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Posts posted by rusted180

  1. Hey fellas..

    Been a looong time posting.. actually i think i posted 2 years ago before i left for japan. 

    Anywho. I NEED HELP from some of you who are knowledgeable about DYRL  production staff. 

    So my question is.. considering Shoji Kawamori was one of the two directors, did he sketch up the stoyboards and layouts for the movie? 

    I've been obsessing over this for the last week and i cant find info anywhere.. 

    Ive shared my production art collection several years ago on this forum but recently ive been haunted by this question..

    I have three layouts from the production and trying to figure out if he sketched these up. *if you pay close attention to the handwriting on there, you can tell it's his writing *if you cross reference his notes and writing elsewhere... Also, the sketch appears to be his style too. 

    Please help argh! Driving me crazy! 20190312_145826.thumb.jpg.2d3984d32b1fc3828420fd8b38b0720a.jpg20210311_031157.thumb.jpg.e9de7747a7dcbfbbc6b1cdf51651b057.jpg20210311_030334.thumb.jpg.72e26bee46830c74bb62a6daa47416d3.jpg

  2. 8 minutes ago, gingaio said:

    I should have been better about at least learning more broken Japanese, but my wife and I were able to get around okay (neither of us speaks Japanese). I never really needed to converse much, though, as I wasn't on the hunt for anything in particular. Just looking around, mostly. And we were able to navigate okay just using our phones. A lot of Japanese people speak at least a tiny bit of basic English, but I try not to presume that when I travel, though I also rely on that more than I should. 

    Nakano Broadway is a good place to lose yourself for a few hours if you're not inclined to wander the streets from one shopping center to another in Akihabara and Den-Den Town. There are several floors' worth of Mandarake just in that one building alone. It's a nerd mecca, a very big one, and you'll probably see as many foreigners as you do actual Japanese people.   

    This last trip, I asked my wife to be patient with me for Nakano Broadway. She's kind of a nerd, too, so that worked out well. Just don't forget to make time for stuff besides the toys. I liked seeing the deer at Nara, and Tokyo Bay was great (okay, so there's a life-sized Gundam there).

    The highlight of my trips so far, though, have been the Michelin-starred ramen joint Nakiryu (much better than Tsuta, IMO), and Fuji-Q and Aokigahara. We had a guide take us on a four-hour hike through the forest, in chilly January, and it was amazing. And as cool as Jungle was, my favorite part of Osaka wasn't Jungle, but the aquarium.

    Yeah i hear ya! This will be my second time there.. went about 20 yrs ago..

    My wife was never into anime like me... my daughter used to be.. but not so much anymore now... i missed that. Watched fist of the north star movie with her when she was 12.. lol! She was speechless.. but couldnt stop watching it with me. 

    Yeah.. we're gonna mostly be with a tour group.. but we will have one day free in osaka. We'll definitely be hitting up dotonbori and the castle! But it'll be a crime if i didnt hit up toy stores. 

    Anywho. Thanks for all the info and advice! All u guys have been helpful


  3. 2 hours ago, Arkham said:

    If you don't mind me asking a stupid question, you need to be a fluent Japanese speaker to visit the store? Does the staff speak English or some other language?



    Good question!

  4. 2 hours ago, Dashgtr said:

    All the shops are scattered around so u need to walk around...there are a few big ones by the main road as there are some smaller ones in the small roads...prices are slightly higher than Tokyo...

    Whoa... i heard osaka is cheaper.. no?? 

    Well ill definitely be on the lookout.. i just hope my daughter and wife will be patient with me..

  5. Hey fellas, 

    Not sure if this is the right topic to discuss on this part of the forum.. sorry guys if im posting this in the wrong place...(mods, please let me know where i can post this sort of topic if im in the wrong..) 

    but I was wondering if anyone has visited osaka or lives there that know of any good toy store near dotonbori that sell a good selection of retro toys from the 70-80s, macross toys, or a good selection of gundam toys... 

    Im only going to have 1 whole day to check out the city since the rest of the week will be with a tour group. 

    thanks again as always1 



  6. Whoa.. good point there! Never thought about that. True.. i can see how they would produce less of em.. makes sense.. but im still surprised over the value of the newer ones being more! Sheesh! I guess i better bite the bullet.

  7. Huh... i see.. makes me wonder if some of my 84 bandai boxed ones were molested at some point.. 

    Well.. makes sense.. 

    I dont know too much about g1 transformer toys...but u think theyve been hacked as well? I cant see how some would go under the cracks and be sold as originals.. keep in mind.. i am aware the tf reissues have slight differences.. but maybe ppl frankenstein those too and box them up and sell em as original.. 

    Man.. it's scary out there 

  8. Right?? Thats what i was thinking. 

    You would think that the older ones would have more value. 

    Picture this.. it'd be like the reissue g1 transformers that are discontinued  commanding a higher price than the original g1 transformers..


  9. Quick question.. i was searching around ebay.. and i noticed that the origin of valkyries and 2002 reissues are more expensive than boxed takatokus or bandai 1984 dyrl valks, which are in great to mint shape. why is that so?

    Only thing i could come up with is maybe demand? Maybe ppl want the reissues more cuz they're superior in quality.. 

    Any ideas guys?


  10. Hey thanks for the reply! I haven't broke opened my valk yet.. but hopefully jave something in my tamiya rc car spare screws bin..

    Anyone has any idea about gettingreplacement springs for the hinges? Or any comparable ones out there that will fit?

    Any chunky experts here?

    Thanks again guys!

  11. Hey fellas! Long time member.. haven't posted in ages!!

    Anywho! It's good to be back. Just started getting back into macross. To celebrate, i just picked up 2 loose 1/55 valks. However, due to age, the joints are hella tight.. almost feel like theyre gonna snap when turned. Esp the forearm swivel. 

    Also the screws are rusted. 

    Anyone happen to know what screw sizes fit as a replacement? How about spring replacements in the legs? Let's say at some hardware store. Also, any tips on how to loosen up the movement of the non-spring joints.. would WD40 work to loosen it?

    Thanks for help in the past and now! Im just happy im back in!


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