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Posts posted by Phobos

  1. You really think so? :huh: Star Wars was pretty damn good - warts and all.

    I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic.. but I thought that Star Wars was #&%@ing terrible.

    I'm really concerned about how the pacing for the movie will be, seeing that they want to cram all of these people in a 2.5 hour movie. I'm also a little disappointed that we have to see Bruce's parents killed YET AGAIN. Even if it's in a flashback/dream sequence/whatever, we get it already. move on.

    I also have my doubts about the guy playing Lex.

  2. I nominate Star Wars Episode 7. The whole pot with the Starkiller Base doesn't make any sense, the fact that Rei was conveniently left behind on Jakku is mind-boggling and in a world where everyone tells everyone their secret mission after the just met is crazy. Also what was Phasma thinking when she disabled the shields of the base??? The only possible outcome would be that the rebels (I call them that because they are the same rebels from Episode 4) attack the base and trying to destory them. She should have been a trooper and get herself killed as a sacrifice for the greater good of the First Order and nothing would have happened.

    Worst movie ever -1/10.



    I would sit through Battlefield Earth AND Highlander 2 before I saw that POS again. It made me re-evaluate my "no reading spoilers before I see a movie" policy. I wish I never spent money to see it.

  3. Good riddance. He was a horrible show runner, but a good writer. Some of the episodes Moffat wrote for the RTD era are some of my favorites, but Moffat needs someone above him to keep him on course & weed out the crap. Smith era Who was borderline unwatchable, and Capaldi's tenure is only slightly better.

  4. In reading all that, it seems you are the one who took it personally. As an outsider in that part of the conversation and having no dog in that fight, this statement clearly shows you took it personally enough to respond with the default "Don't take it personally..." comment. He was clearly just pointing something out. Calm down, man, It's a cartoon ffs.

    Interesting, but incorrect. I've been following this thread to see what people think about Delta, and I commented on a pattern I saw displayed by the poster. Now, to put your comment into the context you placed mine, I could say the same for you, although I disagree with you claim as "having no dog in the fight". Clearly you do if you viewed it 4 times.

  5. Wow. I've never really disliked a Macross series until now. I even enjoyed 7, but this is too much. I may re-visit this when the series is complete, but I've seen nothing so far that changes my initial opinion about this addition to the Macross franchise.

    Like Star Wars, apparently this is what the fans want, judging from the poll. Unfortunately, for those of us who were with the franchise since the beginning, it is no longer enough to have the valks+music+love triangle and expect us all to accept everything at face value. At its core, Macross has been about the survivors of humanity banding together in the face of impossible odds, and persevering. This installment seems like a shameless cash grab with none of the depth or soul that made the initial series so great. Magical girls, phoned in Valk designs and crappy j-pop does not make a Macross series. Try again, guys. Try harder.

  6. It's a Bethesda game, and you expect it to work at launch? It doens't matter if it's Windows, XBox, or PlayStation, that's not happening.

    On the upside, the Windows version will be modded to hell and back within twelve hours of launch by fans eager to do Besthesda's job for them, so that's something.

    Meh. IIRC, my launch Skyrim worked fine for the 360 when I first bought it... Then again I may have suppressed those memories. :ph34r:

    New Vegas, on the other hand.... :angry:

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