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Posts posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. Kind of like when you fall in love with a girl... even watching her chew on her toenails is sexy. ;):lol:


    Give that a few years for that patina of love to wear thin... then when she does that kind of thing you'll be on the couch in the living room yelling "Geeeze! Keep it down in there! I'm trying to watch the Niners here!" :p

    My views on Anime Friend: they came in under budget. Much like a government low-ball contractor you cannot blame them when the handle comes off in your hand or your M16 jams... as it was built by the lowest bidder.

  2. An exchange by meaning is "To give in return for something received; trade" so if I allow you to download a piece of music from me, where is the exchange?

    "Exchange" in legaleze is not the literal word you think it means. An "Exchange" is simply a transfer of one item to another person. A broader definition is that it is a transfer of one or more items to another person or entity based on a mutual understanding or reception of another item or items. This meaning an "Exchange" can be the transfer of a single item between two people, as in the phrase "the men on the corner made the exchange" meaning one man handed an item to another man. Exchange is used as a verb to define the synchronized action of someone giving and someone receiving. Rather than saying the long-winded sentance "Bob took the item and Fred Gave the item" you simply say "Bob and Fred exchanged the item".

    Another thing people need to keep in mind is that the Legislative branch of government enacts the laws and the Judicial branch interprets them... meaning that one judge may view the word "exchange" the way you do and another may see it the other way while the congressman that wrote the law sees it in an entirely different way.

  3. Is it even legal to sue a 12 year old? She is a minor after all, how did they get around that problem to sue her?

    If you read the details behind the suit and the settlement you'd see that the RIAA is going after the people who pay for the internet connection that violated the laws, i.e. the kid's parents most likely. And it would also appear that another group stepped up to the plate and paid the girl's settlement for her anyway.

  4. The point CAG is trying to make is that anytime there is an exchange or a transfer of "something" it is considered a transaction. What you are describing with the "listening to a CD" constitutes "private use".

    I myself am not a lawyer, but being a gun owner in the United States I have had to become familiar with tons and tons of Federal legal mumbo jumbo, and these "acts" and "regulations" we all keep reading are actually very clear about what is and isn't "legal". The issue is that previously these illegal things have just not been enforced. The Federal government likes to use a lot of big words and order them in legaleze so common people don't know exaclty what is and isn't legal... but rule of thumb stands: if you got it for free, ask yourself who paid for it. There is no such thing as a free lunch. If you "give" someone a copy you are in essence denying the original maker the money they would have received from that potential sale, but if you let someone "borrow" or "use" your legitamate copy then you are excercizing your rights under the "fair use" conditions. Things taped off of TV or the radio are perfectly legal for you to do and watch/listen to as they are also within your rights under "fair use". But if you sell or distribute (meaning make more copies and give them away) you are now in all actuality breaking the law.

  5. RIP Johnny too.. :( It's not a shock as he was sick for a while - I thought that videoclip of a Nine Inch Nails cover he did was both shocking and courageous.

    With Johnny's death, his cover of "Hurt" takes on a whole new meaning. You could tell he was in pain his last few years and now most of us know why he chose to do that song as his own epilogue so to speak.

  6. Both have their applications. I'm generally not a big fan of diecast in toys as they have all those "paint chip" issues. Every diecast toy I had as a child looked like it got raked with a few bursts from a trench gun due to all the chips in the paint... then again that was the '70s back when all toys where like that.

    I have always wondered why some high dollar toys have not experimented with forged aluminum.

  7. I went out walking

    Through streets paved with gold

    Lifted some stones

    Saw the skin and bones

    Of a city without a soul

    I went out walking

    Under an atomic sky

    Where the ground won't turn

    And the rain it burns

    Like the tears when I said goodbye

    Yeah I went with nothing

    Nothing but the thought of you

    I went wandering

    I went drifting

    Through the capitals of tin

    Where men can't walk

    Or freely talk

    And sons turn their fathers in

    I stopped outside a church house

    Where the citizens like to sit

    They say they want the kingdom

    But they don't want God in it

    I went out riding

    Down that old eight lane

    I passed by a thousand signs

    Looking for my own name

    I went with nothing

    But the thought you'd be there too

    Looking for you

    I went out there

    In search of experience

    To taste and to touch

    And to feel as much

    As a man can

    Before he repents

    I went out searching

    Looking for one good man

    A spirit who would not bend or break

    Who would sit at his father's right hand

    I went out walking

    With a bible and a gun

    The word of God lay heavy on my heart

    I was sure I was the one

    Now Jesus, don't you wait up

    Jesus, I'll be home soon

    Yeah I went out for the papers

    Told her I'd be back by noon

    Yeah I left with nothing

    But the thought you'd be there too

    Looking for you

    Yeah I left with nothing

    Nothing but the thought of you

    I went wandering

  8. does anyone know where is the "correct" place to put the bud and cola stickers? Sorry, I know they go on the missles just not sure where exactly.

    In DYRL they were only seen in flight and they appeared on the sides of the multi-warhead missles... I'd venture a guess that they go on the mini missles that come off the sprues.

    Where exactly you put them is up to you I'd think as they are just sort of "joke" things and not really meant to go anywhere in particular.

  9. I'll loan you some money with reasonable leg breaking terms. You have no issue with 200% intrest and short term payback plans, right?


    It's not "what you can do for organized crime", it's "what can organized crime do to you"?

  10. I stick to my guns, Macross Zero has not "wowed" me. I've seen a lot of stuff in my life and I know what I like... and I am indifferent to this. Part three needs to hook me because if it doesn't then stick the fork in me I'm done with it. I am not being overcritical or judgemental on an "unfinished" story as this thing is an OAV, not a TV show. We are having to pay to see this thing... and in that respect the story (amongst everything else) must captivate the audience otherwise people won't buy the darn thing. It's becoming clear to me that sales of this thing are happening on blind fanboy addiction levels and, let's be honest with ourselves, some people are like me and they are buying it for the "it has to get better with the next part" reasoning.

    I have come to grips with it that I am pretty much alone in not liking most of the Macross universe... The Macross market has gone in several different directions since the original TV show and movie and every one has been no better or no worse (well, except Macross 7) than the original and they have not really added much to the original concept of the show (please for god's sake DO NOT debate me on this guys this is my opinion and you can't change it). Entertainment is like a drug, with every hit you take after the first two or three you need more and more, better and better in order to maintain that high... and Macross Zero, much like it's brothers Plus, II, 7 and what not, is just not "high grade" enough for me to maintain a buzz on. Call me a lukewarm fan but I know what I like and this ain't it. We all like elements of things. I like Muscle cars and guns also, but I don't just love all of them no matter what they are just because they fit into those categories. Be honest, you yourselves are also selective of what you like and don't like in certain categories.

    I have my opinions and they are mine and mine alone, just because I don't like it does not mean you have to "convince me".

  11. Macross Zero: The new valkyrie designs and not much else

    SDF Macross TV: It started the whole thing and laid the groundwork for DYRL

    DYRL: It is the last word in Macross and is the pinicle of evolution of the species

    Flashback 2012: Gave us the VF-4 and not much else

    Macross II: Gave us the VF-2SS and not much else

    Macross Plus: Gave us the YF-19 and YF-21 and not much else

    Macross 7: Comes on a DVD format that can be turned off and lit on fire easily

  12. Here's a weird question:

    Does anyone remember that deal in the early early '90s on the internet that let you buy a CD for like $10 and fill it with like 7 songs from their database? I thought that was a neat idea... you could get 7 songs you really wanted and buy the CD (legitimately supporting the artists and their labels) and they mailed it to you. I guess Napster sort of killed them off (or finished them off if they were on the rocks).

    I think as much as we are going round and round about this we are missing the obvious: song DLs and song sharing is going to go on and on no matter what happens. Any moves by the RIAA, no matter how draconian, cannot stem the avalanche.

  13. Actually... that's the new Cylon and Garfunkel CD that came out last week...

    Hello Imperius Leader, my old friend...

    I’ve said "by your command" again...

    Because the galacticans softly creeping,

    Left the quadrant while I was sleeping,

    And your foot... that was planted... in my brain...

    And it still remains

    Within the sound of Cylon...

  14. What about those of us who fight the evil empire by not buying any music that has been recorded after 1990? :unsure:

    Seriously though, you have to admit that the media industries in the US have a severe stick stuck up their pooper... and this whole situation may bring it all to a head.

    (JsARCLIGHT closes fallout shelter door, puts a mag in the M16 and waits...) :p

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