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Posts posted by Andrew

  1. I painted the VF-0S in mostly the colours stated in the instructions. Though I was rather surprised the colour sort of comes out as a creamy white. Not exactly the same as what it looked like on the animation. I was expecting a more white or more grey colourm which I would have preferred. I've got another VF-0S which I'm going to do in just plain white paint.

  2. Hi,

    here are some close up shots of the cockpit. Does that help? the interior is rather dark.

    And there is a little bit of compound residue on the frame which i was easily able to wipe off.




  3. Thanks guys. Yeah i was careful as to not to apply too much weathering as it should be a 'relatively' new plane, unlike the USN hornets.

    I'll try to get a pic of the cockpit tonight. Though 1 of the instrument screens got 'ripped' off when it accidently came into brief contact with some masking tape. And i found i had to really trim the instrument decal for it to fit right. Perhaps would consider painting it next time for the next VF-0s

  4. I just finished my second attempt at the VF-0S and first completed Macross model. I botched the first attempt and relegated it to being a paint/decal test bed. I find the kit alright to build but I really find the lower fins really annoying to deal with because they are so thin and the stubs to attach/align them are really small(almost non existent). I tried to use as little decals as possible. I think the VF-0 is one of the better looking valks. I hope to do more VF-0's later and customized schemes. I have one in mind to paint up a VF-0S in colours similar to A6M5 Zero. I figured it would be fitting since both are 'Zeroes'. Anyway, though i'd share these pics.















  5. Hi,

    I've been a long time watcher of some of the threads but never posted anything. I've got a bunch of Macross Zero Kits that I just took out from storage and want to build up. One of them is the VF-0D.

    Anyway, I've got a VF-0D kit and was taking a look through the instructions and noticed the colour mix used for the upper surface blue. Has anyone actually built this and painted it properly?

    I'm most interested in what colour to use in Acrylic for 'Air Superiority Blue' that it asks u to mix with.

    Any ideas/suggestions?

  6. I always took it as Shin was being an uber-ace and fired the AIM-9 solely to distract the MiG-29 and make him evade and deploy flares, while Shin was preparing his "real" attack with the AIM-120----and the MiG-29 fell for it/flew right into it. Basically, Shin baited the MiG into position.

    I took as if they don't have much confidence with 1 missile and want to fire both 'just in case'. I figured since the AIM-120 being such an uber-missile, it would have been easier for the missile to track than a plane moving around trying to dodge the AIM-9. But either way, it still looked pretty neat to see modern a/c in a dogfight.

  7. Those bumps are only seen on the F-14B and late F-14A (they were a retrofit), and are the best way of seperating the F-14D from those models if you can't see the dual IRST/TCS chin pod. The F-14D incorporated those antenna flush into the airframe and they're simply missing on the earlier F-14A. I did a lot of research into the Tomcat when I was doing my F-14E/F/EF-14G VF-0/F-14 meld designs a couple years ago.

    As you can see in the above pictures, Shin's Tomcat has AIM-9 Sidewinders on the Wing glove sub-pylons and AIM-120 AMRAAM on the main ones and the four fuselage Sparrow hardpoints. The real Tomcat was never deployed with AIM-120 and carried AIM-7 Sparrows until its 2006 decommissioning.

    I would have thought Shin would have fired the AIM-120 before the AIM-9. Though I heard an F/A-18 pilot do something similar

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