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Posts posted by taksraven

  1. Well, I said I'd wait for word of mouth before I gave this one a chance and word has come, most enthusiastically. Slashfilm posted a very positive reaction to "The Wolverine". Looks like this isn't your average super hero flick and is nothing like the other Wolverine film (so much the better). They say it's big on character and story and only carefully portions out the action scenes.


    Highly skeptical has just turned into curiously interested :)

    Yeah, it's big on character, without giving away too much. It's much more of a personal struggle for Wolverine, none of this "Wolverine averting the apocalypse and saving the world" crap.

  2. The post-Jurassic park era

    You do realise that this is a perception problem you have. A lot of people once believed that Hollywood produced it's best films back in the 1930's and 1940's. Once people start to believe in mythical "Golden era's" they are setting themselves up to enjoy nothing else in the future. Same thing has happened for comics, same thing for music, etc....

    You are starting to sound like one of these guys......


  3. So it's mindless schlock with lots of big booms, like everything else we've seen this summer?

    No, it's just the fact that it is not a "perfect" film. There are flaws, there are some things that don't make sense, but as a good way to kill two hours with one of the greatest cinema heros' of modern times, its fine entertainment. I just know that a lot of haters here will pick up on flaws and use them to paint this film as the worst piece of crap ever made. Same as whats been going on with other great cinema experiences this "summer", (by the way, its winter here, bloody freezing, and we have to go out in freezing weather to see these films so we don't want to waste our time. Please don't assume what we all live in the Northern Hemisphere.), such as Pacific Rim and Man of Steel. Sure, none of these films are perfect, but more people want to see "Grown-Ups 2"?

    If we don't support SF genre stuff, Adam Sandler movies are all we are going to get. And I am not saying put up with crap either.

  4. That reminds me, another thing I hated:

    The fact that the asian chick walks up to the landing helicopter with an umbrella... If you ever walk up to a landing helicopter, there is so much down force, loose pockets will be ripped off of your clothes. That umbrella would have been ripped to the frame as she walked out of the hanger.

    Its in the *FUTURE*, they have solved *all* of those problems......

    Are you hitting on me?

    Secret desires exposed.

    All I've got to say is this.....

  5. i_frankenstein_ver3_xlg.jpg

    Hmmmm. "Based on the graphic novel". "From the producers of Underworld". Aaron Eckhart, Bill Nighy.

    I'm sure that we will get the usual barrage of "No", "Not interested", etc from the haters who are going to hate, but there is enough here to get me interested. It's gotta be better than 1994's "Mary Shelley's Frankenstein", so we will just have to wait and see.

    Anybody read the graphic novel?

  6. Saw it

    • The racism of having the russians be all stoic and angry looking, the Aussies being fist fighters,

    If you knew anything about Australia you would know that it wasn't any fist fighting cliche that we were going to be offended about. Those accents though.....

    Saw it

    • The cliche of saying "with our global warming and pollution we have practically tera-formed this world for the aliens. Just HAD to throw a political message in there eh!?

    I would prefer a movie that says something rather than a film that doesn't say *anything*. Go back to Bayformers Agent One.

  7. I just got back from seeing it, it was just Top Gun with mechs, very mediocre outside of the fight scenes.

    I also had to call bull on Gypsy being able to function after Leather Back's EMP attack. Electromagnetic Pulses = Electrical devices shutting down OF ALL VARIETIES NOT JUST THE DIGITAL ONES! The final fight was also very disappointing. What the hell made *looks up name* Slattern a cat 5 anyway? All it had was three spear tails. I doubt these categories meant anything other than how toxic their blood was. Hmm what else- Oh yeah! I had to restrain myself from laughing when Leatherback sent Eureka Striker out of commission, I came close to bursting in laughter like I did with Scary Movie 5 while thinking "You over confident kaiju murdering dick, look how powerless you are now!" Would have been better if the kaiju destroyed it there, but nope, had to do that in the next battle.

    I guess this will be like Transformers: Get the cliches done in the first movie to make it mediocre, wait for the sequel when the good stuff comes.

    FFS! LOL!!


  8. Saw it. Enjoyed it. I found myself sometimes wishing that it was a little darker, or maybe more serious, but I truly appreciated the movie for what it is.

    Yeah, the director is supposed to have said that he wanted this to have a lighter tone than a lot of other summer blockbusters. Good way to go. No point in the movie taking itself *too* seriously, it's all meant to be fun.

    Any nominations for "best moment in the film".

    I loved the part where the Kaiju grabbed Gipsy Joker, unfurled its wings and took off. Spectacular. Also the bit with the metal bouncy balls getting set off in the office.

  9. Money grab. Look one post up. Had he intended it to be best viewed in IMAX 3D, he'd have used IMAX 3D cameras. He didn't--he filmed it in 2D.

    Regardless of the process, it looked great in IMAX 3D. Don't make judgements on things you haven't seen.....(I was looking up at the screen several times thinking "Monster is going to eeeat meeeeeeeee!!!!!") *VERY* effective....


    I really enjoyed it. Pretty much everything I expected it to be. Saw it in IMAX 3D and they gave us a cool mini-poster as we went in.

    The action was great, the general layout of the story was a *bit* unconventional. The Imax 3D sensation was great. A bit of vertigo at times. Del Toro used a lot of good angles to capture the action.

    Cast was great. Worst Australian accents since Evil Angels (a dingo took my barrr-beeee), Fellow Aussies will know what I am talking about. Yeah, I see no need to go into spoiler territory yet either, I will wait for others to see it.

    Highly recommended, see it on a big screen, I'm going to see it again tomorrow morning.

  11. When I heard that this film was being made and Depp would be painted up to play Tonto, I thought "Really? In this day and age?" It truly is an outmoded form of performance, from a time when films could have racist humour and the like. Depp should have known better, of course, but how much money were they waving at him to do this. More than they were waving at Hammer, I'll bet.

    The other *massive* issue with this film, as critics have been pointing out, is that as a Western it is unlikely to do much successful business beyond the US domestic market. First "John Carter" and now this? I think that major studios are going to start burying their old "tentpole films" once and for all......

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