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Posts posted by Kamion

  1. I just bought the VB-6 after finding it with some directions from Monkey-N and Bariaburu Faita in Osaka. :) It's an amazing toy and I'm glad I bought it. I don't intend to transform it that much and will probably leave it in Gerwalk mode. It is rather hard to transform and I only transformed it from Shuttle to Gerwalk and back just to see that nothing falls off.

    Seems like it's soooo much cheaper in HK than here in Japan. I bought it for 15,540 yen - about USD160 I guess.

  2. Is this out yet? I'm sitting in Osaka at the moment and haven't really gone looking for a toy store just yet. Only saw a very expensive Q-Rau, Max & Milia 1/48s today at a departmental store. Would really like to get a Monster while I'm out here. Heading to Tokyo on the 4th. Somebody please PM me the address/directions to a good cheap toystore. :)

  3. I'm in half a mind to buycott Y*mato products from now on and remove all Y*mato reviews I've written from Macrossworld. If Y*mato want to be assh*oles, then so can I :angry:. This whole thing has left a very bitter taste in my mounth. Maybe one day soon, I should write the whole story on the forums, with lots of juicy pics. Sorry, for the OT rant, but this has been bugging me for quite a while now. Not quite at the stage where I'm going to burn all my Y*mato toys, but getting there.

    Hi guys,

    Just remember that Yamato is in this for the money and business only. We are emotionally involved because we love Macross. For them, it's just cold, hard business. Factors that are driving them are much different than factors that drive us. They will have their own reason for breaking contact with us. Most probably, we're so small fry that they realised they can't spare their personnel's time on us. Not an insult really. Just business. Of course we'll feel hurt. But just keep a steady head on.


  4. crap, didn't know it's out until today! :p

    d/ling now! can't wait!

    EDIT: REALLY SLOW!! 5kb/s... *faint*

    EDIT 2: Woke up this morning and it's finished! Speed must have crept up after a while. :) Will leave it open as long as I can.

  5. VF-1 is the numerical designation for an F-14 Tomcat Squadron of that time period. The Wolf Pack I think. All US Navy Fighter Squadrons had a VF number. Which is why they follow the same system in the TIAS:Macross Plus book for UN SPacy Fighter Squadrons, but they put an S at the start, (S for Spacy, or S for Space Im unsure.)

    Thus you have squadrons such as SVF-33

    I see... S... Super? :)

    What does the VF stand for then?

  6. No time soon. Since she lives in LA she regularly performs there.

    Every so often she comes back to Japan cause she has a fan club she has to do stuff for. But since she has no business in London I doubt she'll be performing there.

    Noooooo... :(

    Well, anyway, if the chance comes up, someone just mention London to her anyway... :rolleyes:

  7. EDIT: I mentioned this in a nother thread, but I might as well say it here, as well: Mari's going to be performing again at Genghis Cohen in Hollywood on August 13.

    Crap, when's she going to perform in London?? Someone please ask her the next time and let me KNOW!! :)

  8. I think there was supposed to be a full scene in the movie where the trailer came from, the bank robbery, and helicopter and how spiderman caught the helicopter... That was all axed from the movie... which is a shame cause it would have been a very good sequence... :(

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