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Posts posted by orguss01

  1. Heck yeah it is...I am glad to see all this after the 'kinda' small customs turnout las year..

    I've always loved the bulging tanks on the leg armor, your sculpt looks so organic, good job..good job

    Holy crap that is awesome!

    Looks like someone is really burning the midnight oil.

    MWCON is going to be Insane this year.

  2. Whud ya mean???? i wrote momma,,,,, emailed her, text her, sent a pic message and even sent smoke signals to her about this build.....the painting on the valk really makes this complete....

    it looks OK... nothing to write momma about.


  3. Sooo how many are there out there now, NB4 and Sol have one as well????

    are these what was made from Exo's 1 of ??meaning you guys paid and received already????

    Or are these scratch builds?

  4. Hey my cousin is a business lawyer..not sure how much he knows about issues like this but if ya ever need someone to interpret legalize..

    I agree you should receive some type of $ compensation for your works.

    Even if it is just a one time consult fee..it would be great to receive royalties though...

    Link up with Exo and you guys could sell a package to Yamato...from the hrdcore to the world...think of it....

  5. So is this going to be eligible for the custom contest @MWC8????? cuz it just blew away everything that could possibly be made..should we just hand over the prize now.???.

    This is in a class of it's own, having parts made by pros and what not..

    Guess we can always have second place battle..

    NICE pics SOL...very pro., crisp and tight. Good lighting..

    Good job to everyone involved......From concept to completion..

    I vote we put this on the home page for the next few weeks.... (well as soon as they get it finished and new pics taken, with knee caps aligned.. :lol: ..)

    and a nice little section in the 1/48 customs section...

    Oh yeah... of course this will be at MWCon 2008... woohoo!
  6. Uh.... it's gonna get better........... :wacko:

    Send me a PM and I'll get you the price as soon as it's finalized. I'm gonna keep the business end of it only thru PM.

    Yeah I guess I didnt put the closed missile pod pic because the knee ws crooked. I plan to have more pics taken once the decals on the valks and the missiles are painted.... I can't wait to see this baby.

  7. ???WTF?? (rubs eyes) ah hell no..!!!.....what......????1/48???

    out of everything on this board,all the sick collections, amazing customs and fantastic scratchbuilds.... thissss..........my friend reallly makes me envious....

    well im off to do laundry(shat my pants again)!!!!

  8. Ok how about insomnia, inability to focus, frustration and blurry vision :wacko: .......................................................................oh you meant website behavior, my bad i was thinking of the symptoms Macross/Yam. has given me with all the new releases.....in that case, it's all good on this end. :lol:

    Please post here if you see any (new) odd behavior.



  9. I likeDrifands idea, leave this piece how it is and buy Orguss model kits.

    You can make them as accurate as you want....

    now if you just could find some kits.....(cleverly disguised sale thread plug, sorry no variable kits though.)

  10. -I like that Vf-25 Serapheem

    -Vf-25 Necromancer?

    -from Hebrew -Vf-25 Galeem, from the word "gaaallll" = wave.

    Isreal's Gal class submarine, first subs built from ground up, not refurb boat or other craft.

    GaL subs

    or -http://www.israeli-weapons.com/weapons/naval/gal/Gal.html

    -anyone have any other foreign names, grman ? japns.? mythical creatures?

    -ohh snap!!!!!! VF-25 Chupacabra!!!!!!!! :lol:

  11. As soon as Yams releases 1/60 ver.2 ,I have a headless/weaponless Hik.1A for ya...............................

    I was gonna attempt perfect variable but i want to wait till production pics of 1/60.

    I may have to still do it.... :unsure:

    Say $25 bux?

  12. hey Miriya did you scratch the valk shoulders?

    the prelim pics show the valk shoulders then on your later one you have only Rei shoulders.

    I like her either way, I'm just asking ..

  13. Yes sir, all good here now, I can confirm that I am now receiving my notifiacations, and I am using an AOL addy.

    Thanks chief.

    Now I gotta unsubscribe to a few threads, I forgot how full my inbox gets on a busy day...(insert prostitute joke :lol: )

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