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Posts posted by VFX

  1. So, where are all the other VF-4 kits? I know many of you guys have the kit now, so show us some talent :p

    Not everybody got them. I guess I totally missed out on getting one. That's what I get for letting my job get n the way of my hobby life :(

    Anyway, VERY nice work. For a first resin, you should be VERY proud of yourself. I recently picked up a couple SHE VF-5000's and seeing your VF-4 makes me want to build them.

  2. I have. This kit has some issues, most of which I'm pretty sure are the fault of the original sculpt,

    ...I suspect it'll be a pretty damn good VF-11 :)


    Mine just came. I was thinking of locking it in gerwalk mode as I have 2 wave batroids. Any opinion on how the Wave kits would look next to this?

  3. I´m pretty sure it won´t be able to stand on one feet or imitate nifty martial arts poses a la Gundam...


    That's not a design issue as much as a ballast issue. THe Gundam MG kits have PVC internals that add weight to the lower logs to compensate for the bulk of the torso and arms. You can acheive the same results by glueing fishing weights to the insides of the lower legs.

  4. The sculpt of the Toynami VF-1 Super Poseables was far too stylized for my liking, especially the thighs and upper arms.



    Agreed. AND YES, I know the YF-1R is the Bastard step child of Macross designs, but Macross loyalty aside, I think the head is hot. SO I think it would look cool on a Hasegawa body. Can anybody takea pick of the figure next to a Hasegawa battroid kit?

  5. He's no Cody Kwok, but he's still better than what I'm currently capable of.

    I really don't like the face on that Priss figure, though....

    He's a good guy. Most Macross World-ers would know him from the replacement heads and cockpit shields he previously made and sold for the 1/55 Joons/Bandai Vf-1 toys.

  6. Another consideration is the surface that you are mounting the rub-on decal should be gloss painted, or atleast gloss coated for the rub-on to adhere properly. then a proper clear coat should be added after the decal is in place to seal and protect it.

  7. With only 20 of them in the world chances are not good you are even going to get one then. Are recasts a good/bad thing for these kits?

    For the modelling community recast of these kits are good. Especially for those who live outside of Japan who would have a snowballs chance in Hades of getting them otherwise.

    I don't feel that recasts effect the serious collectors market as collectors are only after an original for it collectable/investment value. I once recieved an email from a person chastizing me for building a numbered limited edition resin kit and posting pics. My response to him was, "I'm a modeller not a collector. If I can't build it, I don't want it."

  8. Hobbyfan is a very good business to deal with. But as others have indicated, the quality of their recasts will vary. I've gotten good and below average recasts from them.

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