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Posts posted by whispo

  1. Hello everyone , more excuses incomming >D

    Well first of sorry for not replying for so long, I have been so damn bussy with getting my rl stuff straigthened up that i couldnt afford the time to even post here. Expect some gifs withing the week.

  2. One funny thing in episode 1. When SMS gets their launch orders, Ozma send Gilliam out to go get Michel and Luca then screams up at the microphone to Canaria that they're heading out ..... but in the shot before that you can clearly see that she's just standing on the other side of the table :p. That Ozma always has to scream ^^

  3. Hey people! Sorry I haven't replied at all in here or posted the promissed gifs. This last week has been really really bussy for me so I just lacked to the time to make them. I promise I'll make them this wednesday when I'm back from college. In the mean time you should all go watch the final epsiode another 25 times ...... my head is still burning :ph34r: .

  4. Quite agree, people are getting too worked up about this. These three characters are some of the youngest leads to ever feature in a macross series and I think it is pointless to get too worried about what teenagers decide.

    I was happy enough to see Ozma and Cathy get back together.


    Why is age a problem in "resolving the triangle"? No one here expects them to marry (heck in anime it might), but teenagers around 16-17 tend to fall in love and become couples you know ;). I for one care, just because its something they spent most of the series on developping then let go in the end. It feels like the past 25 episodes didnt have any use (and yes ofc they did, but i'm talking about the love prespective).

    To me the feeling that a show gives me is the most important, and while I love Frontier, the lack of closure in one of its biggest plot points gives me a verry dissatisfied feeling. And don't try to talk me out of it or tell like minded people that we're just fanboys or something, cause this is just our oppinions on the matter.

    I hope they resolve the triangle. To me it's the only thing that Frontier's ending was short of closure.

  5. I'm with you on this one. I felt deprived at not knowing other SMS people besides the main cast. :(

    Also I did not like that there weren't more key people from NUNS. Heck I even don't like how we are left in the dark about how NUNS came to be?

    The reusing of footage too was at times frustrating, especially the reusing of footage for the LAST episode. I wanted all new footage for that one.

    But despite that the series as a whole was enjoyable for me. :) I'm especially enjoying it more right now because of all the EPIC RAGE (especially at Animesuki and Random Curiosity) over the unresolved Love Triangle. :lol:

    ALSO to SK:


    Well Played, sir. Well Played. :D

    They're so going wild over there :D, Bungie would call it: "uuurgh nerdrage, fix BR spread!".

    ontopic: Well I do agree with most of you on the fact that it lacked alot, however i feel stuff like that will be resolved in the movie. Also I think that we shouldn't compare Frontier to older series. Frontier is a current generation anime and if you look at all the other shows currently airing it right fully deserves a verry high spot on the best anime list, if not the HIGHEST spot.

  6. I was right about Ranka curing Sheryl with magic hax. I was right about Alto surviving. I was right about Sheryl being a descendant of either Mao or Ranshe.

    I wasn´t right, though, about an Sheryl X Alto being a sure thing. But I guess I just underestimated the desire of Kawamori to make sequels. Oh, well, off to wait for the movie, which hopefully isn´t a retelling, but a sequel. And also off to hoping that so many people in Japan are pissed at the non-resolution, that they force Kawamori to end it in the right way. The Sheryl X Alto way.

    Repeat after me: "Alto x Sheryl is the only way, Alto x Sheryl is the only way, Alto x Sheryl is the only way, Alto x Sheryl is the only way, alto...."

    We'll get there next time :p ( truth be told I still dont see those two not hooking up. They kissed multiple times now, came as close as it gets to admitting ... actually admitting it by doing just that and basicly just fit perfectly :p)

  7. Epic finale, and I'm not too disappointed that everyone got out alive.

    Any idea what this is on the right side of the frame?


    I was woried about that ..... remainds of Galaxy anonimous :ph34r: ? Anyway i keep watching the episode over and over ....I'm pretty sure I havent seen such a flashy, cool and over the top amazing ending in a long long time ..... actually I haven't seen such a cool one. The whole episode reminds of of that final battle from Guren Lagann, when it splits up into the smaller forms and charges the anti spiral... well the entire episode is like that awsome scene :p.

    I so love the opening scene with the Vajra ship aproaching battle frontiers bridge then getting blast by quater. Now that's a nice reference ;) (btw who called that this scene would happen :p?)


  8. Okay, the scene just after the Vajra take the hit for Island 1, and just before Ranka starts explaining about the Vajra, you can see that there's still a large chunk of the NUNS fleet still alive. Past that point, you don't see them take any more casualties. So their absence in the finale scene is just for dramatic effect. Just like how we KNOW that a large part of Breetai's fleet survived the battle with Boldoza, but when the Space Fortress explodes, you don't see any ships other than the SDF-1.

    Could you link the youtube raw? cant seem to find it : /

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