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Posts posted by orguss01

  1. Oh yeah the big whale thingies are so cool ...infra sonic weapons..if you dont have a nice sound system hooked up... try it with headphones...crazy this may be Earths fate...i think animae has a way of projecting/ predicting if you will the worst that is possible..the freeedom to imagine and speculate...that show is abit short thought right compared to other OVA...

  2. Um, are all the valks erogenous zones supposed to be pink like that?

    Right.....my eye just "goes there" ....... :lol: Maybe its the jetfire nosecone,,all nice and round and soft,,(*eyes get all dreamy***)...,uh i digress...yeah get this guy a Taka nose...

  3. Yeah what Solscud said, "looks half asz",. :lol: .thats the exact thing i said when i saw them in the mag...Good minds think alike, better minds initiate action ....good one Solscud...

    Go Rohby>>>>>>>>>Cannot wait to see a full sets of armour>>>>>

  4. Well I would say that walker should sell for around 6k to 8k, 19k is way to much.

    This would be more fun to have.


    I smell the begining of recreational robot wars.....

    how bout the Atst with paint ball guns and a remote turret,...how bout putting that in your brat kid's "play room" for his 11th birthday cuz he likes SW...how bout ...........

  5. Where can I find more info on the mecha from Orguss?

    Do you know of the Orguss Shrine>>>>>>>?

    Nay, until today, I had not heard of that site. Mostly, I get my mecha info from mahq.net, as they have a ton of nice pics for both Macross and Gundam, but was kinda suprised to see that they have nothing on Orguss.

    Thats funny

    until today i wasnt aware of that site,

    but i've known of the Orguss site for a while...thanks for the link....

  6. [Acetone [nail polish remover] is good for cleaning glass .[like anybody here would ever clean glass.... cough cough :wacko: ]

    Hey Knta

    if you need to clean glass...try soaking you umm .."piece" in Kosher salt for about 20 min..then the uhm.. residue just falls off with a little swabbing..i always keep my 'glasses squeky clean>>> B))

    I hate the escence of acetone...

  7. hey, I was wondering if the extra right booster's front tip comes off? Or do you have to cut it off yourself in order to put on the strike cannon? I was suppose to have one in my posession but I couldn't afford it yet.  :( But soon, very soon I will have one! And hopefully by then rohby will still have some!  :p  :D  :lol:

    Rohby came to my house the other week and explained the whole thing to me, i guess you have to cut the tip off the fp and use like styrene or some type of flat material to glue the base of the strike to...

    I have not attempted yet because i am trying to figure way out to use the missle tip and stike, kinda like the

    OG strike ,,interchangeable,, i think it will require some work, but may be possible...our resident model masters may be able to figure this one out..

    oh yeah ..Rohby kicks azz...so does Solscud...JM rules.... :D

  8. Shawn.,,,,

    You are soooooo Hardcore...I love it....hey thanks again for the Vf-1s model a while back.... on Beta

    that is sweet..uh how you playing these...ah caught you, you still have a player dont you>>>???

    EDIT,...Just read throught original old post....Ebay huh....how bout photos of the beta player???

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