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Posts posted by Murphy

  1. Still want my damn Super Ostrich re-do.

    If Arcadia does a super ostrich re-release I hope they release it with 4 pilot figures, the regular Hikaru and Minmay in their flight suits, and Hikaru and Misa in their utility uniforms. So I can reenact the boosterless crash next to the Prometheus.

  2. So I was able to get 2 preorders in, one at cd japan and the other at nippon yasan.

    At amiami I was there right at 12:00 or 12:01 and got the add to cart button, pressed it and the next window said sold out, kept refreshing till about 12:04 then got another at to cart button but after I pressed it it said server timed out, after that my middle finger was extended at the screen for about 10 min. Then check the usual spots and nothing, then I checked cd japan they had preorders open till about 12:40 ish snagged one but almost at retail at 20000 yen, whatever I didnt care I wanted one and got one, then I went off to watch a movie and after just by chance I checked nippon yasan at about 3:00am and PO where open so I snagged another one at $188.28 and it seem to be the last one.

    Wierd it seems the price ths morning is $187.62 at NY

    So I hope you guys had some luck getting yours!

  3. I made ​​a mistake in turning the chest, the 'right after I took the pictures : (

    I don't understand what exactly happened, but I hope your valks ok.

    So when I was transforming the 19 back to fighter mode I was pulling up the chest from the nose and was so tight that my finger slipped and got sliced open from one of the flaps under the nose that folds in. It now has a stress mark in that flap but at least it's not broken or noticeable, you have to really look close to see it.

    As for tightening the feet what you do is extend the feet out so you can see the screws on back of the ankles and on the 2 inside the feet area. You can tighten the ones on the top of the ankle just fine with a Phillips head screw driver. The feet however are harder to get to, look on bottom of the feet and unscrew each foot then you can take off the "foot covers" to make the ankle screws more assessable. Then just tighten the screws and replace the feet. This worked for me, but if you really want to tighten the ankles your going to have to go one step further and knock out 2 pins in the foot to fully take apart the feet and apply glue or whatever on the ball joint to add friction.

  4. I am curious about that as well?

    Oh, on second look it closes up that gap in the shield... I'm not sure why that even matters, really.

    Actually when in fighter mode the tabs slid out cover a small gap, and in battroid mode slid in makes the shield look better, small details that's why I like in the new yf-19.

  5. I still have mine too, I can't get rid of it because it was my first macross Valk also, and I thought it looked so awesome back then. I think I paid $100 total including shipping back in 1999 or was it 2000 I don't remember but I do remember thinking I paid more than I ever would for a toy, now paying close to $300 for a new one I didn't even think of it and hit the preorder button.

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