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Posts posted by DHX

  1. okay i was looking at the macross class ships on M3 and something struck me as odd.

    the global is the same class as the SDF-1 yet it's based of the DYRL version of SDF-1. i could see it being based off the designs for the SDF-2 before it got refitted into the megaroad as they are similar and the SDF-2 design was the first completely human designed version, but still is their a reason for the DYRL version to be used for the global?

  2. probably shattered and scattered into small groups

    I honestly believe most of the galaxy fleet was sacrificed by those in on Grace's scheme, used as warm bodies t help them gather data. at the very least the pilots and those who have been persuaded to get implants were enslaved via the slave modules they were probably tricked into getting.

    there may be a few abandoned survivors out there as well as those still under control of the allies of Grace O'conner who didn't get Deadeus attacked/Machida punched at the Vajra homeworld.

  3. then how come ranka didn't feel this connection??? it has to work to both ways around... and don't come with the 'she lost her memory bid' cause still as a child she didn't know, then if the vajra were interconnected to them and fold waves has no time and space limit, why didn't they just contacted her instantly, they didn't need to know where she was or be near her to do so...

    what about sheryl? ranka basicly made her like herself by making the virus live in her stomach, is sheryl a queen now too?

    the whole point is the Vajra were unable to understand humans and visa versa and as bobby mentioned they have no need to communicate

    as for ranka's connection it manifest more than once through the series and ranka felt it usually followed by ranka clutching her gut.

    it should also be of note that the connection is not on 24/7 most likely something to do with Ranka's emotional state or her resturant jingle would of set them off. i think as she became more emotionally centered the connection grew. look at ranka's emotional state at the begining: a terminally shy girl outside her immediate friends and family, desperately wanting to sing her heart out and be counted as they say. by the end she has shed much of that shyness and is a different person

    which is then reflected in the ability to connect to the vajra helping to free them from grace.

  4. i never got the notion that they were making nice with anybody at the time. i mean, the 117th had a queen trapped in test tubes, that alone should be enough for them to want to wipe out the 117th fleet.

    part of me wonders if it's not that simple. maybe they had samples before you know the smaller vajra, and grace captured and attempted to experiment on a queen which would add weight to the argument in the lab between grace and ranshe mei

  5. back when i was a kid living in the uk my access to anime was limited but i was first introduced to robotech/macross through learning about the jetfire toy's origin then one day my mom rented what amounted to a clip video from Ritz video(the video rental franchise before blockbuster video hit the uk)

    i was sold on the idea but i was and always wll be a transformers boy and so the effort to invest in robotech/macross was relugated to a passing fancy.

    funny thing was back then i thought macross and robotech were the same thing.

    even then i never actually watched the robotech series my only other exposure in my pre teens being the robotech movie which i didnt realy get.

    it was my late teens when i then purchased two VHS videos from a second hand shop

    they were DYRL and macross II.

    the two movies re-afirmed my love of macross but to my chargin purchasing further media or the toys was impossble so i gave up once again,

    by the time i discovered ebay and specialist shops i found i had to make a choice 100 pound valk or ten deluxe transformer or money on supplies for college and university.

  6. something odd that occured to me.

    macross has always been about the music, when it comes down to the wire the music gets through to the other side

    in frontier we have the vajra who's song is basicly a mating call, and through ranka/sheryl singing they learned to understand humans

    the odd thought is: is the in universe music resonance thing a genetic quirk/memory built in to the species of the galaxies and humans are the first in a long time to realise this?

    or is it just a fundamental law of the universe (i.e music fixes everything)

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