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Veifwan Es

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Posts posted by Veifwan Es

  1. Man that is a really nice custom scheme. You have the skills!

    Here's my 2 cents on finishing it out.... I agree that the head and hands need to be addressed. They kinda don't fit at all with your bad-ass scheme right now.

    Maybe paint them a lighter shade of your overall color and give it a matching chest stripe and gun to tie it into the overall design.

    Enough with my suggestions.....#%&ing great job! :lol::lol:

  2. hehe, that's a nice star wars 12" collection. But that old vader looks naked without his cape and he's holding a newer version of the lightsaber, right? I remember those old 12" sabers were suppose to be held like mugs.   

    Yeah those two are from when I was a wee tot. I have long since lost vader's cape and 'saber. The one he's holding is a pewter lightsaber that comes with the Knights of the Old Republic PC preorder. :lol:

    Feh..THIS is what you guys sould be saving your pennies for:

    Yes, that is quite pimp...

  3. Those are so nice, I really hope I can get a hold of some. :)

    I wish Yamato would have had the insight to add a standing pilot to the 1/48's. A pilot next to your valk really gives it a sense of scale you otherwise may not have.

  4. So I guess there won't be a skull decal for the heatshield? Maybe you could add 1 more row with that and some macross kites for the Fast Packs.

    Regardless, great work. I want 1 set for sure, 2 depending on price!

  5. I'd go for either one, but please make some!!!

    If you're starting a list of buyers already, please put me down for a set!

    I just bought a joke machine yesterday that will need a little tlc including new stickers. What timing! :lol:

    Edit: Solscud, are you planning on including the skull insignia for the heatshield?

  6. I think its a good detail. Its not like your going to have to look at it all the time. If you don't like it keep the face plate on 

    Oh I agree. It certainly won't make me cancel my preorder! :lol:

    I guess I just assumed that there would be circuitry behind that mask..not a mouth....

  7. ok, u lucky bastards that already possessed the Hikaru-1S, five-pages of discussion already and no Strike-Hikaru pic, yet.

    Why dont anyone of u post the godly pic of the Hikaru-1S with the Strike FAST-pack???

    You may want to look at those 5 pages again dude.....specifically pay attention to page 2 :rolleyes:

  8. If your still deciding on the purchase, the new PC Gamer has a demo disk with an additional level not found online. I'm still on the fence on this one. Beatifully scripted events and team-like combat vs. the same ol' stale WWII theme is my conflict. Good reviews so far though...

  9. bilked you out of $12 of your hard earned dollars

    Amazing how ticket prices change from region to region. I pay 5.50 in Dallas to see great schlock like this in a digital stadium-seating theater....and there's an old shoebox theater down the road that has new movies at a matinee price of 2.00!!

  10. Waste of celluloid.

    First off don't listen to him! ;) That movie ruled! For a Friday the 13th or Nightmare fan it satisfies in every way and holds no punches. It may be the bloodiest film I've seen since Dead Alive too. Of course it's not going to win any awards for dramatic acting or stylistic writing, but that movie was just friggin fun start to end dammit! :lol:

    I will admit that I have a high tolerance for B movie horrors.....

    ULTRA-DELUXE Spoilers below:

    The movie ends with a severely battered Jason walking out of Crystal Lake holding Freddy's severed but winking head. I'd say that Jason won this round, but remember from old Nightmare movies that Freddy can detach appendages at will! The ending was definiently ambiguous enough for a sequel.

  11. I'm going for the 1J with fast packs. I'll probably keep them off for display, but I know in the long run that I'd regret not having the fast pack option if I decide I want it. In any case, I'll have an extra set of fast packs for any upcoming VF purchase!

    With all this toy and the Binaltechs I'm freakin broke...and now I've ran out of display case room...glad Ive got an understanding wife! :D

  12. Sadly not even the Star Wars liscense can save this game. It's just too much work, and not enough fun. The thrill of being in a massive online SW universe has finally worn off, and I feel I'm left with nothing....

    I cancelled my account tonight. :(

    Hurry up KOTOR for PC!

    I really think the whole MMORPG genre should be rethought from the ground up. SWG was the 4th one I've played, and I officially give up on them. They are no fun!

  13. I really don't buy into the "sunlight" theory....

    Toys from my childhood that I have kept in a room with plenty of windows are still white as ever....

    However, toys that I stored in a dark but HOT attic with 100% no light exposure are bright yellowish-tan.

    I think it's heat, not sunlight, that is the main contributor to yellowing of plastic.

    The only thing I've seen sunlight do to my toys is fade the bright colors! (and this is all over a 20 yr+ timespan in the very bright, very hot state of Texas)

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