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Posts posted by 91WhiskeyM6

  1. Lets see,

    1A Ichijo x2

    1A cannon x2

    Super 1S x4


    1J H. Ichijo

    1J Max x2

    1J Milla x2



    GBP x3

    recast armor x2

    recast strike armor x 3

    robs recast 1A head x2


    1A kenzaki

    Joons milla

    I might have missed some. :unsure:

    Impressive..most impressive young Skywalker :ph34r:

  2. As much as I'd like to get my shinken and chop em all up and give Carl Macek a kickbox to the head, I don't think that would be a good idea. :lol:

    Hopefully in the future, BW will be able to do anything they want with Macross and HG will go their own little way (and good luck to them) and create something that will please their own Robotech fans and leave us Macross followers alone. Personally, I don't want any more hate going between both factions, it affects us badly in they way that we can't get toys and other mechandise locally outside Japan at a good price (which is really the only reason I'm pissed off with them at the moment).

    I'll buy you 5 Bulky Lees if you do drop-kick his ass :angry:

    I'm serious!

  3. So, when do we go over to Robotech.com and beat them up *cracks knuckles* I hate those damn socias!!

    Man, it's hot in here eh? I need a 1/48 Yammy fix :(

    "BTW if HG has been sued many times by different factions as you have said, wouldn't they have been dead broke by now? What's keeping HG afloat? "

    I'm no damn lawyer, but the fact they were sued by different companies say's something. :huh:

  4. Hey Peeps

    I was just wondering if any had any good places on-line, where i could buy some Macross or Robotech posters? (duks to avoid flying tomatoes and other stuff) :)


    Yeah...I got a tomato for ya...THINK FAST! <_<


  5. Woah! Woah! Woah! Nice shootin' tex!

    Seriously guys, try to keep the personal attacks to a minimum. You can argue a point strongly without calling people jackasses.

    Fight smart, use your words.

    Aren't you the one who wanted an M-16A1 with Nato standard 5.56 mm bullets for Christmas?

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