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Timber Wolf

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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I got it mostly done. I need engine, stabilizer and arm prints, as well as a resize for the chestplate piece.
  2. there is a flat plane version, but I can't remember where I got it from. here's where I scanned it into my computer and uploaded it to Photobucket. LINK'D
  3. Ok... I got most of the pieces together... have to reprint a set of the parts inverted for the starbord intake... but I don't have cut-outs for the engine or arms, not to mention the rear stabilizers (the ones attached to the bottom of the engines). any way I could get those parts posted?
  4. ... (prints and begins work)... I assume I need two prints of the wings and thruster pages... (works dilligently)
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