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Posts posted by Lynx7725

  1. Has there been any proper ways to mod the banana nose syndrome?

    But it doesn't just stop there for mine, things are breaking off left right and centre on my poor Rook (jap name?) Legioss...

    I would love to display her, but she just doesn't sit pretty with all the other kick ass stuff.

    I'll pull her out of the box tonight, been a while, i bet something "else" will break just for my feline curiosity. :lol:

    Well, the banana-boat can be minimized, it's just that you do need to worry at the transformation a bit to get it to sit right -- the torso has to compress totally and the arms have to be at the right place to hook into the holes, after which you have to tweak here and there a bit. You can minimize the bend so that it's not that noticable, but AFAIK it doesn't quite go away.

    And yeah, the hands are kind of flaky. My Hoquet's right hand is cracked and that's kind of tricky to repair.

  2. Actually, you are right. The revoltech joints are visiually problematic when used on naked skin. So far, they got around it by not using it (e.g. Revy's elbow and knees).

    But I am still happy with what Revy can do, so all they really need to do is change the head and cos.

    I think it's good that Kaiyodo is avoiding putting revoltech joints on bare skin, even though it makes for a technically less proficient product. It shows Kaiyodo is more interested in giving the customers (us!) value for money, rather than a technological showpiece.

    Saber/ Dark Saber are exceptions, but generally speaking I think it's a bad idea to deploy revoltech joints on human figures. Mechanicals like Super Robots/ Destroids/ Labors go down well, but it takes a larger suspension of disbelief to get around the awkward joints on humaniod figures.

  3. Lynx, you seem a bit behind the times. A few misconceptions that have already been cleared up:

    1) Aoshima isn't really "producing" anything, Toynami is supplying Aoshima with these toys.

    2) The CMs corp Legioss/Tread has been delayed until some time next year

    3) The Toynami Beta is due out for a release this year, it will be available in paint schemes that match the original MPCs and the Aoshima versions.

    I don't think the arched back has been fixed but the landing gear looks to be touching the plastic in that picture which means any banana syndrome must be pretty mild on that mock-up (although it'll probably be much worse on the actual releases).

    Behind the times, am I? :D

    1) Precisely my point -- unless Aoshima gotten into the actual production (and hence correct the design-manufacture realisation problem), the banana-boat problem won't go away..

    2) Delayed yes, but I have faith in CM. Barring a massive C&D from license holders, I think the CM Legioss/ Tread would happen. Whereas...

    3) Heh, this is Toynami we're talking about. It's vapourware until it actually appears on the shelf.

  4. That did it. No Aoshimas for me. The ratcheted hip and the extra missiles aren't enough to justify it. I was waiting for improvenments on fighter mode, but since they aren't any I'll just wait for the CMs version.

    It's not really surprising that there are no changes to the banana-boat syndrome. That's a design-to-manufacturing realization problem; I'm guessing the design specs are too tight for whoever produced the mold, and unless you go back to redo the mold you can't get rid of the problem easily (Fans can mod it to work, but it doesn't happen on a production scale..). And economic theory would suggest Aoshima didn't redo the molds, because that would have been hugely expensive.

    The only thing I hope for is for Aoshima to produce better hands, and that some kind soul would provide recasts. I'm still gunning for CM's Legioss/ Tread, because that seems more probable than Toynami's vapourware Beta.

  5. I suppose, when we get to putting together wishlists on what we want, it's a good sign that a particular product line has reached critical mass with us..

    Revoltech is very nice but there are limitations. Kaiyodo has been very good at hiding the limits, but it's still there.

  6. Just got my Dark Saber. IMO not as good as Saber, but decent enough. Right elbow's sticking a bit too much for my liking.

    Revealed Excalibur is sweet, especially paired with Saber.

    Pics should be taken during the weekend. But lately work's been a royal PITA, so best effort.

    • Was logged out in the middle of MANY sessions.
    • Depends. Can be immediate (first login says ok then after redirection, you're logged out again), or in some cases longer. Stability rarely lasts longer than an hour, but recently has became better.
    • Yes, but two machines only. But bear in mind my country's ISP is limited so IPs might be repeated.
    • Yes, cookies cleared.
    • YES, cookies cleared. Multiple times.
    • Browser utils.
    • Ick. MW isn't my be-all, end-all. Clearing my cache is inconvenient for me as a user, due to usage of other sites -- suggesting this isn't a good solution, really. As it is, I didn't dump all my cookies, because of my other sites. I do have two IPB forums on regular visits and both had been giving problems, so I dumped the cookies for both. Seems to be working a lot better -- so it might be a problem with IPB cookies only, and for a certain version only.
    • Firefox at home, will give work info later but also Firefox, pre 2.0.
    • Uh, kinda private.. but those with admin rights who can see my IP would know. But I can say my ISP, because of geographical (in)significance, don't have a broad range of IP assigned to it.
  7. Anyone having particular problems staying logged in, even though you have set the forums to remember you? I'm running Firefox both at work and at home, and between refresh or clicks I'll get logged out (shows up as Guest) and have to relogin.

    Even relogin may not work -- the system will tell me I'm logged in but then on redirect I become logged out.

    Tried clearing the MW cookie, restarted Firefox, but still hitting the problem. It's not likely to be PC related, nor likely to be my (anal) work network, though it could be my ISP, but just want to check if anyone else is experiencing this.

  8. Thanks for jogging my memory. I remember seeing one of those on HLJ some time ago, but at the time I hadn't seen any of Fate/ Stay night so I forgot all about it. I've wasn't that impressed with the realistic head but the anime version definately has my attention. BTW how many versions of this figure exist? I've seen another one with a cloth costume.

    Great score BTW she looks awesome.

    Well, it depends.. If you are looking for statues/ figurines, there's quite a number of them, all in various poses and various stage of undress. :rolleyes:

    If you are looking for action figures, there's (AFAIK) only really three types: The Revoltech Saber (and the Dark Saber, of course), the EB Hyper Saber figure, and the Azone cloth costume version that you mentioned. All has some drawbacks, particularly the head sculpt.

  9. I'm getting sorely tempted to get Dark Saber. But let me get the EBcraft/ Koto Saber kitbash out of the way first.

    And now we know how Kaiyodo intends to make money with Dark Saber. They are packaging Excalibur with Dark Saber, so if you want normal Saber to use a revealed Excalibur, you sort of have to get Dark Saber.

  10. Oh I know what they meant, but let's face it; if a minor thing like this is getting under the allies skin; then may be they aren't allies at all. Same difference right? You got a guy that is an enemy to both, why the hell would something silly like nose art take precedence over the death of the enemy in the mind of the ally?

    The answer I want to write would have been way too political, so I'd not write it as such.

    I think it suffice to say that in certain regions, there are no allies, just temporary truces. In such cases, the "allies" are just as happy to gank you as to help you -- and you need them more than they need you in some instances.

    Do I think it's a tad over-the-top to ban nose art? Sure.. but somebody on the ground must have said something that eventually made its way up the channels. I think it's likely to be a case of weighing the (relatively) trivial cost of banning nose art vs. the potential of offending an "ally".

    OTOH, the part about offending the female members of the military does hold true to a certain extent. I mean, fun is fun, but people do tend to go overboard. Banning might be an overreaction though.

  11. Who cares if the paintjob is offensive, the thing it's painted on is meant to be a weapon, and weapons in general are offensive. If the paintjob in question happens to offend your enemy, so much the better I say.

    Heh, I think the concern is that it may offend the allies, not that it offends the enemy. If the enemy is more offended by a nose-art rather than the 1000-lb iron bomb just delivered to his backyard, well, the enemy's sense of priority is a bit screwed up.

  12. Ah, so now we know the real reason the USAF tried to get rid of the A-10 - it fires 3,000 rounds a minute at twenty UK pounds per shell! :)

    I don't know. Even a full load of ammo (1,350 rounds) only comes in at $54,000 (or 27000 pounds), that seems cheap to me. :)

  13. I think both of them ended up in a monastery, before meeting up again and history repeating itself.

    True. Morgan Kell ended up in a monastery, running away from what he had became. Yorinaga Kurita ended up in a monastery, trying to become what Morgan Kell had became.

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