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Posts posted by DHX

  1. http://www.empireonline.com/empireblog/Post.asp?id=313

    okay, what i'm getting is the crux of the changes is the kelvin incident. basicaly

    kirks dad dies, which without his influence changes kirks outlook on life leading him to not entering starfleet when he should have it can also be construed that the incident can technically be considered responsible for some of the other changes as well, like scotty in exile, and maybe the reason why the acadamy was moved to iowa and so on. the timeline has been effed up since kirks birth and future spock's involvement is an attempt to try to salvage somethin

  2. So Supervision Army is like an ancient Stellar Republic era version of Varauta Army right. So they sport purple color, and they must have the spiritia absorption technology fitted to their combat mecha, either that be a regult or power armor.

    Darn, everytime I'm thinking about protoculture era technology (warship or mecha), my memory corrupted me by showing the Robotech Masters. :wacko:

    it's things like that makes me glad not to have watched robotech as a series i never saw robotec masters or southern cross

  3. I understand that sentiment. I don't consider myself a "fan" like I am of shows like Macross but I will certainly watch the films and tv shows and I know how silly a lot of the die hard fans of this show can be.

    As a side note, I am currently watching all of ST:Voyager as I missed most of it when it was on tv. The episode I watched the other day, "Tuvix" was a revelation and possibly one of the greatest Star Trek episodes I have seen from any series. I won't go into details for those who have not seen it, but I will say that the best part about the episode was the ending, which I loved because it was a very uncomfortable one, which is breaking a lot of Trek rules.


    AH, Tuvix. that episode made me sad and cemented my hate of janeway.

  4. But by the end of the series, I think we get the sense that his reason for fighting is simply more than just rebelling against his dad. It's an interesting juxtaposition that here's someone who claimed to hate Frontier (or Island type ships in general) is now fighting for its very survival.

    like i said the development was too subtle(well at least in the first two acts) and when the third(and last) act hit, all his development was rushed. we know what his problem and his evolution is but there is not enough meat to invest in Alto's character as they say.

  5. Okay I will stand and put a target on myself by saying that Alto is not a bad character. He's not as deep as some but I feel that he did not make many of the mistakes that are done by others. He didn't run away, he didn't cry about how he didn't want to hurt anyone and war is so unfair, and he did his best to protect the fleet.

    I think he gets a lot of flak due to if someone likes Ranka then they bash him for any scenes he had with Sherly, and reverse that for any Sherly shippers. So if 50% of fans like Ranka and 50% are for Sherly, does that mean that there is 100% Alto bashing? :D

    Haven't voted, but Capt'n Wilder gets points for having the brass ones to go pirate when the going gets tough.

    --dives into foxhole and pulls helmet down--

    hey I never said how long I would stand and take fire :D

    the concept of Alto isn't bad, but the execution is.

    what it comes down to is alto's development is to subtle at the beginning and in the third act to fast.

    you could sum up alto as being the angry teen rebelling against his father and running away from himself. he's more than that but you have to dig for it.

  6. Womanizer tracking style :lol: Thats how womanizer track part of their female target.

    Fact: Only Roy, Ozma and Alto could do that trick. Well, basically only Roy is the true womanizer ^_^

    i just got an image of Roy looking at a woman, his eyes doing the epileptic fit bit and being able to accurately tell what a womans bust size was

  7. Something definitely worth throwing in: violin of
    , and of course
    . Wish I had those skills.

    I believe it's one of those in the same group that did an awesome chamber-music rendition of a

    song and that Chrono Trigger melody.

    damn that was good.

  8. I *still* want to know why she "switched back" to her standard outfit (and when and where it happened--we see her in ep 22 in the suit, ready to board her VF-27---then she goes out and hooks up with the Vajra queen, and she's in her normal outfit again??????)

    they reused the animation from the episode when micheal and ranka came to galia 4

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