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Everything posted by omniherc

  1. Well, first off I'd just like to say hello to everyone. I did see the Macross newbie Q&A topic, but I got the impression that was more for questions about things in the show. Same with the buying and selling forum, I assume this is the better place for questions like this. Until very recently I had never heard of Macross or Robotech for that matter. The Space Channel is currently running the Robotech episodes and this was the first time I saw them. I really enjoyed them (Macross Saga) and as with everything I like, I went online to research as much about it as possible. This quickly led me to Macross. Always being a fan of the originals and older stuff in general, Macross caught my eye. So I looked around for some boxed sets and found them on the Robotech site. Set A http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=93 Restored, Japanese with Eng Subtitles. Set B http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=242 Restored, English Dub & Japanese with Eng Subtitles. Now I have a few questions about these two sets. About the animation: They are both restored, does one look better than the other or are they both the same? Are they both the original (as in all the same scenes only touched up animation)? About the subtitles: I have run into some truly horrible subtitles before and I, having no knowledge of the Japanese language, have no way to tell if they are faithful to what is going on or if liberties are taken. Is either one less true to the story with Japanese audio + Eng Subs? If they are both the same, does one look better than the other? About the Dub: I am under the impression that Set B can be watched in Japanese with subs or an English Dub. I have nothing wrong with watching in Japanese with subs, hell I usually prefer that, but if the subs are the same as Set A, then I might as well go with the added option of English audio. There are times when I just throw on a movie and I am just too plain tired after work to bother looking at subtitles. That's about all the questions I have, thanks a ton for bothering to read them and hopefully answer them. After reading the differences between Robotech and Macross I am looking forward to the Macross story as I seem to like it's ideas a little more. Even though I only watched and learned about Robotech a couple weeks ago, I hope I like the voices in Macross even if they are the original, my first impression was the english Robotech ones and first impressions do stick. It will probly only take a bit of getting used to, same thing with the names. Again, Thanks and take it easy.
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