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Roy's Blues

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Posts posted by Roy's Blues

  1. Am I missing something? What's with the hands on this figure? on all my other bandai chogokin macross figures, I can use the standard possible hands in all modes. 

    There are no tabs/post/holes for the gunpod. I have to wedge it in an hope it holds with the 3 finger grip.

    Mostly it does. In some extreme poses the gunpod flops back or forward.

  2. A CF 171 Renewal, made with the same plastic used by every other damn 171, along with a voucher that says everyone who sends in their broken V1's gets a free Renewal and Bandai's deepest apologies.

    I would be content with an extra set of triangles in the box for the previous release.

  3. So, no comments that the voyager-class x6, Devastator giftset is all but confirmed now? (the fact that a Titanium-class Devy is coming is confirmed---the unconfirmed bits would be that it's G1, and made of six Voyagers---but so far everything else has turned out true, so I vote that what was leaked/rumored about this release, was correct)

    I'm waiting for pics like everyone else.

    I do own a TFC Herc, so unless it's better in just about every mode and looks much better, I'll probably pass on the hasbro version.

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