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Posts posted by Folka

  1. To be honest, i'm more or less glad they even decided to include a minmei figure since the obviously didn't need to, since hikaru did fly around a bit on his own, but its a nice touch. Not the best looking figure in the world but honestly its good enough.

  2. Any person that is willing to do such amazing research for any person is usually awesome. Its cool that your wife appreciates you and went out of her way to find out about the macross and buy it just for you.

  3. I absolutely love the VF-1D, and if i'm getting any VF-1 next its definitely this one, but you can tell from the pictures how little the tampo printed details its gonna have. Makes it seem slightly plain but thats what decals are for.

  4. I'd probably keep it since you'll always have a unique max VF-1A as apposed to shelling out for another. The only thing i noticed is that the painting on the leg portion is a bit sloppy where it kinda just looks uneven.

  5. Well so far the shipping has been over 2 weeks and as you can see i live as far south east as you can in the United States. I'm hoping I get my orders tomorrow but i'm not holding my breath. Either way i guess different strokes for different folks.

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