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Posts posted by jammaker

  1. I just did a Star Wars movie marathon with my friends this weekend. A new hope/ Empire strikes back and Return of the Jedi. And I realise what's lacking in the new movies. Everything the originals had!!!!! Well besides that, it was the credibility of the characters. They are real people with realistic out looks and feelings, and reacted to situations in a realistic way which gave credibility to the story. That's why I love them. They have whit and intelligence. Not the slap stick representations of real humans they have in the new ones. The Star Wars movie you want to see is right there in your DVD cabinet go pull it out and watch it. You'll be glad you did. I've decided I'll definitely wait for a week or two before I see the next one.

  2. Just saw One punch man episode 4. I'm really loving this season dispite the quality in animation. However episode 4 was fantastic. I think the staff at JC are taking note of their critics comments and upping their game. Working on a title like this will only improve their skill beyond what they'd done previously. So I'm not to worried about the quality in the future. The scenes around Genos have always been great, and I'm excited to see what happens with King.


  3. No that's true. Seeing the starwars trilogy as a pre teen in the 80's was literally out of this world, it was larger than life. And we were all the more enriched because of it. And nothing can take that away. Not even someone who tries to re- write the established universe or retroactively change things now. We had it good. It's just a pity in this SJ, pandering world, they took Luke's character and belittled and degraded it and disrespected it so much, that we all feel hurt. Luke the greatest Jedi of all kicked in the nuts and told to disappear. Don't worry we love and admire you Mark Hamill and know how much Luke Skywalker meant to you and all of us. We salute you.

  4. I'm worried! I think the only way this could have been saved is if TLJ was Luke visiting an alternate dimension,to see if there was a way they could defeat the fist order. And him disappearing at the end was him returning to his reality. Now if the leaked script that surfaced recently is true. Than this will be the worst ending of any saga. It will be the opposite of avengers end game. But I'm hoping that they are pulling a (Blue harvest. horror beyond imagination) on us. If not, then I think I can rightfully say that "disney ruined my childhood."

  5. Thanks Electric Indigo, I've been a fan of your work for years. I'm about the same with a few yukikaze kits on the go at once that have been sitting at various stages of repair for years. Mainly beacause I feel I've got to be on top of my game so I don't stuff them up because I want them to be perfect. I definitely whould have purchased every Oomooly product. I was looking forward to the FEP twin prop jet.

     In 2009 I scratch built a TNX-1 out of a bandai 1/100 RAFE but wasn't satisfied because it was only half there so I spent time and lots of money developing the other half. I tried getting in touch with Bandai visual about a manufacturing licence a couple of years ago, and even sent my good Japanese friend to Tokyo to set up an appointment.But alas they wouldn't see me as they " arn't seeing or dealing with any foreign companies for 2-3 years". So I'm planning on seeing plats, and maybe they'll buy it off of me and I can get a cut. Fingers crossed anyway. It's all still a work in process. If there's anyone out there with connections please hook me up.  Here's a sneak peak it's 1/100 scale and fits both alter and bandai kits. It has instructions waterslide decals and box art and design. This prototype TNX Carrier shell alone, cost me 2 grand. Anyway. Enjoy!!



  6. Thanks Dobber, I'll have to finish my FFR-41 MRD Yukikaze. It's a 1/72 scale with a scratch built life capsule. And movable wing surfaces. I've been holding off as I want to drop a couple of Super pheonix engines into it at 1/72 scale. I've been trying to find some 1/72 scale jets to convert them but haven't found any anywhere :(.  I'll have to find someone with a resin 3D printer and do them that way. I have the files to do it. But the printer is just as elusive as the jets.

  7. (Spoiler alert to those that haven't read the novels) Both Banshee III & IV can be completely autonomous, however they were both fully manned. Banshee III was operating autonomously in the anime as the Jam had consumed the crew and was busily creating copies of them when Rei and Tomahawk came to investigate. According to the novels. The Banshee series were built in orbit and dropped through the atmosphere, to then be flown through the portal to faery. Both Banshees were vital to the FAF's survival on the Planet Faery and were serviced (meaning replenished) daily. On the resin kit the specs are- From wing tip to wing tip they are 1400 meters.  Height 315M. From front to back 687M. Weight 9650 Tons. Crew 388. Cruise speed 650 km/ph. with a top speed of 730km/per hour. They have an unlimited range. In the novel Banshee III was put on meltdown remotely by the FAF to cause an evacuation, to clear it out fearing a suspected coup and / or Jam takeover. However the nuclear meltdown was to far advanced by the time it was empty and it was unable to be saved. The devastating loss of both super carriers spelled the end of the FAF on faery. The good news is that in the Anime Banshee III survived and served as the main evacuation platform for the FAF back to earth. I absolutely love the design of Banshee and after 15 years last Christmas finished banshee IV.  I took a couple of really bad pics of IV. It's suspended like that in my display using fishing line. It's amazing how well it suddenly shows up when you want to take a Pic.  I'll have to set it up properly and get some good ones. It took me that long as I didn't want to mess it up. Sorry to all, I did have another one but  sold it and I'm still kicking myself. I'll keep searching though, as I want to make banshee III one day now that I have the colour scheme. Electric Indigo your Banshee with scratch build gantry is truly epic, and was the inspiration I needed to finish mine. I really like all of your scratch build models. I'll post a couple I've made soon.

    Banshee 2.jpg

    Banshee 1.jpg

    Banshee 6.jpg

  8. Hi vf_1s, I'd like to acctually keep it. But I would part with it for $250.00 US + postage and insurance because it's officially now the rarest yukikaze merchandise. After Years of Searching I found this one in Thiland ^_^ I was going to do it up as banshee 3. Lickily I Have a banshee 4 already. Sooooo If your not Interested I might take it off sale and keep it. But if you really wan't it I'm fine to hold onto it until you save up. I do need the money but I'm still in 2 minds........ :( Anyway you deside.

  9. Hey guys how are you? I have some good news for any yukikaze model collectors. I finally acquired a 1/4000 banshee 4. But alas because I have 2 as I was going to do this up as banshee 3. I unfortunately have to sell her....... Darn it!!!!!!!!grrrrrrrrrr........anyway if your interested we could start up a correspondence and exchange details. I know I could sell this for a lot, cause the're even more rare than the alter FFR-31MrD. They are still selling for a grand on ebay. But I'm willing to settle for $250.00+ postage and insurance. I know, i know. But that is a fair price for what it is. And if that is too much than this is not for you....... I post world wide and use PayPal. Hope you will look at the hints and tips on the macross buy and sell page as i will do as they suggest to make sure any transaction goes smooth for both parties. I would like to sell it on the macross site, but for some reason it won't let me. Don't know if the has anything to do with the fact I'm in Australia. Anyway. Talk to you soon.

  10. Hey any yukikaze fans out there you need to check out eBay right now!!!! There is a banshee 4 for sale!!!!!! Those things are super rare. It's pricy but it would be nice to have one suspended above a bunch of 1:144 yuki jets. Just go into international eBay and type in yukikaze it will come up. Wish I could have it :(

  11. Hey guys, i'm back... well.. after about two day's i've managed to pacify myself.. it's the first time afterall that something like this happened.. but yeah, i'm just focusing on the good side of the situation.. (i kept telling myself that the first one didn't turned out as accurate as i wanted it to be anyway) i've managed to channel my depression over my work's mishap so far with working on a better plan and doing more research.. i've decided to do the TV Version instead..

    MechTech: thanks a lot for the tip and sympathy.. will try to look for it, hopefully i can find it here locally. Since i'll be doing the TV Version, of which compared to the DYRL version have better streamline design but most of the part are curvy, so i will discard the hardtype cardboard this time as one of my main materials.. i've experimented bending cladding blocks by heating a portion of it where i do the curves and so far it turned out pretty good!

    anyway... here's my UPDATE.. i dropped the "CARD BOARD" as my main material for this build, i thought of using styrene sheets, but with its scarcity in my location, i researched for some other materials closely the same to it.. no luck either with mechtech's suggested material.. went to a couple of hardware shops, 'til a particular material caught my attention - a rubberized vinyl plastic tile.. tried to buy one and test it for curving and it turned out pretty good!

    i started working on the bridge area.. i wanted to make it as accurate as possible this time, so i just took my time doing all the minute detailing.. i think one thing i learned from my last build too is not to rush things..







    here's how it looks like with lights installed:


    i'll also do some articulation on the bridge's left part since i noticed from other pictures it appears to be connected to the main control area (in attack mode), while at some pictures it appears to be separated.. (cruiser mode)


    the bridge's about 80% done.. still have to the following:

    - detailed bridge internals

    - detailing for bridge's back portion

    - more sanding on curve areas

    hopefully i could continue on working this by next weekend..

    thanks for looking guys :)

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