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Posts posted by CosmicSpore

  1. It is what it is...

    the nose needs extra support in fighter mode at the transformation hinge, and so there is a peg/stand created to support it.

    It's better than a kit without a support peg. At least this way the nose won't stray.

    It shows they gave some thought to it, which means they likely put a lot of thought in other places as well. Which should be an indication that it's NOT a "floppy mess."

  2. Alright did we ever really figure out of this kit is perfect transformation or not? I know the gear are swappable, which is good, and the pictures seem to hint at perfect transformation, then we have mickeaseyou on here who said he handled one of the kits at the show and said it was pt(I think?). If this kit is pt I may pick it up, its gorgeous~!

    I'm pretty sure it is perfect.

    Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I read through most of the 20 pages of this topic.

  3. I always wondered what people were talking about when they said spray on some "Future."

    Never knew you could do so much with some floor wax.......

    So, do they sell the re-branded Future in regular stores like WalMart and stuff, or do you have to special order it?...

    Edit: By the way, how much does a bottle of it usually cost? I've never looked for floor wax before....

  4. I saw a japanese sight that showed these guys and at least some of these are not completely perfect transformations, I believe.

    They showed the head needed to be removed.

    And later on that site, someone commented "These aren't completely perfect transformations" or something similar.

    Sorry I don't have a link.

    I may be wrong about some of this, but from what I saw it looked pretty obvious that you had to remove the heads...

  5. Even when you correct the photo to take out the slight tilt of the camera things still look off. the whole left side is higher up but the left engine is lower. also the left landing gear is appears to be farther back, now the photo may be slightly to the left of center, but not much and I don't think enough to account for everything. Something is definitely off.

    Yeah I can agree now. It is a bit off, but not nearly as badly as it showed before.

    It's a Bandai, and it's transformable, of course it's not gonna be absolutely perfect. :lol:

    But I really need to know if you guys think I need to pre-order or not.

    You guys are the experts. I've never pre-ordered models or toys before! :huh:

  6. Umm... there's nothing wrong with the angle of the wings, and tails.

    Your editing lines showing angles is not angled correctly according to the photo...

    A perfectly head on photo would have shown that.

    The only thing that is slightly off-center is one of the engines, and that was probably the person who placed it into the display's fault. Since it is transformable, engines are easily moved.

    Anyways, do you guys think it will be necessary to preorder one of these guys, in order to get one?

    I really, really want one. Bandai has finally done a perfect transformable model kit and it's beautiful. I've been waiting for one forever!

    I don't want to forget about it and find out they are sold out later, but I'm not fond of pre-ordering stuff if it's not necessary.... especially since I might move before it even gets released!

  7. Hey, thanks again for the info guys. :)

    You're all very helpful!

    I don't think I will have any problems building any of the kits...

    I have no problems building any of my models so far, and I'm as careful as I can be with them. I take every precaution I can, and some model kits sometimes take me several days to complete (before painting) because of this.

    I will take even more precautions when building the variables, since they are not only rare but very valuable to me! (Honestly, I'm even scared to start some models because of how valuable they are...)

    So wish me luck! :D

    As for transformable models, were there ever any non-VF-1's that were able to transform without part removal?

    I'm not planning this for anytime soon, but I want to someday do a custom paint job for a perfectly transformable valkyrie, if there ever was such a model.

    And if there is such a model, I'd like to buy it soon before it gets rarer and harder to find like all the others... if it's not already!

    If not, a lot of the toys can do it, right?

    Some of those toys look so nice... If I could afford them, I certainly would! ^_^

  8. You guys are awesome, Thanks!

    Probably the friendliest forum I've ever been to. :)

    Anyways, I'm not sure how to mod kits, and I don't know what kit-bashing is!

    [My Story]

    I used to buy model kits when I was a kid, and macross has always been my favorite anime/cartoon/anything.

    I always wanted the transformable macross kits when I was younger, but never had the money to afford them if I ever found one.

    And I've just picked up model kits again after about... 15+ years. Heh... :)

    Long story short, Max and Millia were always my favorite characters. Max more-so.

    So, I decided I wanted a "special" Max model valkyrie to be the prize of my collection, for now.

    I'm not specifically looking for a kit with a Strike pack, but I do enjoy having extra options!

    More specifically, I'm looking for a model kit of the (DYRL) VF-1A Max Special, to have as my "prize".

    I'm eventually going to get a regular Max Type VF-1J at 1/100 scale, to go with a Millia kit I already have. (Although, thanks on the offer for yours, Jardann :))

    I've found the Max Type VF-1J's in both scales, but I can't find the Max Special VF-1A's in any scale.

    From the sounds of it, I have two options, to keep waiting on ebay for a Max kit I like to pop up......

    or to modify an existing model with paint and decals, or even by combining other model kits.

    Although, at the moment, I do not have space in my apartment to do that sort of thing, so I'd have to wait for that too.

    One more question though, do any of the other companies make transformable model kits besides bandai?

    I've never seen a variable Hasegawa, of the original VF-1's.

    Edit: Oh and one more thing. Does anyone know which transformable kits are perfect transforms and which need parts removed/moved in order to transform? Thanks again!

  9. I'm really confused about bandai re-issued models and I can't find this info anywhere.

    The only info here at macross world is out dated by several years and lacking a lot of info.

    Basically, I want to know 2 things.

    1. I know bandai is reissuing the variable 1/74 and 1/100 scale variable model kits, for the 25th anniversary, like the one here:


    But this site (and it's the only site I've seen have these) only has the typical VF-1S's, and one 1/72 VF-1A.

    What I really want is the VF-1J Max Type, or even better, a VF-1A Max Special... has bandai released any more of these kits, or will be releasing any more? And if so, do they have a Max Type?

    If not, anyone know where I can get some blue decals to make that VF-1A into a Max Special?....

    Cause I have no idea where to get those.

    2. This goes along the same lines as the above, but:

    On the model information page here, it says Arii made a 1/100 Heavy Weapons Type series, and it says those are the kits that Bandai re-issues every 5 years.


    Well, what I REALLY would like to have is the Max Special on that information page.


    Was that one ever re-issued, and if so, does anyone have any information for me about it that would help me locate one?

    The only ones I ever find are the normal series Max Type VF-1J valkyries.

    I've looked everywhere and I can't find any more information about these old model kits.

    I find lots of non-variable kits and lots of toys, but nothing more about these variable models.

    If you guys have any information at all about this stuff (or even anything similar), it'd help me out.

    Even if you know about a different 1/100+ scale Max VARIABLE model kit, if it was a high quality just let me know what to look for. The newer the better, because I don't have deep pockets for a rare one. :unsure:


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