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Posts posted by StrangeWill

  1. Well here is an idea why the Kaitos was a different color... when the Macross Quarter hides behind an asteroid and the asteroid explodes, it comes out with the same greenish glow/electrical effect to it, obviously something that close to you exploding would cause quite some damage... possibly an all-out last ditch effort defense barrier? (Obviously didn't work for Kaitos on a direct hit).

    Obviously under heavy attack and being under the damage it was (IIRC It was really badly messed up), Kaitos would go full-defensive and depend on the backup to get it out of the mess.

  2. Pulled the RAW off of Veoh, practically 20 minutes of space battle can be enjoyed no matter how much you understand whats being said (however I'm pulling the subs once they're out, I really wish I knew more of what was being said.)

    Konig Monster == <3. The Monster Destroid was one of my absolute all-time favorites, and every time I see it in a film or game it makes me almost giddy with joy, never knew much about the Konig Monster, was afraid it would be a dumbed down version (being more mobile and all)... I'd have to say the devastation (not to mention the destruction of the armored plating it was using for bracing) was quite up to what I hoped for. :D

    I'm kind of torn with the Macross Quarter's main weapon, I was expecting the shoulder cannons... I'm not sure how I feel about a held cannon, nor flipping around a good chunk of the ship like that (the launching platform), clean up of now-liquefied crew members has to be kind of messy.

  3. I think getting some NUNS aces (one-three) would be interesting, add a little tension between NUNS and SMS instead of just chucking insults, and you can keep the political and organization incompetence of NUNS along with the other poorly trained pilots.

    Would be interesting to see the arguments that would go on over equipment and who were the better pilots and such. Not to mention the NUNS would probably have some kind of pride complex with UN Spacy, so that could play out.

  4. So I've been looking for a DVD of Do You Remember Love for awhile now, I'll admit, I got my own bootleg, but it's such horrible quality that every time I watch it I want to run out and get a real version, but of course, you wont find a DVD of DYRL in any local stores it seems.

    So I'm searching online, however I run into a handful of issues. I don't want to pay $15 for a bootleg, so I need a reliable place to get it from, if anyone can chime in for any websites that would be awesome. Secondly is editions, I know there is "remastered", then "perfect edition" apparently the perfect is better, however I've heard there is an HD version too, is this true?

    Third is subs, the bootleg version I have has different subs than some clips I've seen from youtube, how do I know I'm getting good subs (I've seen the thread about replacement subs, are they really that bad? I guess I can follow the steps about sub replacement pretty easily if so anyway.

    I've heard a lot about regions, but even being a computer programmer, I've never touched on this much, do I really need to worry about this with modern DVD players?


    Moving onto Macross Plus, a simple question, in the music video "Information High" there are clips that are in it that aren't in the 4 episode version, are these left out bits in the "movie" version?


    And finally, this Macross: Frontier, I hear a bit about it, but have no clue where to watch it, it looks awesome from what I've seen.

    Anyway thanks for all the help, I've been a fan of Macross for awhile and eager to make the right choice in actually picking up quality DVDs that I'll keep with me for as long as they last.


    I've seemed to find Macross: Frontier on Veoh, along with Macross: Do You Remember Love in better quality (though I still want the DVD), with the translations from this site. ;D

  5. Hello, first of all I'm glad to have found this forum, looks like a great site for Macross info. ^_^

    Secondly, I had a similar issue, using my own address (an @wolframstudios.com address at my own domain), I would not receive the e-mails at all, I have not had this problem before and I use the same software that is used here (IPB). I eventually changed my address to an @gmail.com address and it worked. I'm not sure what the issue actually is, I've had PHP-Mail be sent to my account before without any issues, and I can't see why I'd be blacklisted here either (and if I was, I wouldn't have been able to sign up). Not in my spam, not in my inbox.

    Anyway, I'm up and running now with my alternate e-mail, but it's a weird issue.

    IIRC the newer version of IPB should have a log of failed e-mails.

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