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I've been a way for a year or so


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My macross hobby took a bit of a break over the last year due to RL concerns (marriage, house, etc.) but I am looking to get back into things.

I love the 1/48s and my favorite is Roy's VF-1S (like probably 90% of the fandom :p ), but have observed that is is in short supply right now - with no definitive answer as to if/when it will be re-released.

That leaves me with my second favorite valk: Max's VF-1J. This thing looks pretty nifty being that it includes the fast packs as well as the tv hands. I would imagine that it is also using the later version of the 1/48 (the cockpit can stay in the "up" position, etc.) for the body. Are there any known defects with this model, and what are people's opinions on it in general in relation to the other 1/48s (basically more of the same, inferior, superior, etc.)?

I have owned 1/48s prior to this year, but had to part with them for financial reasons, so I do have a pretty good working knowledge of the DYRL versions (including BOTH Roy versions).

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Hey Bud, wecome back. Max TV 1\48 is a great choice. I had minor paint things with mine but the blue looks great on his Valk. Fast packs the same. If your wanting to get back in the game this is a good choice.

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Welcome back man!

Here is a poll regarding the quality of the 1/48 Milia 1J.

Here is a poll regarding the quality of the 1/48 Max 1J.

Here is the initial praise/bitching thread that coincided with Milia's release.

Here is the same thread for Max.

All in all, I'd say that QC was about on par with the rest. Some people had a big problem with sloppy paint. But, I'd say that the polls tend to indicate that there weren't any more complaints than for any other 1/48 release. If it's not the paint, it's the hands. . . if it's not the hands, it's the airbreak. . . if it's not the airbreak, it's the crooked skull. . . there's always something that people will fixate on where any 1/48 release is concerned. And, of course, complaints are always more prevalent than praise. Because people who are happy are less likely to be motivated to write.

All just my opinion, of course. I was going to post a follow-up poll to the two above (several weeks later), asking whether the 1/48s in general are of good quality and are worth their price. The hypothesis being that the numbers of people thinking that the 1/48s weren't of very good quality and/or a rip off would track pretty consistently with those who were unhappy with Max and Milia's valks. But, I never got around to posting that poll. . . and now, it's too late since this paragraph would taint the results. :p


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