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Posts posted by irishman

  1. Cluvern

    (I also am over on the Lords of the Battlefield Forum)

    There are two different figures here.

    The first figure, of which you show the parts kit. and then show the black model are by a guy named Inrepose. I believe he created his own custom sculpt of the Monster. This is NOT an official battletech miniature.

    The second, which has the huge blubous turret on top, IS the origonal Battletech/Battledroid Behemoth. They are two different Kits.

    It sounds like you and I are on the same quest here, to get a Battletech behemoth. Contact me via PM and we can chat a bit.


  2. No, I have all the Battletech Destroids and Veritech fighters. IN fact I have a LOT of them, as in the eighties we played Robotech, we didnt play Battletech. SO I have a box full of Veritechs (LAMS), Destroids and more.

    What I dont have is ones of the Dark Horse Comic figures. Id be willing to buy the dark horse, or trade some of my destroids for some of the Dark Horse veritech fighters.

  3. How long ago were these purchased, and does anyone see these around anymore? I think they were part of the old Role Playing Game. There were three right, one battdroid, one Gerwalk, and one Fighter Mode. Does anyone have any of these?

  4. Here is where I found them.


    They are recently out, some kind of Gashpon figure (spelling?). Are 2" high and are fully transformable.

    I must have some of these to glue their feet to hex bases and turn into Battletech figures! Wow a Macross Valkyrie Battletech LAM that actually transforms!

    Anyone know where to get em? MonkeyNuggets? you in Japan right now?


  5. Hey that's great news, as long as this doesn't turn into a "send me all your money and I'll eventually get around to sending you the kits" sort of deal.  Know what I mean?

    Well its whatever deal they work out with his shop. What I would think it would run along the lines of him getting the origonal, making the moulds, casting a few, and then showing the finished product, and then people can make orders.

  6. Well since this is basically recasting someone elses design, I dont really want to mention the name of the company. However if you think "Who are the biggest makers of resin terrain for wargames" There are two. He does all the casting for one of them. He has a shop and employees, so this is a professional job, not a guy out of his garage.

    Ive turned it over to the people who are looking for the recast, as Im not directly involved. I have told them his personal information and the company so they have all the details.


  7. I have PMed Angel's Fury. I have a friend who is the resin production shop for a well known resin Wargames Terrain company. If there are enough orders (22 being a good ammount), he may be interested in getting his shop to do this as a side job. This includes creating the moulds. Obviously since this is a recast item this would be completely unoffilated with his other clients who should remain unmentioned. It would most probably be a limited run kit also. Im working to hook up him and Angel's Fury directly.

    Its possible that you guys could send him the origonal, and a set of Decals from whoever is doing the decals, and he would just handle there rest (recasting resin and metal bits, boxing, packaging, shipping, etc.) I dont know how their shop works really. That would be for Angel and him to work out.


    P.S> *IF* it works out. This is just me speaking for a friend. I dont want anyones hopes to get too high.

  8. What scale is this cheap Yammie, and which one did you get? Im hoping to pick up either a 1/55 and get Robs GPB or, a 1/60 and get the GPB when it comes out. What was your total cost after shipping on the HLJ cheap Yammie?

  9. Chan thanks thats ALMOST exactly what I needed. I need the ruller standing up, next to one of the figures so that you can measure the hight of the battdroid modes. So instead of laying the ruler flat, like you did, yould you prop it upt so it was standing up on end, with the base at the battdroids 'feet' and the ruler streching up past its head?



    PS. Nice collection. Did you buy them as an opened set or do you have duplicates you would want to get rid of.


  10. Bump!

    Come on guys, not even a comment? Did no one get these? Id love to see a pic of a few of the destroids and the Valkyries next to a ruler. Can anyone who has them but doesnt have a camera at least measure some for me? I need the hight from the base of the feet to the top of the head, or nose to tailcone for the valks in fighter mode.



  11. Ive been trying to track down a 1/72 crusader (not interested in the 1/100 or really tiny 1/200) for some time now. But Monkeynuggets wont sell me one under $70. Id much rather have a re-release where I can get them for a reasonable $20.

    I have to support both a wife and child before I drop money on myself.

    Of course, if they come out with 1/60 destroids. All bets are off.


  12. Oh how I dream of 1/60 Destroids to sit next to my Battletech counterparts. I know Battletech is a bad word around here, as is Robotech, but heck, the got me IN to this hobby so they cant be all bad. If they came out with all of the other Destroids, I would have no choice but to buy one of each.

    However, Im still hoping that someone will re-release the plast 1/72 model kits, as well as a 1/72 "Crusader" armored Valk model kit.

    So I wait, and I wait.

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