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Posts posted by IXTL

  1. 1 hour ago, Tober said:

    Does NY still take requests to lower declared value amounts for people paying import taxes? I think you had to email customer service to request it.


    I doesn't actually affect me, just asking on behalf of others as I recall it helped with 'cost relief'...



    They seem to do it automatically for all orders, even when I specifically request for the actual value to be declared (for insurance reasons).

  2. On that note I'm really miffed that Delta didn't have a second add-on armor set or more variety for the weapon container. That would result provide more options for display. Oh well I can still hope they add them in the movies if they do produce them.

    Agreed. All we got was the sound booster and it was only used in one episode iirc.

    Wasted potential imo.

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