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Posts posted by Lynx7725

  1. You guys gotta be careful here. Getting very confusing as to which series and upgrades you are referring to by now.

    For those not familiar with the Hardsuits, IIRC in the original series the Knight Sabers had a mid-series Hardsuit upgrade -- the above art of Priss' Hardsuit seems to be after the upgrade. Thing is, I'm no expert on BGC hardsuits, so the original series upgrades are fairly subtle and at least to me not easy to spot.

    To confuse the matter even more BGC2040 also had a mid-series upgrade, but the upgrade are very visibly different.

    So, we have actually 4 possible series of hardsuits to choose from:

    • Original Series, Original Hardsuits
    • Original Series, Upgraded Hardsuits (to further complicate matters, Priss' Hardsuit was apparently upgraded twice...)
    • BGC2040 Series, Original Hardsuits
    • BGC2040 Series, Upgraded Hardsuits

    Clearly, these aren't the BGC2040 upgrades, so we can rule those out. Which of the remaining three these are, sad to say I can't identify them. :) If we have a good back shot of the Hardsuits, we can safely eliminate or identify them as BGC2040 initial Hardsuits -- battery. :)

    EDIT: added BGC2040 initial key identifier item.

  2. Degraded pointless thread which simply shows the immaturity of some people here.

    Please nuke from orbit and lock.


    Yes, but it CAN be fun to pound on a dipsh!t from time to time.

    I grant you that it may be fun, but spend some time on the other end; it's not really a place where you want to be, and I've no wish to inflict that on anyone --- dipsh!ts included.

    Lock and Bolt please. Thanks.

  3. No, it doesn't come with a spare right missile pod, and no, the right Strike Cannon doesn't fit in the left booster, so we can't have a dual-Strike version.

    Siigh. I'm looking to outfit my Strike-1S with a Super pack instead. Maybe a recast?

  4. Oh yeah, big reasons. They give you better posability and stability, especially in GERWALK mode. It's a great thing, and yes, there have been pics here with the legs rotated.

    The only issue is, using that joint is a bit ugly.

  5. We are probably looking at a minimum of 3.5 months up to 6.5 months before the toy is released.


    Woohooo! More time to save!

    Just out of curiosity, how many are you going to get, Kensei? Or are you and Godzilla trying to corner the market on this? :D:lol::D

  6. Nothing's terribly wrong with your photography. Your depth of field is good and the focus is pretty good.

    Siiigh camera AI have gotten so good.

    Your lighting though.. needs work.

    You are using an extremely bright light source from the upper right, and against the whitish background it's creating a huge amount of glare. Not only that, the hood in 'bot mode is throwing back some glare.

    If you check your histogram, it's going to be skewed to the... right, IIRC.

    You can mitigate this by shifting the light source further back, and/ or use a slightly greyer/ darker background.

  7. Pics pple. Can't help you guys troubleshoot without pics.

    Laserstorm: You sure you got the right pegs in the right holes? The Strike-1S changes which pegs goes into which holes, due to the FAST packs on the legs and arms.

    Alternatively, could be your gunpod giving you problem. I dimly recall one of my gunpods have too small a hole for the peg, and it forces the arms apart (and thus a bit wobbly), but nothing a quite pass with a needle file won't fix.

  8. It hasn't been announced how it will be sold, but there were rumors flying around a while back that two versions are planned, the armor by itself and also sold bundled together with a Hikaru VF-1J, just like he 1/60 version. It would not surprise me if this were true.


    C'mon, give me a break Yamato. Bundle it with a CF-1A already.

  9. Uh, I don't think you'll ever see a massively multiplayer online game (MMOGs) that doesn't have a monthly charge.

    Uhm, not true. VitalSign is a MMOFPS (???!?!) that is, for the casual player, practically free after the initial s/w purchase (which is about USD5~6).

    The game isn't terribly good -- I've tried it, nothing really much more than a FPS with some online store to buy special equipment with virtual credits -- but you can play forever because they instituted a small daily topup of virtual credit.

    (FYI, every game you play will deduct from the credit too.)

    If you play beyond your credit limit, you get booted from the server.. You can add more by purchasing pre-paid card, but there's really no monthly charge AFAIK.

    Frankly speaking, I don't even play that game anymore, it's just.. pointless. Lots of leet teens do play it, it's like one big IRC channel with guns to them.

  10. No no Graham, tell us what you REALLY think! :)

    Actually, the groin piece? Depends largely on which valk you are trying to fit on. On my Strike-1S, the groin piece fitted well and stayed on.. but on my CF, it keep popping loose.

    I traced the problem to minute differences in the nosecone shape -- seems like the mold may have either degraded or some changes made, and when the GBP is designed the later valks were used, and no checks on backward compatibility was apparently done. Yamato ASS-U-ME'd.

    I was intending to extend the rod connectors on the groin piece so that it would reach deeper, but one, no time, two, cursory examination makes me wonder whether there's enough material there for me to work with...

    As for the hip connectors, I need to look at it a bit more. I do dislike the hip armour because it is so bulky it interferes with the hip posability. I might want to shave down the thickness there a bit.. or some other thing, I really need to think about it.

    The GBP is actually bulky enough that it's not really a toy no more.. so maybe it's not a bad thing for the hip to be so "loose". But, as an improvement, perhaps holes can be drilled into the hip joints and a pin/ brass rod inserted between the two hips so that there is more support?

    As it is, both my GBP-1S and GBP-1A are standing nicely in my cabinet.. rather impressive actually.

  11. Just outta curiosity, anybody have anything to say about the Mk. II? I'm trying to choose between that and the ZZ... (yes yes, ZZ outta win hands down, but still...)

    Quite simply, the Titan Mk. II is about the most playable GFF I have seen. Posability (including ability to hold a pose) and general hold-together ability is the best amongst the GFFs I have.

    I absolutely love my Titan Mk. II, to the point where I modded it to be even more sturdy. It's a great buy, if you can find it.

  12. Uh. . . will I be strung up if I point out that she sounds pretty terrible?

    Seriously, it's like she's doing an impression of Bill Murray doing his lounge singer act doing and impression of her. :)


    Yes, you should be strung up. :)

    Thanks Solscud.. appreciated.

    Bear in mind that unless Solscud has a very high end camera, the quality of recording tends to suffer (i.e. the capture is not at CD quality (44.1Khz), which is indistinguishable from a full recording to a human ear).

    Throw on top that wherever this location is probably is not well set up for vocal performances.. there is a reason why concert halls spend large sums to construct their halls in specific shapes and of specific materials. A concert in a acoustically designed hall is amazing, really.

    Having made all those excuses :) I do have to admit age is probably catching up with her.. Barring a few rough spots though, it's still a good performance.

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