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Macross GURU

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Posts posted by Macross GURU

  1. I'm not really sure about that, I've got quite a back story and operational history for the VF-400's... I have an irrational fear of other people getting involved in my personal project and conflicting with the continuity I've got in my head.

    No problem, thought I'd ask... I'd only be stating up the fighters physical data and damage yields measured in rolled dice ^_^ Have no fear, I won't touch it if you are not comfortable with the idea. I love all your creations, I suppose I've become a fan :lol:

  2. Thanks for the reply. I was thinking that it might have had a duel swing system (or sumthin') when I saw this line that I marked.

    And I know how you feel, I'll be at work and have a great idea on how something I've been tinkering with should go and as soon as I'm home - it's gone <_<

    That is a panel line connecting the skin to the spar which is in turn connected to the moving servo for the flaps, elevon, leading edge flaps, and transforming servo.

  3. Not following you on that, have you seen a F-104 with it's little stub wings? I think that most VF have enough wing area for flight, even anime52k8's WTF-25. Some designs may not have ideal low speed flight characteristics but their wings should be able to do the job.

    I think that VF tend to have a 'pancake' is due to SK liking the Tomcat ^_^

    Oh and anime52k8 could you give us a little detail art on the design for the swinging forward swept wings?

    Agreed the whole purpose for the narrow wings are for super sonic flight, all military aircraft designed for trans-sonic/super-sonic have that. The wing root is where the lift is generated at super sonic speeds you learn that first day in aerospace engineering, ok so maybe not first day generally you get the syllabus on first day, but it is a very basic concept for super sonic fight. The flat frame of the F-14 is a super-sonic lifting body that is stable utilizing the fact that the wing roots generate the lift (meaning it is all delta wing).

    The forward swept wing of the fighter I call the VF-26 Kestrel or Anime calls the WTF-25 :lol: has forward swept wings. Forward swept wings generate lift on the wing tips at lower speeds and at super-sonic speeds on the wing roots. This is more advantageous then the delta wing which performs better at super sonic speeds yet is dangerous to maneuver at landing speeds and sometimes require a longer faster takeoff or landing roll. The F-14 has a variable geometry wing which allows it to extend to generate lift at lower takeoff and landing speeds and retract to a delta wing for super-sonic speeds. The wing of the F-22 is a redesigned delta as the variable geometry wing is too expensive to construct and too heavy to install that and even with the special composite materials used today to lighten the airframe the VG wing is maintenance heavy. So the newer fighters and attack craft use a specially designed delta and a super-sonic lifting body. Variable fighters have arms and stuff disallowing lift in the middle (looking at my 1/48 VF-1A Max Type), yup, big honking arms.

    Out of Kawamorri's designs, I find the SV-51, YF/VF-19, YF-21/VF-22, and VF-25 most airworthy designs. The VF-0, VF-1, VF-4, VF-9, VF-11, VF14, VF-17, and VF-27 have too much parasitic drag and possibly weight and balance issues, and depending the model portraying the fighter it becomes debatable. Take it from me I have a Federal Aviation Administration certification. I specialize in airframe and coffins with propellers (helicopters).


    Oh did I not mention I have a degree in Aviation Maintenance and Technology, for my school it was a minor engineering degree.

  4. got the PM actually, does sound quite interesting, I look forward to seeing it.

    Oh so you did get it, good, so it does work. Ok, sorry, first time PM'ing on here.

    I should have the main site up soon ^_^ I haven't completed the bulk of the stats though but I'll keep putting stuff up as I complete them.

  5. where is this RPG page by the way?

    I tried to PM you with this but there was no conformation that it was sent, nor did it show up in my sent folder.

    Anime52k8, my RPG site is on www.msdfd.net

    I'll have the site up soon but it'll be in my older HTML 4.01/css format, I've been working one converting it over to XHTML so that it can be accessed on hand-held devices like most of the newer smart phones, the iPhone and the iPod Touch (mind you I like the iPod Touch better then the iPhone because the wi-fi is free and you don't have all costs and problems from the phone component, but this is neither here not there).

    The stats on the site are setup for the new palladium book and is for traditional pen and paper role playing. The Fan-Fic section of the page does two things, one: offer fan-fic stats and rules, and two: functions as a gallery for the Macross community. I'll have a thread soon on the homepage board. The original idea is to update the data on Dave Deitrich's Macross Mecha Designs, and Daniel Henwood's UN Spacy Database with all current info plus updating the stats for the new publication of the ROBOTECH RPG by Palladium Books. The Fan-Fic page is a way to extend a hand to the Macross Fan community. Being a Macross fan for 15 years and role playing for 12 years, it's funny that it took me such a long time to join the MW board though. Anyway, that is my ideas and concepts. Also if you would like I'll water-mark the fan pictures with the Macross World handle that each contributor has on here (or your own water-mark) as to prevent the theft of art, and plagiarism that is becoming so prevalent in the gaming, animation, and creative arts industry. <sigh> what a messy world we live in... I so far have the permission from Mr.March to use some of his art for the conversions of official mecha data. I have few art books too that may water-mark as Studio Nue and Kawamori Shoji's work just to deter the art ash-holes from my site.

    Sound shiny to you?


  6. thanks guys ^_^

    sorry for the lack of new material, i haven't been able to use a scanner for a while.

    i'l get cracking on new stuff as soon as i can get some time with a scanner :)

    i don't know why it's so widespread either.

    my guess would be that these people just want the instant recognition while not wanting to do all the hard work. and for some, easy money.

    plus there are actually people that buy into the scam, "i'm still developing my style" seems to work as a cover for the stealing.

    they don't see the inconsistencies with the so-called artist's quality of work & styles. so yeah, suckers=scammers. :(

    At some point I would love to use your VF-1 as a fighter in the fan-fic section of my RPG page. Not at the moment of course I have way to many fighters to work on at the moment. The fan-fic section is becoming a gallery of art with RPG stats. All content is credited to their respective owners and only used with permission. Additionally any background the design has goes with it also credited to it's owner.

  7. You haven't looked at it yet? You're hurting my feelings!

    So anyways, when you do get a chance to look over my stuff, understand that the game system basically works like this:

    1. You choose three attributes to be "prime," the other three must be left non-prime.

    2. Only d20s are used. All attribute checks for "prime" attributes must roll 12 or over. Non-prime rolls must roll 18 or over. Some people houserule this to be 10 for prime, 15 for non-prime, in order to make non-prime rolls a lot easier.

    3. Skill bundles are a way of making certain rolls "prime" when they otherwise wouldn't be. For example, if Physique is not one of your chosen prime attributes, but you have the Acrobatics skill bundle, then you will get to make rolls for jumping around, doing backflips, etc. as if they were prime.

    4. Within skill bundles, you can put experience towards specific things. While the books that my rules were based on list a number of possible specializations, this is really up to the players and the GM to negotiate.

    5. In the particular books that I'm using, there are no attribute scores in the traditional sense. Instead, they are positive or negative numbers whose sole purpose is to be added/subtracted from rolls. There are other SIEGE-based games out there which do have traditional attribute scores.

    6. Combat is simply a series of rolls to hit or chase after each other, with the target number (either 12 or 18) being further modified by a simple number named "combat defense." In order to acquire a significant advantage, you will have to be creative.

    7. If you don't know what to roll, first see if any attributes or skill bundles could be relevant. If not, the GM should award you for creativity!

    Of course, there are many other little details, like technology level, mutations (e.g. making your hair behave like floppy dog ears), cybernetics (e.g. a big optical device bolted on the side of your head), etc., but those are all extremely simplified in the books that my rules are based on. Even though I'm personally a fan of dicepool-based systems (like White Wolf, Shadowrun, The Riddle of Steel, etc.), I opted for the approach of the game moving as fast as possible, with any especially crunchy bits being exceptions (i.e., special keywords that are added onto things, such as "able to do critical hits") rather than having to think about them all the time.

    Hmmmn... I like it so far... Sorry for being late checking it out. I'll have to play test it sometime and tell you how it goes ^_^

  8. thanks ^_^

    oh, and sorry about the big ugly watermarks guys.

    they're kinda necessary with all the art theft going around on that site... can't be too careful. :ph34r:

    YAE! Post Necromancy!

    I don't know why there is so much art theft on here anyway... other then the simple explanation 'it's the internet'... this isn't the Louvre, boys and girls. Can't people simply ask? I never use anyone's art with out asking, and when I get permission I always give them their credit for all the work they did. I've drawn stuff in the past and then a short time later seen it on someone's page, so I do know of the hard work. I had an old watermark trick using 89a GIF files back in the day. Ah, nostalgia of ten years ago... That was before everyone and their Zentradi-in-law learned to use image software.

    Brilliant art! I totally think the VF-1 could just have stage two stage II turbines installed, extender gear, and ISC and it just may take on the 25, errrmm or maybe not but, it would be cool. Very sharp! Thanks for sharing UN MARINE. ^_^

    EDIT: Corrections

  9. Excelents design Anime52k8.

    I love this design too! Since I'm working on your throwaway design I dubbed the "VF-26 Kestrel" I don't suppose I could add this one to the fan-fic section too? Since you already created much of it's 'fluff' it'll be easier to make all the 'crunch' for it. As before with the Kestrel I'll give all credit to you. B))

    I'm pretty close to fleshing out my page, it should be up soon following that with all revamped stats as accurate as current publications allow, written for Palladiums 2nd edition 'robotech' I'll have a new thread soon for the site.

  10. The only thing I'd suggest is that you add a sheild between the engine nacelles in fighter mode so it has better lift in the atmosphere and a few optional heads, otherwise I like the design very much!

    Well it's up to anime52k8 to make more heads as it is his design. Also, from my expert opinion the 'shielded' fighters do not seem to generate lift in that section of the craft as much as the wings, save the VF-25 as it is a superior lifting body. Perhaps this design opted for a shieldless design possibly due to the effectiveness of the pin point barrier system as an energy shield. Since I'm writing the background and stats I may use this approach. I'm giving this design to the colony fleet Macross Maraposa. Another fan-fic colony of mine that I haven't done anything with yet. I'm calling it another YF-24 derivative. I'm debating if I should give it Extender Gear or not. Hmmmn maybe another system or ISC or something...

    Edit: spelling and grammar corrections.

  11. go wild, that won is kind of a throw away design for me, I don't have plans for it anyways. I actually think hearing somone else take on stats and background would be cool.

    Cool thank you anime52k8! I have gone ahead and cleaned up the art a bit, then scaled it down so I can display it here. I made the ventral view symmetrical and added the NUNS emblem to the left wing. ^_^

    Here is what I have done so far.



  12. god damn photobucket... site is worthless... <_<

    :edit: screw photobucket, I'm using Flickr (it's easier to organize stuff anyways)

    Next is something completely stange that I felt like posting anyways. I drew this (battroid and Fighter) in about 3 hours at school after a class was canceled. it is a bazar mutilation of the VF-25 into some sort of racing valk and it is the result of extreme boredom. as such I shall call it the WTF-25



    Woha! I love it! Would you mind me making RPG stats for it? I'll give you full credit of course! And I'll put it into my fan-fic section:) How about calling it the VF-26 Kestrel? ...just a thought... I think WTF-25, is, well... taken by Alto every time he flys. :lol:

  13. I think that you all may want to go to


    It has loads of stuff on the oldies from right back to the 60's, pictures and videos, all types of programs are included even the news and channel i dents.

    It is at the moment mostly U.K stuff but this is o.k seeing as how the U.K imports a lot of its t.v anyhow. The international section is growing though.

    Some tasters

    buttonmoon1986-a.jpg Valkyrie Nut just for you.

    dangermouse1983-a.jpg Where would the world be without D.M Mickey's slightly hard James Bond like cousin

    chorltonandthewheelies1976-a.jpg My favorite. The best a slightly fat friendly dragon with a Yorkshire-esq accent who just wanted everyone to be friends.

    bananaman1983-a.jpg all together ..... ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    rentaghost1975-a.jpg The oposite to Ghostbusters, Live in a house without Ghosts, then you can hire some.

    Not forgetting the likes of the Clangers, Bagpuss and Willo the Wisp these programs have already got a masive cult status, and you can get them on DVD :) they are excellent for when you come home from the pub after an night on the wobble juice.

    I miss Banana man and Danger Mouse (I grew up with those). <sigh>

  14. I'm looking for Players in San Francisco or local bay area for my Macross campaign that I am GM'ing. Once I have players we can decide a meet place and day to run the game. The game takes place in 2060 and is using the new edition of the 'Robotech' RPG rules by Palladium Books. My site with the conversions for the new edition and house rules will be up soon.

  15. http://sites.google.com/site/ssfsx17srpgre...arsiege-macross

    Intended to be as simple and fast-playing as possible, while still showing the relative strengths and weaknesses of various things. If you don't know much about pen & paper games, imagine this as being somewhat like D&D but faster-paced.

    I know there are tons of stuff out there based on Fuzion. I do not mean to supplant the various Fuzion-based resources out there in any way, I did this purely for the love of my two kinds of geekiness.

    I haven't looked at it yet, but in general Role Playing games need to keep everything relative ans sometimes cover as much material as possible to give GMs a solid guideline. I'm not much of a fan of d20 systems; I like skill based percentile systems better. Mind you I do play d20 games still and I am also working on a Macross fan supplement for Palladiums new 'Robotech' rpg (since the old stuff is no longer compatible). And for that supplement I'm writing a campaign (the one I'm running now) that has to with a civil war on my fan fiction planet 'Gydon'. :) But to stay on the subject role playing games must be balanced, challenging and above all fun. You have to have solid game mechanics (typically called a game engine... odd...) that can be easily adapted to any situation, have enough stuff for characters to be interesting yet simple enough for easy construction (I like the system used for Paranoia B)) ). There also needs to be a solid combat system that can account for EVERYTHING in combat yet be very simple and fast. Of course with Macross gaming there needs to be accurate enough conversion of 'fluff' into 'crunch' (yes those are industry terms). And last but not least precision, everything must be explained well nothing should be left ambiguous. In many ways roleplaying is similar writing and reading laws, minus the legalese of course. :lol: I hope this helps somewhat.

    Keep things fun and have fun. And for this forum keep things Macross. I used to develop rules and make official interpretations in the industry :)

  16. I remember the part about Ranka's hair moving because she's 1/4 Zentradi but I still don't see how that ties into Meltran's piloting Q-Rau's. and where did you get the idea that they originally planed to have them pilot the Q-Rau's naked? If you're basing that assertion on the presence of naked Milia; that's just there because for some reason they liked throwing in naked women for scale from time to time back then.

    prime example:


    random naked Misa in a EC-33B disk sensor interior drawing. I have no idea why.

    I'm shocked! :blink: I had no idea Misa was an exhibitionist... Does Hikaru know about this?

    Now that the Q-Rau got mentioned, I wonder what kind of upgrades the Q-Rea has in comparison to the Q-Rau other then the obvious cannon and apogee correction thruster sick thingy on the back.

  17. Go with the number that Mr.March has. It's the number I used, and it comes from a count that one or more MW members did.

    Just to be clear, only the Super VF-1 has ever had the number of missiles it carries clearly identified - even then, some counting of a cutaway of the FAST packs was needed. Even the lineart of the other VFs only ever have "micro-missile" and an arrow pointing to the launcher slit (and they are usually not identified in any stats.) There are, of course, some exceptions, but that's the rule.

    What system are you doing the stats in?

    Row-boat-tech (robotech <_< ) Palladium second edition (more like 1.5 edition but at least the rules are better written and better explained this time) I'm making it work directly with the book. No real changes except some optional house rules. I think the Macross Saga book is better then robotech #1 published previously. Well, at least 95% accurate as much as the license from HG (boo) allows... And they state GERWALK mode not guardian mode! B))

    EDIT: fixed spelling mistakes.

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