "hero" is reminding me of Snow from FF13...and he was a right tit.

    Mod Warning

    This thread, as I've read it, is suppose to be about your favorite VF pilot, NOT about what happened between Myung, Guld, and Isamu. In fact, there's a thread about that. If you can't keep it in its respective threads, then I will start closing threads.

    Apologies, i will leave it there.

  4. I guess that's one way of looking at it. But that's not how I see it. The reason Isamu can't resist showing Guld up in a chaser plane is not because Isamu is simply an "irresponsible arsehole", it's to convey how deeply routed and competitive the rivalry between Isamu and Guld is. The same can be said for all the reckless things Guld did. Isamu and Guld are both equally driven to win...at whatever the game is. It's all encompassing.

    I guess calling them irresponsible is not inaccurate. They are. But I don't like how simple you paint their picture. Their relationship is more complicated than just being "two irresponsible arseholes" that do irresponsible things simply because they are irresponsible people.

    As for being heroes...They do save Myung in the end. Along with the rest of Macross city from falling under the hypnotic trance of a self preservation driven A.I. gone amuck.

    Firstly they do not set out to save Myung so there is nothing heroic about it. Isamu steals a prototype fighter to blow up the X-9 because the idea of it pisses him off - the fact that once he got there the X-9 was under the control of an "A.I. gone amuck" is irrelevant since his intention was to destroy it anyway.

    He only decides to save Myung after blowing up a load of orbital defence satellites and his dogfight with Guld - again these are not things he does to get to Myung and save her, he does them anyway and then saves Myung as an encore.

    Guld isnt any better with his covering up of a dangerous flaw in the YF-21's controls system (i'm sure he planned to have that little kink ironed out before mass production) and his dubious intentions when he loads a test weapon with live ammo.

    Clearly the characters are portrayed this way in order to convey the depth of their rivalry and it would be a dull OAV if they acted normally and responsibly. However we only see what we see and if you look at it objectively then Isamu and Guld are both irresponsible, bordering on criminal.

    Im not trying to insinuate that they are like Beavis and Butthead flying planes with their weiners going "hu huh huh" but regardless of their motivation what they do is wrong and for selfish, immature reasons. For that reason they are definitely not heroes.

    Still my two favourite characters though :)

  5. Finished watching the last episode(#26) of Claymore. Wow. Really good story. Great tense action. Kind of bloody but not too gory.

    This is totally worth your time.

    The character Raki did remind me of Saji Crossroad(from Gundam 00). A young man that wants to join in on the fight for a reason but finally brings sanity to the situation without conflict. Come to think of it...Clare kind of looks like Louise Halevy(also from Gundam 00 Second Season). Both girls went overboard for revenge for the death of loved ones.

    Alright, on to a lighter tone anime, Vandread.

    Overall i thought Claymore was a great series but the last few episodes started getting a bit tiresome.

    "Evil monster person has awakened super evil powers!"

    "Good Claymore person awakens their super powers!"

    "Oh no Evil monster person had only half awakened and still has more power sher can unleash!"

    "Ha! luckily good Claymore person had managed to unawaken while still retaining maximum ass kicking powers!"

    "AHA! Evil person has an even higher level of super powers!"

    ...and so on

  6. One thing about the SV-51 which might be an advantage over the VF-0 is that it can keep its wings extended and forward facing in Battroid mode which might give it additional manoeuvrability during those mid air giant robot battles.

    Also it would mean that the SV-51 could still use its wing mounted missiles in Battroid mode - not sure if the VF-0 can do the same as they are tucked up behind it.

  7. I always though it was an abandoned or soon-to-be-riqualified sector devoid of citizens, in facts the streets - and buildings, as far as we know - are all empty. Even assuming that the Sharon Apple concert had drawn a huge mass of people to the city centre, it's impossible that every single civilian had gone there. So training area/empty block is what it appears to be.

    I dont really buy that its a training area or empty block, it looks completely different from the training area scene on Eden which looks more like a current day military training area. Maybe its a commercial office area which was empty due to it being the end of the working day. The buildings are all shiny and modern looking so i doubt they where built with the intention of having two fighter planes have a dogfight through the streets.

    Anyway regardless of what the nature of the area is i doubt that either of the two pilots gave a rats ass or weighed up the consequences or collateral damage, they wanted to have a fight and thats where they landed. If it happened to be an unabandoned area then good for them, they got lucky. It dosnt really make them any less of a pair of dicks for smashing up military property or commercial districts.

  8. yea, mac+ is an exception cos it's a story of heros, they were born heros.

    I dont think Macross Plus is a story of heroes at all. The main charcters might be good pilots but personality wise they are a collection of irresponsible arseholes.

    Isamu cant even just follow Guld in a chaser plane without trying to ruin his test by showing off.

    Guld tries to kill Isamu on a couple of occasions during tests.

    Both of them have a dogfight through Macross city using civilian housing as cover.

    They are definitley great characters but heroes ? no way.

  9. I just saw Tron Legacy in 3D and i thought it was pretty cool.

    3D is definitley a gimmick but its something that can make certain films more spectacular and so i think its here to stay. Its not like it is trying to replace normal cinema, all the cinema's where i live have 2D showings and 3D showings of the same movie so its a customer choice whether or not you want to pay for the 3D wow factor.

    Ive only seen 3 films in 3D - Avatar, Beowulf, and Tron Legacy and if i was going to watch those films again then i would choose the 2D option but for those first initial viewings then im glad i saw it in imax 3D, they were all awesome.

    I would compare 3D to a theme park. Its good for the odd day out but if you went every day then it would get tiresome.

    As for remaking old films like star wars in 3D then im not interested.

  10. i think ozma deserves some light too, his no-nonsense old-school attitude makes him an acceptable successor to roy as a skull leader.

    i always believe that the heros were developed by their leaders.

    without these leader characters, there won't be any hero characters.

    although in series other than sdf:m and mac-f, i don't really see any mentors that stand out like roy and ozma.

    I would describe Colonel Millard Johnson from Macross Plus as a mentor character. He dosnt have the same tutor type role as Ozma or Roy but Isamu and Guld are already ace pilots and so beyond the tuition stage. He clearly empathises with the passion of the main characters and supports their actions, even though he berates them for acting like dicks.

  11. You might also want to point out that that image is the cover of the NOVELIZATION, in which it is made clear that Guld does NOT rape Myung.

    Sorry, I thought it would be obvious to most of the readership here that the image was the cover of the NOVELIZATION. I would have thought the text on the image was a bit of a giveaway, still if you really think its needed...

    I'd like to point out that the image i posted above is the cover of the NOVELIZATION .

    Can't say i've read the book so i can't comment on what it says but if thats the case then it looks like someone forgot to tell the illustrator and then OK'd what he had drawn to be the cover - because that image suggests something nastier. I have to say that i find it strange they would use this image on the cover if the intention of the script is that it absolutely no way happened.

    PS: my awesome massive text pwns your puny caps

  12. The brisk ad is way better than the movie.

    I agree. Its a good film but the fake trailer promised something much more over the top and silly than what was actually delivered. With a film like this then i just wanted none stop over the top ass kicking like what RR did with Desperado and Dusk til Dawn.

    Good film, could have been a lot better.

  13. My goodness, talking about a nosedive, my reissue YF-19 fell off my shelf onto the hard floor not once, but twice! :0 It just fell off for the second day today thanks to an accidental hand wave. I nearly had an heart attack. Thank heavens the only thing that detached was the upper torso via the rail.

    Other than that the toy stayed in one piece and shows no signs of damage.

    It must be the spirit of Isamus reckless flying that inhabits the YF-19 toys and compels them to leap off things :)

    Your lucky, my first one landed pretty much bang on the right wingtip (also hardwood flooring) and it snapped it right off along the hinge were it folds back before flipping over and landing on the top were it broke off a tailfin, head laser, and the cockpit cover.

  14. I was trying to find an old thread on the 1/60 Yamato YF-19 but this board always kicks back with no result. Anyway, any of you have gotten the latest reboxed VF-19 from Yamato?

    Any improvement besides the color variations?


    I had the original first edition YF-19 but it took a nose dive off a shelf and ended up in pieces. I was going to replace it with a Double Nuts as it was about half the price of the anime version but then HLJ slashed the price of the YF-19 re-issue over xmas so i got that.

    The colour is lighter but then again i would expect that anyway on a brand new toy. The joints are infinitely tighter than the original version so I can actually pose it how i want to rather than posing it in a way that wont stop it falling over. My only gripe is that in battroid mode they havent fixed the plate that covers the underside of the nose, it looks like it should lock in place but on both of my 19's it just hangs there and is quite floppy so its a pain to get that one bit to stay in place for the proper battroid look.

    Heres a piccie of my new re-issue YF-19.


  15. I have about the same problem on mine, the back and belly parts never line up perfectly. :( (also the nosecone has never been able to lock securely on in battroid mode ever.)

    ive got the nosecone locking issue too, I didnt even realise it was supposed to lock until this thread.

  16. Should we call him Rozma? Or maybe Ozmoy?

    I personally prefer Rozma, but maybe we need another poll... :p

    AS for Luca...I am glad he is sucking. He needs to get a haircut, wear some pants and put on about 50 pounds and six inches.

    I feel sorry for Guld having no votes because his worst character flaws aren't really his fault, plus unlike Isamu, Guld was part of the development team as well as the test pilot for his fighter. He had mad brains and could fly like a maniac.

    definitely Rozma!

    Guld would be my second choice as he is one of my favourite characters and the YF-21 is my favourite mecha. The scene in Macross Plus were it first shows him interface with the 21 and moving the wings and nozzles as though they are his own limbs is one of my standout moments from all Macross.

    Still i think the BCS works against Guld when it comes to picking who is the best pilot. You see Isamu literally wrestle with the controls of the 19 and you can see the passion he puts into his flying, whereas Guld is pretty static apart from when he is going tits up.

    So Isamu pips it for me but i still love you Guld!

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