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Everything posted by Robo-Mc

  1. Wow! Ask and thou shall receive! Things are sounding better and better. A few days since posting and I have enough research material to “get started”, thanks again all! I’ve had enough unexpected run-ins with restorations of various items to make myself paranoid going into “anything” without a schematic (broke a few fins off a motorcycle engine, almost broke my nose when a bolt assembly from a WWII K98 “sprung” up into my face). Unexplored country; gotta love it! This bad boy sounds like it has no engineering surprises though. I’ll go easy on those screws, and simple shimming is what I was hoping for; the ball joint mods you and skull have geared up is (way) beyond what I’ve even dreamt of. “Needed Scan of 1/55 Sticker sheets for TF JetFire complete or otherwise.” I got a Jetfire sticker set on its way for this first simple restoration. Those things aint cheap, but hey, it’s for a plastic and die-cast loved one. I’ll see if I can get a quality scan of the sheets posted for a little pay-back for the TON of good info I’ve received. I’ll shoot for like a week to get the sheet posted. Stand by.
  2. Thanks to both of you. The screwdriver encouragement is…well…. Encouraging! Skull-1, those are some “awesome” customizations. I’m hoping to do some serious paint jobs myself on my KOs using WWII War-bird paint schemes, maybe a retro shinny-jet-age scheme also, i.e. a Korean War era Saber. Yea, gotta love that “monkey”. I’m sure I’m not the only one whose gateway drug to Macross was Jetfire. One day as a kid in the 80s you're wondering why TFs can’t get the name, let alone the image, of your most beloved toy right, then you see this new show pop up that totally nailed it. Pretty soon you’re flying sorties with Rick Hunter via Jetfire because there are no decent comic-book shops carrying Japanese imports in corn country! Thus the 1/55 scale is “burned into your soul” forever. Fast forward to today and the “world (aka: internet) is our oyster”! I think my biggest concern right now is a leg joint. Once I get in there, if the ratcheting mechanism is too shot, I think I can fabricate something. Thanks again guys!
  3. Hello all. I’m new to the MW forums, and while I’m finding tons of GREAT reading, I’m not finding what I’m really in need of; maybe I’m just not looking in the right places. My question is this; is there any (comprehensive-centralized) restoration/ tips area, especially in regards to 1/55 scale? I’d like to give an old Bandai Jetfire a total breakdown and tighten up a joint here, touch up a scuff there; and am just wondering if there is a “tips/ pitfalls-to-avoid” area around anyplace before going in blind? I have a couple Bandai reissues and KOs, but I’m going to try fabricating joint parts, rather than cannibalize, if I have to. Thanks for any tips, or directions to tips, you may have.
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