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Vagabond Elf

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Posts posted by Vagabond Elf

  1. On 11/29/2021 at 2:17 PM, jvmacross said:

    I wonder if the "set" part was either removed because it was supposed to be a "surprise" when officially announced for PO or if it was not supposed to be sold as a "set" at all.....as far as I can tell that whole set wording is gone and had been taken down during the Tamashii event at some point....

    Will be great if it actually is sold as a set.....finally Bandai listening to their customers

    I'll put forward a contrary (and probably minority) opinion: because I want to build a Destroid Troop from my headcanon that consists of 2 Defenders and 4 Tomahawks, I really hope they [i]don't[/i] sell them as a set.  A couple Phalanxes would be cool, but I don't want 4 and I don't think I'd make back 50% of the set's value trying to sell just Phalanxes.

  2. 9 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    Unfortunately, it's not only up to Bandai........BW more or less "settled" the BW/HG grudge match by abandoning merch rights to anything "robotech" related outside of Japan.....sadly that means SDFM and for more dubious reasons...DYRL....

    I think Bandai will finish up the HMR line (assuming you are referring to what had already been teased/displayed), but it will probably do it for "Japan Only"....unless some devine intervention makes BW/HG come up with some additional deal for "joint" releases outside of Japan......I am personally not holding my breath

    Well, it's not as if the earlier Macross HMRs were available outside of Japan - not officially, anyway.  So I don't see how that changes anything for us.  I just want my Tomohawks and a second chance at the Regults.  :)

  3. On 3/1/2020 at 12:38 PM, Valkyrie Driver said:

    Which is actually one thing I adore about this fan community. "Oh, you like Macross II? That's cool, it's not my favorite, but you do you boo boo..." as opposed to "Current Disney canon is terrible and inconsistent and it's all childish trash, REEEEEE!!!!!"

    I'll take our relative indifference to outright hostility any day...

    Unless, of course, on is so gauche as to use the "R-word" here. The reaction is no longer vitriolic, but there's still little tolerance for that story.

  4. On 8/6/2019 at 8:28 PM, sketchley said:

    Vagabond Elf, do you have a link to a Canadian dictionary with that particular definition?  If not, I'm curious what the context is for that particular definition.  (Work/company?  School?)

    My source is an ex-RCN Chief Petty Officer I shared a university history class with.  Based on the definition Jenius found, I now conclude that his definition is jargon, rather than language. 


    ETA: The CNTL-SHIFT-V trick may solve a problem I've been having in LibreOffice; I'll have to try it out. Thanks for the tip!

  5. 20 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    What we see are a pair of VF-1EX's, training aircraft that've been retrofitted/modified with the EX-Gear cockpit system used by almost every 5th Generation VF.

    I hope this pedantry isn't too annoying - but misusing "retrofit" bugs me almost as much as using "effect" when it should be "affect."

    "Retrofit" means "to return to original condition." Installing new equipment is "refitting" or just plain "fitting." The VF-1EXs have been fitted with new cockpits. "Retrofitting" would involve returning them to the 1st gen cockpits.

    Thank you for your indulgence of my peculiarities. :D

  6. 22 hours ago, sh9000 said:

    You should at least check them out.


    I've always thought Drakkens looked like they belonged in Macross. Probably because of how they resemble the UEDF kite. 

  7. Soo...

    I've managed to lose one of Max's head lasers. Anyone have suggestions on how I might replace this? Beyond just buying another Max, of course.

    @sh9000: May I ask for a reminder of what you were using for heads for custom VF-1Js, in case that turns out to be a practical solution? I've tried searching but I'm on a tablet and the interface is just too awkward.


  8. On 2/4/2019 at 2:40 PM, TheLoneWolf said:

    I think that Bandai setup the HMR line as a testbed of sorts for neglected Macross toys. Notwithstanding the VF-1 (which was grandfathered in from the old HM line), that would explain why we've never seen blue-chip Macross toys in the HMR, such the VF-25's, VF-31's, and YF/VF-19's. For example, if a HMR toy sells exceptionally well, then that would put it on the short list for the DX treatment (eg: the DX 1/48 VF-1). And if a line consistently underperforms (eg: the Destroids), then Bandai would know not to throw more good money after the bad. Going back to your question, Bandai already knows that the YF/VF-19's sell well, so they're not a priority for the HMR. As for the YF-21, Bandai couldn't release that without committing itself to the YF-19.

    I realize that's an unusual business model, but it's the only one that I can think of that would explain why Bandai has released certain mecha in the HMR and not others.

    Have we seen anything that isn't from SFDM, DYRL?, or Macross II? And the non-Macross HMRs are from a shows that are also late 70s to early 90s, right? Maybe the people who choose the lineup just don't like shows filmed after 1992.

  9. 22 hours ago, mickyg said:

    I think the red accents will work well also.  However, the TV HMR Valks come with the red backed missiles and they do look a bit "much" in my opinion.  I'm hoping to come up with a way to make it look a little more realistic.  I'm not sure there are any real world examples of missiles with huge red sections to draw from, but I'll see what I can find.

    Perhaps a red seeker cap and a thinner red stripe near the fins?


    I found this:


    Which discusses a few RAF weapons. It might give you ideas. 

  10. 20 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

     semi-active homing is vanishingly rare except on bombs since it necessitates a firing aircraft stay relatively in line with the missile.

    I thought real-world HARMs were considered semi-active? Although I suppose in Macross a HARM would be able to go active if the emitter shut down, so even then the term wouldn't really apply.

    16 hours ago, mickyg said:


    Which is what I was going to attempt.  But perhaps that'd be adopting the less commonly shown version.

    Maybe I'll do a mix of all white and this one shown here and call it good...

    It is of course your display, and you should prioritise what makes you the most satisfied. My approach, though, is usually less "this exactly matches the official art" and more "this is vaguely justifiable and looks good." It sounds to me like you want to go with "looks good" and are hung up on "but it's not 'correct'." If so, you simply need to decide which parameter is more important to you.

    I do think the mix would look cool, FWIW.

  11. 20 hours ago, mickyg said:

     Any ideas which is actually correct for SDFM and Hikaru's personal machine?

    This is of course just my opinion, but I've always interpreted it as:

    The plain white is an animation shortcut and not what the "real" missile looks like; the other two colour schemes denote different warhead or seeker types. For example perhaps the red nose is a proximity-fragmentation for large area of effect whilst the black stripe is a HESH or HEAP warhead for anti-armour work; or perhaps the red nose is a fire-and-forget heat-seeker whilst the black nose is a semi-active radar-seeker.


    Thus in my mind, either colour scheme (or a mix!) is "correct" for Hikaru depending on what his mission profile was that day.

  12. On 10/25/2018 at 7:58 AM, Lolicon said:

    I was looking at the numbering on the wings. Looks odd, is all. I'll probably take them off with some turpenoid (much more effective than alcohol). Not sure why all the modex numbers are 01 when it should be 101 like on the front fuselage. Guess the UN Spacy is really cutting back on the painting budget.


    I couldn't find any pics in a brief online search, but I have a book from the 1970s showing that USN planes were marked like that. The numbers on the flaps would be easy to read if you were walking behind a row of parked planes. I guess the navy just assumed you knew which squadron row you were walking through and decided individual numbers were enough!

  13. 23 hours ago, Arthurius said:

    Having alot of difficulties with the VF-1s messer for changing to fighter mode.  The legs wont peg into the arms or all line up well, and i now have paint scratch / removed on the peg of the leg that connects to the arms.

    Are they all like this?  Gerwalk works really great, but pretty disapointted i cant do fighter mode with my valk.  Any tricks?  Forget about tabbing and just sit loose?

    On the bright side, this is about the only scale i can actually manage to display valks in gerwalk mode.

    As the other poster said, check the arms. Every time I've had that kind of problem, the arms weren't quite right.


    Oops, ninjaed. I should have finished the thread before posting, sorry!

  14. Given that the point of a sale is to clear out merchandise that isn't moving, the drama in this thread seems a bit excessive...

    Of course, I'm a bit biased, since I think Black Friday is a hideous piece of exploitation and irresponsibility on the part of both stores and consumers in the States, and I'm very sad to see it gaining traction north of 49. So I rather approve of a store posting a sensible sale.

  15. I think it's her hair. She's wearing an itty bitty, black military style cap on the top and that's like a front pony tail thing (can you tell I have a daughter?) hanging down under it. Her hands are holding a whip out to cleverly hide her top bits, with the right one holding the handle, and the left, holding the end of the whip.

    I'm guessing the picture will potentially be more complete if you get the arms out of the way for Gerwalk or Battroid.

    Ah, she has a wedge cap on. (Formally known as a field service cap, unless you're an American, who call it a garrison cap, because Yanks don't wear berets in garrison, unlike the rest of the English speaking world.) Okay, that makes more sense.

  16. Why is it we have so many bloody YF-29 prototype variants instead of VF-29A/B/C/D...

    Well, in-universe it's pretty normal for real fighter aircraft to have a half-dozen or a dozen prototypes and pre-production aircraft built in order to find all the unexpected bits/places they did the math wrong/points that can be improved for use or production. So having five kicking about in Macross isn't unreasonable, if you accept that major characters got hold of them and none of them had unexpected defaults rendering them unsuitable for combat.

  17. I actually wanted 2 of these but without the itasha on the back. I wish we had the option.

    Me too. But since I really can't afford it anyway, it makes me less sad that I'm skipping it.

    It's a weird pic, though - she's pumping her fist in the air, fair enough, but her upper arm is just missing. It's like her elbow grows out of her collar bone...

  18. Nope, it's the other side. Sorry, I tried!

    I still appreciate the offer!

    Overall, it's not as bad as I thought. The green color could use some lightening. You can at least take the ventral antenna fin off.

    I find the green looks quite good next to my 1/48 Kakizaki. And yeah, I took the ventral fin off, too - I'm not a stickler for show accurate, and it looks so much better without it.

  19. Mine came today, nice and shiny and smooth... super stiff on the hips.

    I don't have pics because I can't find my camera. :/ But it's all good - except that one of the breastplate flaps is missing! That's not worth trying to exchange it in my opinion, but if anyone ends up with an extra, please think of me!

  20. Oh, no, I got it, I only mean I find it silly that they're bundling in the plain wings at all, because I'd never see a reason to use them. To me, that feels like bundling a VHS copy of a new movie in with the bluray disc, and I'd rather they just leave them out and lower the price. I guess some people are just really adamant about having that set of flawless wings. *shrug*

    Or the plain wings are gangmolded with the shoulders or shins or some other essential part, so they have to be cast no matter what. At which point we're paying for them anyway, so they may as well include them.

  21. Ok. We'll see. I don't have much interest in it. A few people have asked about a YetiStand adapter to replace the geriatric adapter it comes with. How about a free YetiStand adapter for the RVF-171 for anyone willing to loan one out? Preferably someone close to 55430. Maybe even meet up in person.

    I'll be in Rochester for the week-end of May 30th, probably, but for the most part I'm not even in the same country. :D

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