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Retail Stores and Toys


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Does it seem like retail stores seem to have too many of an assortment of a toy then not enough? It just seems like stores buy way over these days. By the time you get to the end of the line, it is hard to find the last few figures because stores seem to still have all the old stinkers........ No matter what the figure is, the same size price point toy usually equates to the same stock number for all waves. A good example is the Smokescreen, Sideswipe, Silverstreak and Hound all falling under the same stock number in a lot of retail stores. The computer (at most stores) will not notify the buyer to buy more toys until the ones on the shelf and at the Distribution Center are gone or close to it. Look at all the Energon Ironhides and Infernos sitting on the shelves. After Armada was over, there were tons of Smokescreens on clearance everywhere. Look at all the Alternators Smokescreens and Sideswipes on the shelves. Sideswipe is in the box with Streak and Hound....... WTF! Is this a case of poor assortment variety?

What about the Heman fiasco? How many Hemans and Skeletors were in each box? Stores had a ton of Heman and Skeletor but not enough of the villains. Kids and adults want a variety of villains. Could the Heman Fiasco be attributed to over buying and poor case assortment numbers? Maybe the toy companies are pushing the retail stores to buy such and such amount and then giving them a discount..... Maybe this is the fault of both the toy manufacturers and the retail outlets.....

We should be glad that alot of the toys we want are not toys for the masses. Otherwise you may never see that VF-S because of all the A's and J's still sitting on the shelves.

Blah blah blah Sorry avoiding homework........................ :p

Edited by Myriad
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I've nearly given up on retail stores at this point. It's very, very rare that I find something I'm looking for. The hunt used to be fun but after being to the same stores so many times it's just become an aweful chore that is rarely (Target) to never (TRU) rewarding. Actually I rarely find what I want at specialty stores, either. I still use online shopping as a 'last resort' for most things, but since I almost always resort to it I'm considering just giving up on retail altogether and preording everything I want online. :unsure:

Edited by eriku
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I agree! Lets not get started on the motu bit for that eh? Mattel is run by people with munky brains! No wait thats an insult to munkys! :p

One thing I've noticed and hate is that if a store gets in a couple cases of something & it sells really well, like sells out that day! Or with in a couple days they get about 50 more cases of that item in! & then they all just sit there warming the pegs!

Not because there not unpopular but because with the first few cases, & the other few cases they put out most people allready have them either from that store or another in the same area! Then the people that run the store go oh gosh I guess these things don't see I better not order any more! :blink:

That was one of the problems with motu... all those hemans & skeletors all the stores got OWNED with them! All the other guys sold like lightning but the guys look & see the all those unpopular ones & ... Or even popular ones like above but they ordered too much of it in & everyone allready has it!

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