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Posts posted by papabear

  1. Its strange that Grace despite how well her plans were going , her plans failed in controlling the Vajra and she didn't forsee this. At which point exactly do you think her plan went downhill? Was it when she lost Ranka , or when Ranka healed Sheryl? You'd think Ranka being an important victory objective she'd be more heavily guarded.

    She was destined to fail from the beginning, because she was going against the power of love. hahaha The message: even the most advanced human technology cannot defeat love and culture.

  2. Minmay gave the old Varj a wee bit of culture-shock back in the day, eh? Could work. Which we could have gotten a little more info on how the Protoculture worked into all this. So far it feels/seems that coreward of the Milky-Way something big is waiting for humanity.

    Man, Comcast is going to fraking hate me this weekend :lol:

    Well, as long as you don't exceed their bandwidth limit. Otherwise you will end up hating comcast.

  3. Bah terrible... let's see what's going on with HMV then.

    Eh, just picked my copy up today--turns out it was issue #1. Should have gotten it first before ordering the other one. I don't know what's up with the date on the notice, but it doesn't really matter. Maybe I'll consider selling the extra copy off or something.

  4. I put in an order for #1 through HMV, I hope there are no problems (like it being out of stock). I suspect that Kinokuniya SF may have some copies of #1, but when one factors in the cost of gas, ordering it from HMV is actually cheaper, since I don't have the time to go up to SF, and I don't have any other reason to be there at the moment.

    Thanks veffidas!

  5. New Macross Carrier are designed after the original SDF-1. If you look through Miyatake design work, some earlier prototypes even incorporating Daedalus and Promotheus like craft as the arm with bigger Macross Cannon like rifle.

    Sure, but the proportions of the parts make them look more like the giant robots to which I am referring. I prefer the look of the original SDF-1 or Macross Quarter... just saying.

  6. Seeing the new op I can see the various differences in the New Macross Class carriers.

    Macross 1 NMCs and Battle 7 is more on the standard carrier role design.

    Macross 5's NMC carriers are more on Zentradi tech and aesthetics.

    Macross 13's Battle 13 is probably the most well armored NMC their is.

    Macross Frontier's Battle 25 have more point defenses than the rest of the class.

    Does anyone know where pictures of all of these might be found?

    Nvm. Found it on page 7.

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